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标题: 情景会话:我想我是有点想家了I’m feeling a little homesick [打印本页]

作者: eileengao    时间: 2011-9-15 14:19     标题: 情景会话:我想我是有点想家了I’m feeling a little homesick


A:Tom! How are you? We missed you at the party last night. Are you OK? 汤姆,你怎么了。昨晚聚会我们都很想你,你还好吗?

B:I don’t know.I didn’t really feel like going out.I guess I’m feeling a little homesick. 我不知道。我不想出去。我想我是有点想家了。

A:Come on.We’ve been through this already!Look,I know the adjustment was hard when you first got here, but we agreed that you were gonna try and deal with it. 振作起来。我们已经不想家了。看,我知道一开始来这里时会调整会有些困难,但是我们相信你尝试着去克服会处理好的。

B:I was. It’s just that the holidays are coming up and I won’t be able to home because I can’t afford the airfare. I’m just longing for some of the comforts of home, like my mom’s cooking and being around my family. 我试了。只是假期快来了,但是我却买不起飞机票,回不了家。我渴望家的温暖,比如妈妈做的菜和家人的团聚。

A:Yeah,it can get pretty lonely over the holidays. When I first got here, I’d get depressed and nostalgic for anything that reminded me of home. I almost let it get to me, but then I started going out, keeping myself busy and before I knew it, I was used to to it. 是啊,假期一个人确实很孤独。当我第一次来这里时,看见任何能让我想家的东西我都会感到压抑和想家。我几乎被压垮了,然后我开始出去活动,让自己保持忙碌。在我想家前,我已经适应了。

B:I see what you mean, but I ’m still bummed out. 我知道你所说的,但我还是很想家。

A:OK. how does this sound .let’s get you suited up and hit the dance club tonight.I hear that an awesome DJ is playing and there will be a lot of pretty single girls there! 好吧。打扮下自己,我们今晚去跳舞。我听说一个很棒的DJ会来而且还有很多漂亮的单身女孩,这个听起来如何?

B:You know, I could really go for that. You don’t mind being my wingman for tonight? 你知道,我可以去的。你不介意今晚做我的助手吧?

A:Not at all! It be fun! It will be like a boys’ night out... well kinda... 不介意。会很有意思的。那才像一个男孩子应出去做的事……

B:Great! I must warn you though, whatever happens, don’t let me go on a drinking binge. Trust me, it’s not a pretty picture! 好的。但是我必须警告你,无论发生什么,都不要让我狂饮。相信我,那看起来并不好。

homesick adj. 想家的
He left his job largely because he was homesick.   
afford vt. 买得起
He can afford an apartment.
long for 渴望
They long for a chance to visit Shanghai.  
nostalgic adj. 乡愁的
Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic.   
bummed out 失望
It\'s okay to feel bummed out.

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