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标题: Torch Relay 奥运火炬传递 [打印本页]

作者: 李武军    时间: 2011-6-26 19:44     标题: Torch Relay 奥运火炬传递


Lord Coe: I really want the torch, the flame, as it travels around the country and our London boroughs, to really shine a light on all the things that are actually taking place in our own backyard.

Lord Coe is the chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games 奥组委主席。他说,他希望英国各地能通过火炬传递把自己的风貌突出展现出来。在下面这段录音里请大家注意听以下几个短语: to shine a light on 突出展现;their own backyard 他们自己的家门口;energising 激发起某种活力。Now Lord Coe again:

Yang Li: 那是伦敦奥组委主席科尔勋爵谈火炬传递计划, a 70-day torch relay with 8,000 torch bearers. 大家好我是杨莉, 欢迎收听《都市掠影》节目。Last week we heard some local residents talk about how they felt about having the Olympics in their backyard. Today we will look at the plan for the Olympic Torch Relay 火炬传递.


Lord Coe: I really want the torch, the flame, as it travels around the country and our London boroughs, to really shine a light on all the things that are actually taking place in our own backyard. And maybe use the flame as a way of energising some of those festivals, some of those projects, some of those community initiatives that are perhaps not even recognised by people in their own community.

Lord Coe is very proud of the speed of construction work for the Olympics.

Yang Li: 他希望火炬传递能激发带动一些节庆活动,发展项目和社区建设倡议。Festivals, projects and community initiatives. But what do British people say about this? 英国老百姓希望看到火炬经过哪些社区和城市呢?


Woman: I think, well, 'cos I'm from Scotland, so up north would be nice, like the Highlands would be really nice, really pretty.

Yang Li: 这位来自苏格兰的女子说苏格兰高地很美。The Highlands 指苏格兰高地。


Woman: Obviously, around, the main city of London, and, obviously, Stratford area. Also, going along the outskirts of London.

Yang Li: The outskirts of London 伦敦周边的地区。


Man: Perhaps, start up in Scotland, in Balmoral, and then come down in all the royal houses, and visit the Queen back at Buck House, and then come along from there.

Yang Li: Balmoral 是英国王室在苏格兰的夏宫,他建议火炬应该从苏格兰开始,向南一直到白金汉宫,Buck House 是一种非常随便的说法,指白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace.

下面讲话的这位男子说奥运火炬应该从伦敦的内城穷人区开始 inner city, deprived areas of London. But why did he think so?

...let’s go round Peckham, Lewisham, Brixton, Newham, Tower Hamlets as most of the athletes come from that kind of background anyway.

A man from London


Man: Right, well I think it should visit, certainly, the inner city, deprived areas of London, not just concentrate on the Chelseas and the Kensingtons. But, you know, let's go round Peckham, Lewisham, Brixton, Newham, Tower Hamlets. You know, let's bring the Olympics to the people, 'cos most of the athletes come from that kind of background anyway. So, it's important that we include them in the preparation, not just in the actual Games themselves.

Yang Li: He is a true Londoner with such a good knowledge of London boroughs!他说,奥运火炬行经路线不应该仅仅是富人区,而应该包括更多的内城穷人区。比如,Peckham, Lewisham, Brixton, Newham, Tower Hamlets,他的理由是什么呢?Here's what he said; listen again:


Most of the athletes come from that kind of background anyway. So, it's important that we include them in the preparation, not just in the actual Games themselves.

Yang Li: 他说,因为大多数田径运动员都是从这些地区出来的,所以在火炬传递的准备阶段应该把这些地区包括进去。


… most of the athletes come from that kind of background anyway. So… it’s important that we include them in the preparation, not just in the actual Games themselves.

伦敦的奥运火炬传递将进行70天,将有8000名火炬手,将火炬接力传递到奥运开幕式的那一刻,也就是 2012年8月8号20 点12分。That's a 70-day torch relay with 8000 torch bearers. 科尔勋爵鼓励大家都来想一想当火炬抵达自己的城市和社区时,你最想展现给世界的是什么呢?Now I will leave you with a question from Lord Coe, chairman of The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games. What is it that you really want to shine a light on? 谢谢您收听,我是杨莉,再会。


What do they really want to say about themselves? What is it they want to really shine a light on?

Lord Coe

Clearly, we want to celebrate all our boroughs. As I go about the country, the interesting thing I get is smart communities are already beginning to think, you know, for the… for the hour or two that that torch is in their own backyard what is it that they really want to say about themselves? What is it they want to really shine a light on?

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