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标题: 美语训练 [打印本页]

作者: 李武军    时间: 2011-9-20 08:19     标题: 美语训练


A:“美语训练班”上课啦! 我是杨琳。

B: 我是Donny!杨琳, 今天咱们学什么?

A: 今天咱们要去看哈利波特首映, 要去认识大学新室友,要聊聊工作中的压力, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“小三儿”和“白日做梦”。

B: Oh, I'm not a Harry Potter fan, and I don't see why anyone should become one.

A: 不是吧! 哈利波特超cool的好不好!

B: 好了,咱们先别争了,先来学个词儿吧!

Learn A Word energetic

今天我们要学的词是energetic. Energetic is spelled e-n-e-r-g-e-t-i-c, energetic. Energetic, 精力充沛的,有活力的。医生常说,睡眠对人体很重要。People who sleep well feel more energetic during the day and are more productive at work. 睡眠质量越好,白天精力越充沛,工作效率也越高。有研究显示,People who participate in start-up businesses are most likely to be energetic. 参与创业的人往往精力最充沛。钢琴演奏家朗朗的演奏向来充满活力。Langlang's piano performance is always very energetic. 好的, 今天我们学习的词是energetic, energetic, energetic.

A: Donny, I didn't sleep well last night. So I'm not very energetic today.

B: Yeah, I can tell your energy level is a bit low.

A: I need something to wake me up! 哎? 下面这个节目要讲“哈利波特”电影首映? 啊!一提起这个,我精神多啦!

B: 那好吧,哈迷,咱们赶紧来听今天的Popular American.

Popular American: Glam; Five o'clock shadow

各位听众,现在播送《流行美语》。今天 Larry 和李华一起去参加哈利波特的电影首映会。Li Hua 非常喜欢饰演哈利波特的丹尼尔.拉德克利夫,兴奋不已。Li Hua会学到两个常用语:Glam 和 Five o'clock shadow.

LH: 今天能见到丹尼尔拉德克利夫耶! 我的白马王子!!

LL: WOW. Lihua, you must be really excited to meet Harry Potter in person.

LH: 那当然,他简直是太帅了...

[The cast of Harry Potter walk out]

LL: Oh look, it's the cast! They sure look glam!

LH: Glam 是什么意思啊? 听起来好像 glamorous.

LL: You're absolutely correct! Glam means glamorous. It describes someone wearing fashionable clothing and make-up, especially when done excessively.

LH: 所以 glam 就是魅力四射的意思。那你又说尤其是用在过度打扮的人身上,这么说这个词有负面的意思喽?

LL: Not at all. Glam, like glamorous, is used to describe people who dress up in a way that they really stand out, but stand out in a good way. It is often used to describe celebrities.

LH: 原来如此。Glam 是用来形容打扮华丽的人,而不是过度打扮的人,所以形容明星最合适!那太好了,我一定要学起来,等会告诉丹尼尔。

LL: I'm sure Daniel Radcliffe will be very happy to hear it.

LH: Larry, you're such a glam today!

LL: Uh, thank you? Why are you saying it to me? I'm only wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

LH: 我只是想练习一下!免得等会搞砸了。哎,我这么说对吗?

LL: Well, you said "you're such a glam today". Which means you used the word glam as a noun. However, it is an adjective, just like the original word, glamorous. So you would have to say, "you're so glam today".

LH: 我明白了,glam 是形容词,所以我刚应该说 "you're so glam today",而不是 "you're such a glam today."

LL: Yup, that's right.

[The actors are slowly walking towards Larry and Li Hua's direction]

LH: 会看,那不是哈利嘛!哈利!哈利!

LL: Hmmm...slow down Lihua. Are you sure that's Harry? I didn't know Harry has a five o'clock shadow.

LH: 你在说什么呀!我说演哈利的丹尼尔来了,又没问你时间...而且现在才三点,别捣乱。

LL: No, I mean he has a beard. A five o'clock shadow is facial stubble, it sometimes describes a man's beard at the end of the day.

LH: 啊?原来 five o'clock shadow 是指胡子,就是男生一天下来,到下午五点就会长出来的一点点胡子, 所以人们就用 five o'clock shadow 来形容男生脸上的胡子茬子。

LL: Yes. That is correct. After a day's work, many men will have a noticeable growth of facial hair. Since most people finish work around five o'clock, it's called a five o'clock shadow.

LH: 啊,Larry, you have a five o'clock shadow too! 你今天早上没有刮胡子吧?

LL: No I don't. Do I? (try to distract Lihua) Look! Harry's getting closer, don't you want to take pictures?

LH: 唉呀!差点忘了。我的照相机...在...这!

[Li Hua zooms in to take a picture of Harry]

LH: 他真有 a five o'clock shadow 耶... 不过还是好帅!

LL: Ai, Li Hua. I didn't know you were so attracted to glam celebrities.

LH: Not all the glam celebrities. 只有哈利!

LL: But he has a five o'clock shadow. Didn't you say that you can't stand men who have a beard.

LH: 你是说他今天留胡子,所以我不应该喜欢吗!可是,他连留胡子都这么好看!哈利,哈利!!啊不对,丹尼尔!我都紧张得语无伦次了。

LL: Hey, practice using what you just learned! And tell him how handsome he is.

LH: Harry! You have a five o'clock shadow!!

LH: 等等, 我刚说了什么...

LL: Harry, she meant to say you are very glam!

LH: 哎, 真丢脸...

各位听众,今天李华从 Larry 那儿学到两个常用语,一个是 glam, 用来形容一个人魅力四射;另一个是, five o'clock shadow, 指男人的胡子茬子。这次《流行美语》播送完了,谢谢收听,下次节目再见。

B: So 杨琳,Why do you love Harry Potter so much?

A: 原因很多啊。不论怎样,哈利波特系列陪我走过了十年,再怎么说也有感情了啊!

B: 十年的感情也没什么大不了。A friend of mine and her husband got divorced after being married for 10 years.

A: 啊?结婚10年后离啦?是不是因为小三儿啊?

B: 好像还真是。

A: 唉,现在这种事儿可多了,怪不得电视剧里老演。说起小三儿,咱们来看看在美语里这种第三者该怎么说。

How to say it: mistress

Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是吴琼要问的:小三。

Jessica: 吴琼, 给我介绍一部好看的中文电视剧吧!

吴琼: 嗯。。。最近很流行小三剧,Do you like to watch "little three" shows,Jessica?

Jessica: Little three? What's that?

吴琼: 小三啊!你不知道吗? 就是外遇、情妇、第三者的意思。小三美语怎么说?不是 little three 吗?

Jessica: Haha! 小三 is called a mistress, or "the other woman."

吴琼: 哦,我知道了,妻子以外的那个女人, the other woman 就是小三。这些小三真可恶!人家夫妻好好的,她非要来插一脚。

Jessica: Calm down, I'm sure your boyfriend doesn't have one.

吴琼: 那当然。但我要是有朋友当别人的小三,我一定骂她,叫她不要去破坏别人家庭!这句话美语要怎么说?

Jessica: 你可以告诉她, Don't be a home-wrecker.

吴琼: Wreck, w-r-e-c-k, wreck 动词,有破坏的意思,所以 home-wrecker 就是破坏家庭的人。一提起小三我就。。。。

Jessica: 吴琼, you should really stop watching those TV shows, they're not good for you!

吴琼: 可是剧情很吸引人啊!我喜欢看她们勾心斗角。怎么说?

Jessica: In English, we use the verb scheme, S-C-H-E-M-E, scheme. To scheme means to make secret and devious plots.

吴琼: 我明白了,耍心眼,勾心斗角就是 to scheme. 哎呀,不早了,我得赶快回去看电视了!

Jessica: Hold on, before you leave, tell me what you've learned today!

吴琼: 第一,小三叫 mistress 或者 the other woman;

第二,破坏别人家庭的人是 home wrecker;

第三,耍心计是 to scheme!

A: 刚才的“美语怎么说”提到to scheme, 勾心斗角, 这让我想起了大学宿舍。

B:啊?What do you mean? Were your dorm mates scheming to bring each other down?

A: 差不多吧,反正大家勾心斗角得挺厉害的,尤其是大四找工作的时候。唉,回想大家刚进大学时,多单纯,多融洽啊!

B: I understand that. 其实何必呢,能当室友也是缘分嘛! 下面咱们来听“美语三级跳”,看看大学室友刚见面的情形。

GoEnglish: Where are you from--beginner


Professor: Kevin and Jose are roommates at college. Today they are moving into their room and meeting each other for the first time.

Winnie: Professor Bowman, 这可是件大事。我的第一个大学室友睡觉鼾声如雷,还经常偷吃我的东西,希望 Kevin 和 Jose 不会这样。

Professor: I hope so too. Let's listen.

Jose: Hello, I'm Jose. Are you Kevin, my roommate?

Kevin: Yes, I'm Kevin. It's very nice to meet you, Jose.

Jose: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from, Kevin?

Kevin: I'm from Ohio. How about you?

Jose: I'm from Mexico.

Winnie: 我就说嘛,Jose 不像个英文名字,原来他是墨西哥人。

Professor: Yes, Jose is a common name for Latin Americans in the US too.

Winnie: Kevin 是俄亥俄来的。他们好象能从彼此那里了解到不少对方的文化呢!比如说食物,我就特别爱吃墨西哥菜。

Professor: A lot of Americans do too. Let's listen.

Kevin: You're from Mexico? That's great! I studied Spanish in high school, and I love Mexican food.

Jose: Well, the Mexican food in America isn't always like the real Mexican food in Mexico.

Kevin: That's interesting. Where in Mexico are you from originally?

Jose: I was born in Mexico City.

Professor: So Winnie, what does Jose say about Mexican food in America?

Winnie: 他说美国的墨西哥菜不是真正的墨西哥菜。这我有同感,中国菜馆为了迎合美国人的口味,饭菜也都变了味道,怎么吃都觉得不对劲。还是让我们继续听 Kevin 跟 Jose 的对话吧。

Kevin: You were born in Mexico City? That's one of the biggest cities in the world. What is it like?

Jose: It's great. There are lots of people and it's very exciting.

Kevin: Wow. I was born and raised in a small town in Ohio.

Jose: What is it like there?

Kevin: The people are very friendly, and the life there is very relaxed.

Professor: Well Winnie, where did Jose and Kevin each grow up?

Winnie: Jose 是在墨西哥城长大的,Kevin 则来自俄亥俄州的一个小镇。

Professor: Yes. Kevin said he was "born and raised" in a small town. That means he was born and grew up in the same town.

Winnie: 哦,"Born and raised" 就是土生土长的意思。

Professor: Right. You might also hear people say "born and bred."

Kevin: How long have you been in America?

Jose: I've been in America for one year.

Kevin: Where have you been living?

Jose: I've been living with my cousin in a small town in California.

Professor: Did you hear how long Jose has been in America?

Winnie: 他来美国已经一年了。

Professor: And where has Jose been staying?

Winnie: 他一直住在加州的一个小镇里。看来,虽然 Kevin 和 Jose 来自不同国家,但还是有共同之处的,因为两人都熟悉小镇生活。

Professor: Yes they do. In this next section, listen for the word "pace," which means "speed."

Kevin: Did you like living in a small town in California?

Jose: I really liked it, but the pace of life is much slower than in Mexico City.

Kevin: I understand. If I went to Mexico City, I think the pace of life would be very fast for me.

Jose: Even though life in a small town is different, sometimes I like a change of pace.

Winnie: Kevin 和 Jose 都觉得,小镇里的 pace of life 生活节奏跟大城市很不一样。可是 Professor Bowman, Jose 说的 a change of "Peace" 是什么意思呢?

Professor: I think he meant to say "a change of pace." A change of pace is something you do to change your usual habits.

Winnie: 哦, 我明白了,a change of pace 就是偶尔换个花样。Kevin 和 Jose 聊得还挺投机的。Professor Bowman, 你觉得他们做室友合不合适?

Professor: We'll have to listen next time and find out!

A: Kevin和Jose一个来自美国小镇,一个来自墨西哥的大城市,这相处起来,不知道会不会互相看不顺眼。

B: I don't know, but they look like they're being pretty friendly to each other right now.


B: 对,压力会让人变得很奇怪。You aren't yourself when you're stressed out.

A: I wonder why that is.

B: 听听下面的Business Etiquette,也许能找到答案。


Business Etiquette: De-stressing I


Jim: Hey Claire, you've been really quiet these last few days. Is something wrong?

Claire: I've been really stressed. It's the end of the year and I've got so much stuff to do! I feel like I'm drowning in work.

J: Well, stress is a real thing. It's not an imaginary condition.

C: It's seriously affecting my life! I can't sleep, I don't have much of an appetite and my husband says I've been kind of short tempered. Other people seem to handle stress okay...why am I so weak?

Claire最近一直不太说话,原来是因为到年底了,有做不完的事情,I've been really stressed. 她感觉压力特别大。Claire说,I feel like I'm drowning in work. Drown, d-r-o-w-n, drown 溺水,在这里是一种比喻的说法,drown in work 意思是自己快要被工作压垮了。Claire不仅睡眠不好,食欲差,而且还动不动就发脾气,short tempered。大家都有压力,是不是只有Claire承压能力差呢? Jim说,

J: You're not're stressed out! Stress has been a part of the human condition for millions of years. Back when we still lived in the trees we had to watch out for predators...and as you might imagine, that was pretty stressful.

C: Yeah, but I don't see any tigers or leopards roaming around our office. My stress is just about silly paperwork!

J: But you're actually having the same reaction as our tree-dwelling ancestors! It's called the "flight or fight" response. Each time you feel like something's threatening you, your body decides whether to run away or causes all sorts of chemical reactions in the body.

Jim安慰Claire说,这是身体对过度压力所做出的反应,就好像原来住在树上的老祖宗,随时随地要watch out for predators警惕捕食者的来袭,虽然现代人压力的来源变了,但是Claire面对压力,身体做出的反应还是一样的,这种反应叫 flight or fight response,要在逃跑还是交战之间做出选择。Claire似懂非懂。

C: So a deadline will cause that same reaction?

J: It could. Modern humans actually have more "flight or fight" responses than our ancestors did. They just had a couple of close calls every day, but today, we have dozens or even hundreds!

C: So the life of a cave woman was less stressful than my life?

Jim说,跟生活在树上的老祖宗相比,现代人每天面对的flight or fight的情况更多。他们以前每天可能只有几次遇到危险 close calls,a close call指险些发生的厄运,比如 I was almost run over by a car. It was a close call. 我差点没被车撞到,太悬了。如果真像Jim说的,现代人比史前人类 cave man或是cave woman 面对的压力还大了?我们下次继续听。

A: Wow. 原始人也被压力折磨啊! 怪不得工作压力一大我就想回家睡觉,这就是flight or fight response, 而我本能地是想逃避。

B: If you always try to run away from your problems, you'll never amount to anything. 要在原始社会,你八成就得被饿死。

A: 那幸好我生活在现代社会。Besides, I'm not really weak. I can put myself together when I'm stressed out!


A: 所以咱们要听体育美语!

American sports English: underdog

P: Yang Chen, lets watch the women's final of the US Open.

Y: The US Open 美国网球公开赛,好啊。不过Patrick, 最近你怎么老是看女子网球比赛?

You like the female tennis players, right?

P: Well, I just love athletic competition. And the short skirts are a bonus.

Y: So which player are we cheering for ?

P: You can also say which player are we rooting for.


P: Well, you know me, Yang Chen. I always like to cheer for or root for the underdog.

Y: Underdog? Like a dog?

P: Actually, the underdog is the player or team who isn't expected to win.

Y: Oh I see. The underdog 就是处于弱势,不被看好的选手 。 Well, underdog 可不可以用在别的地方?

P: Sure. For example, I would love to date a famous tennis player. But with all the rich guys and movie stars chasing her, a regular guy like me would definitely be the underdog in the group.

Y: Oh come on. 你有great personality. 她一定会爱上你。

P: Gee.. thanks Yang Chen. Do you really mean it?

Y: HA! Of course not. You don't stand a chance buddy.

P: You mean it's a pipe dream? Wishful thinking?

Y: Yes. It is.你简直是白日做梦。

P: Would you ever miss a chance to humiliate me?

A: Donny, underdog是不被看好的一方,那被看好的一方,比赛的夺标大热门,是不是叫the favorite?

B: 没错。杨琳,Do you cheer for the underdog or the favorite?

A: 我通常是给弱队加油。我心肠软,觉得弱队可怜。

B: Well in that case, when you watch a Harry Potter movie, do you cheer for the bad guys? Remember, the all ended up defeated by Harry and his friends!


B: 原来你也是“外貌协会”的。 好了,今天的节目时间差不多了。这次的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!


作者: xiaotian330    时间: 2011-10-9 01:39

本帖最后由 xiaotian330 于 2012-1-28 18:17 编辑


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