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标题: 盘点电影中的那些好父亲 [打印本页]

作者: 凉茶    时间: 2011-6-21 16:26     标题: 盘点电影中的那些好父亲



1.The Tree of Life (2011, dir Terrence Malick) 《生命之树》(2011,导演:泰伦斯·马利克)
Malick's latest movie is not yet out in the UK in cinemas or DVD, but why not take your dad on a Eurostar trip to Paris, where it is now on release? Brad Pitt plays O'Brien, the 1950s Texas dad whose disciplinarian violence, and complex self-doubt, encourage his sons to think of fear and love as the same emotion. Maybe not a very feelgood Father's Day film.


2.Finding Nemo (2003, dirs Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich) 《海底总动员》 (2003,导演: 安德鲁·斯坦顿 李·安魁克 )
Marlin, voiced by Albert Brooks in this classic Pixar animation, is a widower clownfish who becomes a neurotically over-protective dad. His smothering attitude so infuriates his little son, Nemo, that the little fish swims defiantly away and is captured by divers. The father must then go on an epic journey to rescue the son.


3.The Pursuit of Happyness (2006, dir Gabriele Muccino) 《当幸福来敲门》(2006,导演:加布里尔·穆西诺)
This is a real tear-jerker, and not a very cool film to like, but it's still very heartfelt. Will Smith plays Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman and single dad, on the very brink of homelessness and poverty, who battles to get a job and be a real dad to his little boy.


4.Mulan(1998,Tony Bancroft, Barry Cook)《花木兰》(1998,导演:托尼·班卡福特和巴里·库克)

Fa Mulan is the only daughter of aged warrior Fa Zhou (Soon-Tek Oh). She impersonates a man and takes her father's place during a general conscription to counter a fictitious Hun invasion led by Shan Yu (Miguel Ferrer). Along with her guardian dragon Mushu (Eddie Murphy), her captain, Li Shang (B. D. Wong), a lucky cricket, "Cri-kee," and her companions, Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po, she battles the invading Hun army.


5.Paper Moon (1973, dir Peter Bogdanovich) 《纸月亮》(1973,导演:彼得·博格达诺维奇)

This is another daddy-daughter movie and the one film that stars a real-life father and child team. Ryan and Tatum O'Neal play Moses and Addie, a con team who travel around the US during the Great Depression preying on the vulnerable and credulous.


6.Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (2005, Yimou Zhang) 《千里走单骑》(2005,导演:张艺谋)

Gouichi Takata (Takakura), an aged Japanese father who, ever since his wife died, has not been in good terms with his son. When he learns that his son has been diagnosed as having liver cancer, he decides to travel to the Yunnan province in China in his son's place to film Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles, a traditional item in the local nuo opera (傩戏), in which his son is a leading scholar. He hopes that by doing so, he might finally gain the forgiveness of his son.

高田 (高仓健饰) 接到儿子健一患病的消息, 从所居住的渔村赶往东京探望。但多年来的父子隔阂使儿子拒绝见他。但高田仍然决定帮助儿子去完成他的心愿。高田独自来到中国云南, 在帮助儿子完成心愿的过程中, 他遇到了很多意想不到的困难, 也结识了很多纯朴善良的中国人。短暂的中国之行充满了意外的经历和从未有过的生活体验, 这一切都使高田对儿子健一的内心世界有了很深的理解, 产生了强烈的父子共鸣。他完成了与儿子在精神世界上的彼此沟通, 也同时获得了对亲情与人生更多新的感悟。
作者: 凉茶    时间: 2011-6-21 16:29

7.Rob-B-Hood(2006,BennyChan)《宝贝计划》(2006,陈木胜)A kidnapping gone wrong in Hong Kong; a gang of burglars consisting of Thongs, Octopus and the Landlord kidnap a baby from a wealthy family on behalf of triads. With the Landlord arrested, Thongs and Octopus take care of the baby for a short time, developing strong bonds with him. Reluctant to hand the baby over, the two are forced to protect him from the triads who hired them in the first place.

人字拖(成龙饰)身手不凡,可惜错用地方,当上窃匪。他没有人生目标,终日沉迷赌博,与家人疏离。想不到一个小宝宝确令他惹来大祸,但也成为他人生的一大转机。奶爸也不是容易的事情哦!片中不满两岁的小宝贝Mattew Medvedev入围第26届香港电影金像奖最佳新演员奖,成为金像奖历史上被提名者中年龄最小的一位。

8.The Son's Room (2001, dir Nanni Moretti) 《儿子的房间》 (2001,导演:南尼·莫莱蒂)Commenters on this blog are sick of me going on about this film, so I will only say that it's a deeply moving study of a psychotherapist and easygoing paterfamilias, played by Moretti, and how he and his family respond to a terrible calamity.


9.My Father and I(2003, Xu Jinglei)《我和爸爸》 (2003,导演:徐静蕾)The film centers around a young girl, Xiao Yu, a Beijing teenager, is abruptly left without a mother following a traffic accident. Her father, Lao Yu, with whom she has had little contact, becomes her legal guardian. He is unsure how to act in this role, but as time progresses their relationship matures into an affectionate one……


10.Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980, dir Irwin Kershner) 《星球大战之帝国大反击》 (1980,导演:欧文·克什纳)In this episode, Darth Vader becomes obsessed with finding his young enemy Luke Skywalker, who, as he battles the forces of darkness, has at least gained some help and instruction from the quasi-paternal mentors in his life: Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi. But sadly, just as you can choose your friends but not your relatives, you can choose your father figures but not your actual father.


11.After This Our Exile(2006,Patrick Tam)《父子》(2006,谭家明 )
In hopeless pursuit of happiness, Shing (Aaron Kwok) is a man who desperately attempts to hold on to the dwindling threads of his family. Once a man who had a dream, Shing has become a deadbeat gambler whose marriage is failing with wife Lin (Charlie Yeung). Shing's machoistic ego overrides any reasonable logic for change, which forces Lin to leave Shing repeatedly. After finally managing to escape, Shing is left with nothing but his son, Lok-Yun (Goum Ian Iskandar).


12.CJ7/A Hope (2008,Stephen Chow )《长江七号》(2008,周星驰)
A fantasy tale featuring state of the art visual effects, CJ7 is a comedy about a poor laborer father played by STEPHEN CHOW and his young son. When a fascinating and strange new pet enters their lives, they learn a poignant lesson about the true nature of family and the things money can't buy.


13.To Kill a Mockingbird (1962, dir Robert Mulligan) 《杀死一只知更鸟》(1962,导演:罗伯特·马丽根)Gregory Peck gives a performance of granite decency and integrity as Atticus Finch, the widower and Alabama lawyer who defends a black man against a wrongful charge of rape. This is one of the most highly charged depictions of fatherhood in Hollywood history.… Zemeckis's classic comedy is about as freaky as it gets. Marty McFly, played by Michael J Fox, travels back in time to the 1950s, where he comes face to face with his nerdy dad, played by Crispin Glover, and has to engineer this poor sap's successful wooing of his mum, who turns out to be super-hot and more than a little enamoured of him.


14.Mars Baby(2010,Liu Yiwei)《火星宝贝之火星没事》(2010,刘仪伟)Luo Bingwen adopts a boy to finish his wife’s orders. The boy is called “Meishi” (means nothing). Meishi is trivial. When he was five, he suddenly said he was from Mars, making Luo Bingwen neither cry nor laugh. This movie is suitable for the whole family to see. The most important philosophy is family and emotional ties come first.

著名主持人刘仪伟首次出任导演,著名演员黄磊担任男主角。 影片讲述黄磊扮演的爸爸收养了一个来自火星、具有超能力的小孩“没事”,由此引发了一连串搞笑的故事。

15.Back to the Future (1985, dir Robert Zemeckis) 《回到未来》 (1985,导演:罗伯特·泽米吉斯)Hoping in vain to pay back loansharks, Shing turns to his loving son, Lok-Yun, who has somehow retained his filial loyalty. In his most desperate hour, Shing forces his struggle of survival onto his son, Lok-Yun, through thievery and tests the strength of loyalty and the boundaries of trust in their father-son relationship. With each passing day, the bond of love is threatened with Shing's unrepentant ways.


16.Hamlet (1948, dir Laurence Olivier) 《哈姆雷特》 (1948,导演:劳伦斯·奥利弗)Olivier's movie version of Shakespeare's great tragedy turns, like any production, on the hero's agonised memory of his father's greatness. Freudians find in his antipathy to Claudius a rage-filled acknowledgement that his step-father has done something that all males subconsciously wish to do: kill their fathers and marry their mothers. And speaking of Freudian angst …


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