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标题: 色情和罪恶在拉斯维加斯卷土重来 [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-10-10 16:46     标题: 色情和罪恶在拉斯维加斯卷土重来

Leave the Kids at Home

Sex and Sin Make a Comeback in Las Vegas

Las Vegas spent the 1990s trying to attract families by transforming itself into a kid-friendly entertainment paradise.
But children don't gamble, and they can distract their parents from gambling. So now the city is returning to its roots, with a new mantra: Leave the kids at home.
The family-oriented hotels that redefined Las Vegas over the last decade are switching to more adult fare, including topless revues. Newer hotels like the Palms are designed as adult-oriented party hotels, built around nightclubs and sexy shows rather than amusement parks and family restaurants.



City officials are abandoning the family-friendly line. "We want it to be an adult play land," said Mayor Oscar Goodman. "We want people to feel free. We want them to think that this is the place that they can come to and not have any inhibitions."
Family Central
At the beginning of the 1990s, Las Vegas was facing new competition from a boom in legal gambling on riverboats and Indian reservations. The city's gambling revenues plunged, declining by almost half a billion dollars in 1992 alone.
Las Vegas seemed tired, and needed to find a way to set itself apart from the rival gambling establishments that were popping up across the country. The city's leaders decided to make Vegas a spectacular "experience" that would attract whole families rather than single gamblers.
In less than 10 years, virtually every hotel on the Strip was demolished or rebuilt, at an estimated total cost of $12 billion. The new hotels were huge - 20 of the world's 23 largest hotels are in Las Vegas - and provided spectacular entertainment like the artificial volcano at the Mirage, which spewed out flames every 15 minutes after dark.

这座城市的官员正在废弃以家庭为目标的路线。Oscar Goodman市长说:"我们要使拉斯维加斯成为成人娱乐之地,使他们感到自由自在,我们要让他们感到来到本市就可以无拘无束了。"




One of the biggest of the new hotels, the 5,000-room MGM Grand, spent $100 million to build an amusement park so children would have somewhere to go while their parents gambled. "We really made a very concerted effort to try and focus on all of the nongambling aspects of Las Vegas," said Alan Feldman, vice president for public affairs for MGM Grand.
The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority launched an intensive advertising campaign aimed at families. Anthony Curtis, a professional blackjack player who publishes the Las Vegas Advisor, a consumer newsletter, says the aim was to remove the stigma of gambling: "This whole advertising campaign for Vegas was to remove that barrier, so the husband would go, 'It's OK. They've got pools. They've got shopping. They've got food. They've got something to do with Junior.'"
Kids and Gambling Don't Mix

拥有5000间客房的MGM Grand宾馆是新建的最大的旅馆之一,它投入了1亿美元建了一个娱乐公园,在大人们参赌时,孩子们也有游玩场所可去。MGMGrand负责公共事务的副总裁Alan Feldman说:"我们的确协同努力,力图把重点放在拉斯维加斯与赌博无关的方方面面。"拉斯维加斯公约与旅游局"针对家庭发起了猛烈的广告宣传攻势。职业21点庄牌玩家Anthony Gurtis出版了一本叫《拉斯维加斯顾问》的消费者手册,他说,宣传的目的是消除赌博的污名。他说:"关于拉斯维加斯的所有广告宣传活动都是要排除障碍,使丈夫能够来赌城,这里一切都令人满意,旅客能参赌,能逛店购物,品尝美食,还能和孩子们一起玩。"



The campaign succeeded in generating a slew of media stories about Las Vegas as a family destination. "That worked very, very well - until the people started actually coming with their kids," said Curtis.
Families came, and total visitor numbers to the city more than doubled in a decade. But casino owners found that the parents were spending too much time with their kids when they were supposed to be at the gambling tables. And those parents who did gamble often left their children unattended until late at night, in an environment where they were still exposed to adult temptations like X-rated pamphlets and billboards. Some parents worried that gambling might look like a little too much fun in this sanitized, family friendly world. "It's sort of tantalizing to watch them all play. I mean, I want to play too," a young boy told ABCNEWS while visiting the MGM Grand in 1993.
"I don't think Vegas really wanted the kids," said Curtis. "I think they wanted the non-gambling spouse."

宣传活动是成功的,它使媒体转向,开始鼓吹拉斯维加斯是家庭旅游的目的地。Curtis说:"这些工作非常有效,实际上,许多人已经带着孩子来此地了。"随着家庭的到来,该城的旅游者总数在10年中翻了两倍多。但是赌场的老板们却发现,他们本来应该厮守在赌桌旁的父母们,却在陪伴孩子身上消费了太多时间。而那些真正参赌的父母们常常丢下孩子不管,一直玩到深夜,而在这种环境下,孩子常常接触到那些对成人充满诱惑的东西,像淫秽宣传册子和广告传单。有些父母担心在充满家庭亲情和纯净的氛围下,参赌显得有一点过度纵乐。一位在1993年住过MGM Grand的男孩对美国广播公司说:"看大家都在赌,我心里很痒,也想睹一把。"说:"我不认为拉斯维加斯真想吸引孩子,我想它们想要吸引不参赌的配偶。"
The MGM Grand shut down its children's amusement park after just nine months. "It was not a huge success," Feldman said.
Back to Its Roots
Now Sin City is returning to what it does best: adult entertainment. The number of sex clubs has tripled in the last five years. On a busy Saturday night, more than 1,000 strippers perform in clubs along the Strip, where they can earn as much as $200,000 a year.
"Everybody's pushing and wanting a sexier Las Vegas," said Tracy Ault, who has been singing and dancing on the Strip for 10 years. "It's about the sexy, edgy entertainment, and looking at beautiful women and having a great cocktail with your buddies and having a hot night of fun."
During a post-Sept. 11 lull in business, Mayor Goodman gave the strip clubs a boost in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, urging "all able-bodied constituents" to "go out and have a lap dance."
   MGM Grand


   10年来,Tracy Ault一直在此地区唱歌跳舞,她说:"人人都渴望有一个色情的拉斯维加斯,来一些色情和紧张的娱乐,看看美女,与哥们一起畅饮鸡尾酒,度过一个有趣热闹的夜晚。
The big hotels are getting in on the act too, opening revues that feature near-naked dancers. The hotel show with the most nudity is at the MGM Grand. Called "La Femme," it features topless and nude dancers from the famous Crazy Horse revue in Paris. Mainstream entertainers are spicing their acts up too. Comedy magician Fielding West, a veteran on the Strip, added topless assistants to his act and renamed it Comedy, Tricks and Naked Chicks.
Whether or not sex and nightlife work as Las Vegas's latest attraction, Curtis is sure the city's leaders will keep looking for new ways to draw people into its casinos, the lifeblood of its tourist revenue. "I love the way Las Vegas morphs from one to the next. I love the way that they're always inventing new ways to bait the traps." ABCNEWS
  大宾馆也闻风而动,推出了几乎裸体的歌舞。MGM Grand上演的"La Femme"在宾馆中最为开放,由在巴黎享有盛名的"野马"歌舞团表演裸舞。
   主流专业演员也不甘落后,用色情作为佐料,喜剧魔术师Fielding West是赌城的一个元老,他也用上身裸体的助手参加表演,还把自己的喜剧重新改名为"诡计与裸少女"

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