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标题: 【叹世界!】最不容错过的北京文化十景 [打印本页]

作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:33     标题: 【叹世界!】最不容错过的北京文化十景

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 10:43 编辑

Top 10 cultural attractions in Beijing


1. 798 art district
The Bauhaus profile of this former arms factory has become an iconic symbol of how old Beijing has been reinvented as a hip cultural producer. But money changes everything and popularity has meant the big guns of the international art world have moved into the 798 complex and pushed the starving artists who got the whole scene started to new, cheaper digs in outlying villages such as Caochangdi. These days the area attracts art buyers and is full of tour parties as well as the ubiquitous art students taking a picture of steam jetting from one of the pipes that criss-cross this former factory. If the weather is nice, spend a day wandering from gallery to gallery and stop for a bite at Timezone 8 – the cafe and art book store that has been at the centre of this booming area since its humble beginnings.

作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:36

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 10:52 编辑


2. National Art Museum of China (NAMOC)
Chinese art developed almost completely separately from that in the west and, considering its age, imported techniques and mediums have only become popular relatively recently. NAMOC was opened by Chairman Mao in 1963 to showcase modern Chinese art and now sports a great collection of traditional Chinese ink and wash paintings as well as the sort of socialist-themed pieces you would expect at a museum set up by the communist party. But don't make the mistake of thinking that this museum is stuffy; though the exhibited works are hardly likely to contain anything too controversial, there's a smattering of contemporary pieces that have sent international collectors into a tizz.

2. 中国国家美术馆
作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:36

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 10:54 编辑


3. Tea ceremony
No trip to China would be complete without taking a pit stop for a traditional cuppa. Even though the Chinese tea ceremony is as steeped in tradition as neighbouring Japan, it does not go in for the latter's rigid set of rules and concentrates more on setting the perfect mood. To get the full treatment, as well as a bit of philosophy, head to the Confucian Teahouse where the owner will take you through the ritual step by step – in the busy season, it may be wise to make an appointment first. Beijing also has a thriving market with a capital 'tea' where you can load up on all the oolong you can handle. Watch out for student fraudsters wanting to go to teahouses to 'practice their English' – especially near Tiananmen and Qianmen – or you'll find yourself with a nastily inflated bill of around a hundred pounds.

3. 茶道   
地道的中国之旅又怎么能少了那缕沁人茶香呢?虽说在中国和邻国日本,茶道都有着悠久灿烂的传统,但相较之下,日本的茶道强调主体的仪式性,注重对既定的演茶过程一丝不苟的绝对遵从;中国的茶道则将客体的个人体验放在首位,旨在为茶客营造舒心愉悦的品茶氛围。要感受地道完整的茶道和其中蕴含的哲学智慧,您不妨到京城的留贤馆(Confucian Teahouse)走一遭,在店家的带领下将其中的玄机乾坤看的清清楚楚,明明白白。当然,旅游盛季,可别忘了提前预约哦。除了古色古香的茶楼,北京还有一个繁华兴盛的茶市,这里每家门口都挂着一个大大“茶”字,各色乌龙茶品您尽可开怀畅饮。但要留意以“练习英语”之名骗吃骗喝的“假学生”,要不到了结帐时,高达百磅的花费可能会让你吃不了兜着走。
作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:37

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 10:57 编辑


4. Kung fu
One of China's most famous exports is the myriad forms of kung fu. Meaning "attainment through effort", kung fu is a western umbrella term that covers many martial arts. See many of them performed by the Shaolin-trained monks, who play-fight their way through a tenuous plotline filled with impressive stunts such as snapping iron bars over their heads in the Vegas-style show, The Legend of Kung Fu at the Red Theatre – it's even got English subtitles. Those who want the ultimate hands on experience should contact the Chinese Culture Club or the Milun School of Traditional Kung Fu for lessons.

4. 中国功夫
花样繁多的中国功夫绝对是这个国家最为亮眼的民族名片之一。“功夫”的本意是:由下苦功而练就的好本领;而在西方,“功夫”一词是诸多武术形式的总称,外延很广。在北京红剧院(Red Theatre)上演的《功夫传奇》中您可一见少林武僧的功夫,演出平淡的情节堆砌中时有他们引人惊呼的武术特技表演,比如头顶碎铁棒这类只有在拉斯维加斯才能看到的惊险挑战,现在这出戏甚至已经有了英文版本。想要亲身体验一把的游客,可以联系中国文化俱乐部(Chinese Culture Club)或者北京弥纶传统武术学校,获得专业的指导。
作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:38

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 10:56 编辑


5. Acrobatics
The ability to shimmy up a length of bamboo might prepare one for life as a scaffolder over here, but when is the ability to juggle large flowerpots with your feet going to come in handy? As well as these accomplishments, see 12 girls on a bike, small children folding themselves in half into a pipe and many odd feats of skill and balance at one of Beijing's four theatres offering nightly acrobatic performances. Like the sign outside Chaoyang Theatre says: novel, beautiful, odd and thrilling. But mainly just odd.

5. 杂技
在一段竹竿上自如摆动或许更像是脚手架上工人的职业技能了,但轻而易举地用两只脚轮番杂耍花盆又有几人能做到呢? 不仅如此,在北京四个提供夜间杂技表演的剧场,还可以欣赏到12人同骑一辆车,小孩施展缩骨功钻管道以及其他关于技巧和平衡能力的鲜见绝技,就像朝阳剧院门前标识写的那样:新,美,奇,险(没有找到朝阳剧院真实的标语,揣以代之==)。而事实上,这里的杂技表演主要还是倚仗“居奇”的因素。
作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:38

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 10:58 编辑


6. Peking opera
Like most things highbrow, Peking opera is an acquired taste. You may choose not to spend the time necessary to get hooked on "jingju", but experience it once, if just for novelty value – you certainly won't forget the performance, music and colourful costumes in a hurry. Leave the three-hour marathon performances to the locals and head to a tourist-friendly greatest hits performance – it may be the Jive Bunny mega-mix of an ancient artform, but you'll get to see it at its most dramatic and palatable. Also head down to the park which surrounds the Temple of Heaven, where pensioners congregate to sing opera alfresco – at least if you don't like it you can always walk away.

6. 京剧
像其他存在于精英文化圈的趣味一样,欣赏京剧所要求的感受力是后天浸染内化而成的个人品味。要成为资深京剧迷可谓长路漫漫,您可能缺乏足够的时间投入;而如果仅是为了满足猎奇之心,那么只需一次,让自己全身的感官为之开启,其自成一格的演绎方式、音乐风格与服饰色彩,绝非任何观者轻易能够遗忘。长达三小时的完整剧目还是留给京城老少自个儿慢慢品吧,游客们可以转而选择专为海外人士打造的经典唱段荟萃——这就好比将这种古老的艺术制作成我们熟悉的爵士兔(Jive Bunny)拼盘一样——以求“中国国粹”之“粹”得以呈现。天坛公园也是个好去处,上了年纪的京剧票友们常常在这里集聚,唱上一两段儿。当然,如果不合口味,您只需慢慢踱开即可。
作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:39

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 10:59 编辑


7. Crosstalk
Opera and acrobatics may be old hat to most young Beijingers, but the ancient art of 'xiangsheng' (crosstalk) has undergone a recent renaissance. First thought to have been performed around 200BC during the Han Dynasty and perfected during the Qing (1644-1911AD), these satirical skits have often fallen foul of China's turbulent political climate through the ages, most recently under the Communists. Though even hardened linguists might have a hard time understanding all that goes on in these gruff quickfire performances, they are a uniquely Chinese art form and the closest thing you'll get to stand-up comedy in China.

7. 相声
京剧和杂技的把式对于北京的小年轻来说就有点陈腐无味了,但不要紧,另一项传统艺术“相声”眼下正经历着一场复兴。相声表演大约发源于公元前200年的汉朝,在清朝趋于成熟,长久以来,相声借助逗乐的包袱讽刺混乱的政治局面。即使资深老道的语言学家也很难完全理解这种地气足、语速快的口头表演,最为中国独有的一门艺术,这也是与西方社会流行的“脱口秀”(Stand-up Comedy)最为相似的表演形式了。
作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:39

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 11:00 编辑


8. Ballet
The National Ballet of China (NBC) is a cutting edge company which often works with modern dance choreographers in creating new interpretations of classics. In fact the famously obtuse and brilliant Parisian choreographer, Roland Petit writes pieces just for them. Not bad for a company who leapt to fame performing the Red Detachment of Women – one of the eight works that it was possible to perform during China's Cultural Revolution. Most months see the company put on a few performances at either the Tianqiao Theatre or the egg - the new National Theatre next to Tiananmen Square.

8. 芭蕾
作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:40

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 11:01 编辑


9. Ballroom dancing
Every night across China, couples of a certain age gravitate to open spaces and practice ballroom dancing. The sight of 100 pensioners waltzing in a car park or piazza is undeniably strange, but is one of the many unusual things that go on in this multi-faceted country. Great to watch, better to join in. The best places are the North Gate of the Workers' Stadium on Gongti Bei Lu or at the south end of Houhai, next to the Starbucks on Lotus Lane, just off Pingan Dajie.

9. 交谊舞
作者: evaxiaofan    时间: 2011-4-15 10:41

本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 11:03 编辑


10. Kite flying
Beijing certainly seems like a good place to retire, as old folk can be seen enjoying themselves everywhere - playing mahjong at a table set under a tree, walking barefoot and backwards across cobblestones in the park or just hanging out in shop doorways. But the favourite pensioner pastime is kite flying and on windy days the sky over the city is peppered with kites as people line every bit of open ground and bridge top gazing up as their pride and joy just sort of sits there doing nothing – it's like fishing only upside-down and with neck ache. Join the greying throng by heading down to the family-run former kite makers to the Qing royals and snapping up a handmade Aston Martin of a kite then finding anywhere with a breeze and joining in this relaxing hobby.

10. 放纸鸢
作者: kuangye678    时间: 2011-4-15 11:11

I have never been in i want to travel to in the future/
作者: xiaomeixin    时间: 2011-4-15 16:48

What a pity!I haven't been in Beijing even once.
作者: davy10    时间: 2011-4-15 20:48

回复 11# kuangye678

    Beijing welcome you
作者: davy10    时间: 2011-4-15 20:49

回复 12# xiaomeixin

    Beijing welcome you too
作者: tingroom    时间: 2011-4-15 21:24

作者: xiaomeixin    时间: 2011-4-15 22:28

回复 14# davy10

    Are you in Beijing?
作者: kuangye678    时间: 2011-4-16 07:31

回复 14# davy10

    Thanks for the invitation. I will!

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