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标题: BUSINESS ENGLISH-ZT from fltrp book [打印本页]

作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 12:01     标题: BUSINESS ENGLISH-ZT from fltrp book

age peer
A: Who was promoted the fastest in his peer group?
B: John became a section chief two years earlier than his age peers.

* age peer可解释为有着同等资历的同事(those with the same seniority),或者是同时期加入公司的同事(those who entered the company at the same time).
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 12:03     标题: aging of the workers

A: What is the average age of employees in your company?
B: Thirty-two years old. Due to the rapid aging of the non-production workers, however, that will rise to about 40 in ten years' time.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 12:09     标题: apple-polisher

A: Everybody says that he has become a manager faster than his peers because he is a great apple-polisher.
B: I agree. I hope his apple-polishing will not work any more.

apple-polisher 拍马屁的人/阿谀奉承的人;同义词有flatterer, sycophant, toady, egg sucker等
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 12:11     标题: assignment

A: How have you been? I haven't seen you for months.

B: I just returned from a two-year assignment in London.

A: Is that true? I didn't know that at all.

* assignment 是"被分配的任务", "被委派的职位"的意思.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 12:14     标题: attend a conference

A: Would it be possible to see Mr. Zhou for just a moment?

B: I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou has to attend a conference now. He will be able to see you tomorrow.

* attend a conference: 出席会议;也可说 take part in/participate in a meeting;
举行会议则是 hold/call a meeting
会议室: conference room
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 13:34     标题: be appointed (general manager)

A: Congratulations on your promotion! What is your new title?

B: Thank you. Just last week, I was appointed general manager responsible for the export of ABC-branded products.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 13:35     标题: be absent from the office

A: I have a terrible headache and will be absent from the office today.

B: That's too bad. Take care. Hope you'll be O.K. tomorrow.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 13:37     标题: be demoted

A: He doesn't look very happy recently. Do you know what happened?

B: He has been demoted from general manager to just an ordinary manager.

* be demoted = be degraded, be downgraded
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 13:38     标题: be in charge of ~

A: What do you actually do in your company?

B: I am in charge of export sales.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 13:39     标题: be out of the office

A: Could I speak to Mr. He?
B: I'm sorry he is out of the office now. He should be back after lunch.
A: Then I'll call again in the afternoon.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 13:42     标题: business card

A: How do you do, Mr. Smith? I'm Susanna He and I'm very pleased to meet you. This is my business card.
B: The pleasure is mine, Miss He. I'm George Smith. I'm terribly sorry, but I have run out of my name cards.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 13:57     标题: be tied up

A: This is Matthew. He. Would you put me through to Ms. Betty Zhou, please?
B: I'm sorry she is tied up at the moment.
A: What time will she be available then?

* be tied up/忙得不可开交;通常用于因忙着工作,以至没空接电话的情况. 也可简单地说: busy 或 not available.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 13:59     标题: be transferred to ~

A: Which office of the company do you work at?
B: I started at the head office in America, but was transferred to a branch office in Hong Kong last month.

* be transferred to ~/被调职~;也可用 relocate, move等.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 14:05     标题: cash cow

A: What is the cash cow of your company?
B: What do you mean by "cash cow"?
A: The business or product which earns the biggest profits.
B: Then the video tape recorder is our cash cow.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 14:37     标题: chief executive officer

A: Who is the chief executive officer of your company?
B: Mr. Andrew Brown, who is the president and the chief executive officer. In a Japanese company, the chairman, in most cases, is a titular position, and the president is the chief executive officer and concurrently chief operating officer.

[ 本帖最后由 ginbnag 于 2008-4-10 02:55 PM 编辑 ]
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 14:59     标题: circulate a letter

A: I received a letter from Tony who left our company several years ago. He says he has been promoted to general manager.
B: Great! Why don't you circulate Tony's letter among those who know him?

* circulate a letter/传阅信件. 在办公室内传阅的东西有: Circular notice (通告), interoffice memos (公司内的备忘录), documents (文件), proposals (建议书), correspondence (来往信件)等. "传阅"也可用 read and pass on来表达.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 15:01     标题: coffee break=tea break

A: How many coffee breaks do you have?
B: We have two coffee breaks. One in the morning, and one in the afternoon.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 15:02     标题: come to oder

A: I'm sorry, but Mr. Smith will be about ten minutes late. Could you wait for him?
B: Sorry. We should start all meetings on time. The meeting will please come to order.

* come to order: 会议开始.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 15:03     标题: come to the office

A: I am a little feverish, but I will come to the office.
B: That's not goo.d Take a day off.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 15:05     标题: come to work late

A: I understand that Japanese workers are diligent and seldom come to work late. Am I right?
B: Yes, tardiness is very rare.

* come to work late: 上班迟到. 也可以说: come late for work 或 be late for work. 迟到者: latecomer.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 15:09     标题: commute to work

A: From where do you commute to work and how?
B: I commute from Shatin by commuter trains.
A: How long does it take?
B: About two hours.

* commute to work: 乘公共车辆上下班
   commuting time: 上下班时间
   commuter trains: 市郊往返车
   commute over a long distance: 长距离路途上下班
   morning rush hours: 早上的繁忙时间.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 16:40     标题: corporate culture

A: I've heard a lot about corporate culture. Please tell me what the exact definition of the word is.
B: In short, corporate culture is the company values and beliefs which affect important managerial decision making.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 16:51     标题: co-worker

A: How often do you go out toe eat or drink after work with your co-workers?
B: At least once or twice every month I go out with my colleagues, because I believe that is the best way to get to know one another well.
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 16:56     标题: executive

A: I would like to interview a few executives in your company. Could you arrange it?
B: What do you mean by executives? How high should their position be?
A: They should be higher than section managers, if possible.

* executive: 原本指行政人员/主管等, 但今天,意思更扩大至泛指一般公司职员. executive 有"经营者", "主管", "执行者"的意思;vice president 是"副总裁", 若加上 executive, 便是"执行副总裁".
作者: ginbnag    时间: 2008-4-10 17:10     标题: expatriate (staff)

A: I will be sent to Spain as the manager of our factory in Madrid.

B: Congratulations. I understand that your company is very active in overseas operations. How large an expatriate staff do you have?
作者: woshiccye    时间: 2008-11-18 17:38

That's helpful! Thanks man
作者: LIXUEN    时间: 2008-11-19 21:44


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