东南站 大闸蟹:live fresh water crab
包公鱼:Plectorhynchus cinctus(Grunt)
西湖糖醋鱼(西湖醋鱼):West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy
水煮鱼:Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil
热干面:hot dry noodles/hot noodles with sesame paste
佛跳墙:Fotiaoqiang--Steamed Abalone with Shark’s Fin and Fish Maw in Broth (Lured by its delicious aroma even the Buddha jumped over the wall to eat this dish.)
叉烧:barbecued pork
蛋挞:egg tart
西南站 毛氏红烧肉:Mao braised pork with grown sauce
火锅:hot pot/chafing dish
过桥米线:crossing-over bridge rice noodles
麻辣香锅:hot-spicy pot
西北站 刀削面:Sliced noodles
肉夹馍:marinated meat in baked bun
凉皮:Steamed Cold Noodles
拉面:dough pulled into strips for noodles
青稞:highland barley
羊肉串: xishish kebob/Xinjiang mutton keBaBs (kaBoBs)
大盘鸡:stir-fried chicken with big dish
牦牛肉:Yak meat
豪爽的西北人民啊,好想坐在草地上,围着熊熊的篝火,大碗喝酒,大块吃肉啊~~ 作者: 李武军 时间: 2011-9-30 21:41
they all look like delicious. I want to eat them.作者: Rachel0818 时间: 2011-10-1 21:45
I want to eat all of them.作者: dragon520 时间: 2011-10-2 20:54
hot dry noodles
Haha,so interesting.作者: dnshu 时间: 2011-10-3 08:32