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标题: 毕业生求职(18)One [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:28     标题: 毕业生求职(18)One

A: Hello!

B: Hello! Glad to meet you.

A: Tell me something about yourself, please.

B: My name is Wan Mei and I live in Guangzhou. I was born in 1978. I am a student of Jinan University. I have majored in Public Administration. I like travelling very much and enjoy sports. I am in the tennis club at my university.

A: Your application form says you were out of school for half a year during high school. What was the reason? Were you ill?

B: Oh, no. My father's job took him to America for six months then, and he decided to take the whole family along.

A: So during that time you went to high school in the United States?

B: Yes, it was just for a few months, but attended Johnson High School in Chicago.

A: There was a year between the time you graduated from high school and entered the university. What were you doing during that time?

B: I spent a year doing things a person doesn't have time for. I traveled several countries.

A: Do you think you are more outward-looking or more inward-looking?

B: Well, something I want to be by myself, but most of the time I prefer being with a group of people, so I guess you'd may I am rather outgoing. I was really very active in my university club.

A: What would you say are some of your strong and weak points?

B: Well, I suppose a strong point of mine is that I like developing new things and ideas. But I am afraid I am a poor talker and that isn't very good, so I've been studying how to speak in public.

A: Do you have any people you'd call really close friends?

B: Not too many, but not too few, either, I suppose. There are six people that I see quite often now. They're all my good friends.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:29     标题: 毕业生求职(18)Two

A: What kind of sports do you like? And do you watch or play?

B: I like both watching and playing. And I enjoy almost all sports, but I especially like tennis. I was in the tennis club all through high school, so particularly in the case of tennis I prefer doing to watching.

A: What kind of books do you like?

B: I like biographics. It's intersting to read about the backgrounds of people who have become famous, and see what I can learn from their lives.

A: Who is your favorite writer?

B: I like the novels of Charles Dickens very much. I've read almost all of them in the original.

A: Can you name one person that you respect very much?

B: My English teacher at college. He has so much humour and vitality, and I am very impressed with his tactfulness. He can make a person see the contradictions in his thinking without making him feel foolish. I've learned a lot from watching the way he applies himself to his teaching, and how he leads people to seeing things.

A: What basic principles do you apply to your life?

B: Not to put off till tomorrow what you can do today. I feel that time gives away very easily --- you think you have it, and it is gone quickly! Putting things off just makes it worse later. So even if it is hard at the time, I try to get things done that day and not leave them till the next day.

A: Tell me why you are interested in working for this company, will you?

B: I think working in this company would give me the best oppotunity to use what I've learned at college, studying public administration for four years. I think this company has a great future and I'll be able to develop my own capabilities here. So for a long time I've been thinking I'd like to work with this company.

A: Have you ever worked during your university days?

B: Yes. I worked as a tutor to teach English to a middle school student.

A: There's a good chance for you to come to work for this company. But, you will have to have another interview with our manager himself in Chinese.

B: Of course.

A: Thank you for coming. Good-bye!

B: Good-bye!
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:29     标题: 毕业生求职(17)

(B= Mr. Brown W= Wang Xiaowei)

B: Why do you want to be a tourist guide?

W: I have been interested in Chinese and world geography ever since I was child. I also like foreign cultures very much. That's why I chose English literature as my major when I entered the university.

B: I think you like travel, too.

W: Oh, yes, very much. I'm quite outgoing and like meeting people. During my trips, I often work as a volunteer guide to help those foreign tourist enjoy their trips better. I feel very proud when I introduce our long and rich culture to foreign tourists. Of course, it's a chance for me to practise my English. So I do have a little experience as a guide.

B: But you know to be a guide is a tough job.

W: Certainly, it is very demanding. But I don't mind. After all it is a job I like to do.

B: Besides English, what other languages can you speak?

W: A little Japanese and German. I can speak Cantonese, too, for I was born and brought up in Guangzhou.

B: It's very impressive. Mr. Wang, if you are hired, you'll be expected to receive some training in tourism business.

W: That's fine.

B: Would you please fill out this application form and give it to the secretary? We'll inform you very soon.

W: Thank you, Mr. Brown, for your time and patience. Good-bye.

B: Good luck. Bye.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:30     标题: 毕业生求职(16)

(R= the receptionist C= Cai Yingying S= Mrs. Smith)

R: Good morning. Can I help you?

C: Good morning. I am Cai Yingying. I'm supposed to have an appointment with Mrs. Smith. Is she available now?

R: Yes, she is. Please go to Room 205.

C: Thank you very much.

C: May I come in?

S: Yes, please.

C: Good morning, Mrs Smith. I'm Cai Yingying.

S: Nice to meet you. Sit down, please. Miss Cai, would you like a cup of tea?

C: No, thanks a lot.

S: Miss Cai, as you've learned in our advertisement, we need a capable secretary. You know our company does a very big international business, so we are really looking for a bilingual secretary. Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English?

C: Yes, I think so. I can speak English fluently, and handle reporting writing in English, such as summaries, keeping minutes at meetings, etc.

S: How is your typing skill?

C: I can type 60 words a minute, basically no mistake.

S: That sounds fine. By the way, can you operate a word processor?

C: Yes, I can, but not very skillfully. I'm still taking a computer course.

S: Good. Any questions?

C: Can I ask about the salary?

S: We can offer you 800 yuan at the start and a rise would be given according to your ability later. The employees can also enjoy our company's health insurance program.

C: I think I like the job.

S: We will send you a letter by early next week. Thank you for coming, Miss Cai. It was nice talking to you.

C: Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Good-bye.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:30     标题: 毕业生求职(15)

(W= Mr. White Q= Qin Li)

W: Come in, please.

Q: I'm Qin Li. I've come for an interview as arranged.

W: Oh, I see. I'm White, personnel manager. Take a seat, please.

Q: Glad to meet you, Mr. White.

W: Miss Qin Li, have got any exerience in restaurant service?

Q: Yes. Since I entered college, I have been working in a fast food restaurant as a waitress, part time, of course.

W: For how long?

Q: Three years.

W: Our restaurant receives a lot of foreign customers. Can you serve them in English?

Q: That's the reason why I apply for this job. Now I'm studying Hotel English in my college. And I'm quite familiar with the western courtesy and restaurant etiquette. I am sure my public relation skills will leave a strong impression on your customers.

W: You must know our working hours are very long and overtime work is frequent.

Q: I don't mind that.

W: I think I'll give you a three months' trial. The salary for this period is 1500 yuan a month, no bonus. After that period, if we both feel satisfied, a formal contract will be signed.

Q: When am I supposed to start working?

W: Next Monday. Bring your resume and diploma with you.

Q: Yes, I will. Thank you, Mr. White. Good-bye.

W: Good-bye.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:32     标题: 毕业生求职(14)

A: Excuse me. My name is Amy Lin. I have an appointment with Mr. Zhu at ten. Would you mind announcing me?

C: Yes, Miss Lin. Mr. Zhu is expecting you. Go right in.

A: May I speak to Mr. John Zhu?

B: Yes, I am Mr. Zhu. Miss Lin, I have read your letter of application. You don't seem to have any working experience.

A: Yes and no. No, I just left college and I don't have any working experience. However, the rigid training at my college should make up for my lack of working experience.

B: What do you expect for starting salary?

A: I'll leave that to you, sir. I'm sure you know what is best for me.

B: Miss Lin, are you married?

A: I can't say I am. I don't even have a steady boy friend.

B: What are your future plans, if you don't mind my asking.

A: I'm a doer, not a day dreamer.

B: OK. Miss Lin, we will let you know the result.

A: Thank you, sir, for giving me the time. I hope to see you again and soon.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:32     标题: 毕业生求职(13) Three

A: Can you name some large cities in the U.S.A.?

B: New York, Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Houston, Chicago, only to mention a few among many.

A: What is the Yellowstone National Park famous for?

B: It's well-known for its natual geysers.

A: In which state is the Grand Canyon?

B: In Arizona.

A: There is a famous tourist attraction between the U.S.A. and Canada. What is it?

B: Niagara Falls.

A: It seems to me that you won't fail to answer any questions. Now tell me when you can start to work here.

B: I'll come down to Guangzhou as soon as I receive my diploma and bachelor's degree certificate next month.

A: Is there anything you want to ask about?

B: No. I only wish that you could give me a definite answer to my application as soon as possible.

A: OK, I can give you a postive answer right here and now: tomorrow I'm going to send a letter of acceptance to your institute. So you can go back to Beijing at ease.

B: Thank you, Mr. Zhuang, for your kind offer.

A: See you then.

B: See you!
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:33     标题: 毕业生求职(13) Two

A: Why do you want to be a tourist guide?

B: I like to travel and I also like meeting various kinds of people, so I think guiding Chinese tourist abroad would be very interesting.

A: What courses have you completed at Beijing Institute of Foreign Language for Tourism?

B: In addition to English, I have studied Economics of Tourism, Tourist Marketing, Tourist Psychology, Tourist Culures, Tourist Etiquette Science, Guiding Methods and Techniques, Vocational Ethics of Tourism, Law of Tourism, and so on.

A: Have you learned any other foreign languages other than English?

B: Yes, I have learned a little French.

A: What are the responsibilities of a tourist guide?

B: A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.

A: Have you ever had any actual experience as a tourist guide?

B: I have a little experience. I guided a few groups of foreign tourists around Beijing last winter vacation. I showed them to the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, the Ming Tombs, the Temple of Heaven, and the Summer Palace.

A: You know that it's hard work.

B: Yes, I know. But I don't mind working hard.

A: I'd like to ask you a few questions. Which river is the longest one in America?

B: The Mississippi River.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:33     标题: 毕业生求职(13) One

A: Hello, Mr. Chen. Won't you sit down?

B: Thanks a lot.

A: I'm Zhang Yifei, the personnel manager. Nice to meet you.

B: How do you do , Mr. Zhuang? I'm pleased to see you.

A: How, you probably know that this interview is mostly to test your and English, so just relax, and let's have a chat, shall we?

B: It's pleasure.

A: Let me ask you some questions about yourself. Please tell me your full name.

B: My full name is Chen Zhibin.

A: Where do you come from?

B: I come from Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province.

A: Are you from an ethnic minority group?

B: Yes, my nationality is Tujia.

A: How many people are there in your family?

B: There are five of us: my grandmother, my parents, an elder sister and me.

A: How do you get along with your sister?

B: We get along very well. She is one year senior to me. When I go home during holidays every year, we go boating and mountain-climbing together a lot.

A: Do you think you are quite extroverted or intorverted?

B: Well, I always enjoy being with a group of people and chatting with others. But when it comes to reading, I prefer to be by myself. On the whole, I'm quite outgoing.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:34     标题: 毕业生求职(12)Two

A: Well, not exactly. But I have shown some of my foreign teachers around Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta as well.

B: Once in a while we'll organize the members of this club to sightsee around Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them to go sightseeing when there is not much to do in the office.

A: I think I would like that.

B: Fine. You are are very person we want.

A: Thank you, sir.

B: What salary would you expect to get?

A: As for salary, I leave it to you to decide after you consider my abilities.

B: Well, I believe we can offer you 2,500 yuan a month at the start. Would that be satisfactory?

A: Yes, I am quite satisfied. That would be more than I have expected.

B: What date can you start to work?

A: I won't be able to leave the university until I get my diploma at the end of this month. How about early next month?

B: That'll do. Please come in on August the first. Working hours are from eight to twelve in morning and from two to six in the afternoon. We usually work for five days a week, but occasionally we have to work overtime.

A: Yes, sir.

B: Thank you very much for coming today. It'll be a pleasure to have you here.

A: Thank you, Mr. Luo. I'm sure I'll enjoy working here, too.

B: I hope so. Good-bye.

A: Good-bye.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:34     标题: 毕业生求职(12)One

A: How do you do, sir? I'm Ye Jinghong. I've come for an interview as requested.

B: How do you do, Miss Ye? I'm Luo Jiang, the office director. Please take a seat.

A: Thank you, Mr. Luo.

B: Now let's get down to talk. First of all, would you please say something about yourself and family?

A: It's my pleasure to do so. I come from Dongguan City. My father is the manage of an import and export company in Dongguan and my mother works as a doctor in a hospital. I have an elder brother. He is in the army. I am twenty-one years old. In 1996, I passed the National Entrance Examinations and was admitted into Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. I specialize in English Secretarial Studies.

B: What courses have you taken in English Secretarial Studies?

A: I've taken such courses as Secretarial Principles, Office Administration, Business English, Public Relations, Etiquette Study, Psychology, Computer Programming, Typing, Stenography, and File-Keeping.

B: How are your typing and shorthand skills?

A: I can type 60 words per minute, and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.

B: Good. But can you operate any other office machine?

A: Yes. I can operate a facsimile machine and a Photostat.

B: Where have you learned to operate these machines?

A: I learned to operate them at The Foreign Trade Corporation of Guangdong Province last summer. I worked there for nearly two months.

B: Oh, very good. You've had some practical experience in office work. By the way, have you had any experience as a tourist guide?
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:34     标题: 毕业生求职(11)Two

A: Yes, I do. In the summers of 1997 and 1998 I worked as a salesgirl for Guangdong P&G Company Ltd. I went from house to house to sell shampoos such as Rejoice 2-in-1, Head and Shoulders, and Pantene. In doing so I gained some sales promotion skills.

B: Fine. You can speak Cantonese, can't you?

A: Yes, I can speak either Cantonese or Mandarin.

B: Do you know anything about this company?

A: Yes, a little. As you mentioned just now, yours is an American capital company. As far as I know, Avon Company is a world famous company which produces cosmetics and skincare products. Your cosmetics and skincare products are very popular with women in all parts of the world.

B: That's right. Are you familiar with our pay scale?

A: No. Would you please tell me about it?

B: We'll offer you a monthly salary of RMB 1,500 yuan to begin with and you would be eligible for a raise after a year. In addition, we offer you 1% commission on all your sales. You'll also enjoy life insurance and health insurance, an two-week paid vacation a year, a five-day work week, but we do expert you to work overtime when it's neccessary. Is that acceptable to you?

A: Yes, that's fine.

B: Any questions you would like to ask me?

A: When will you let me know the result?

B: You'll be hearing from us by next Saturday. By the way, shall we notify you by mail or by phone?

A: You'd better do it by mail. It would be difficult for you to reach me by phone since I live in a student dormitory.

B: All right. That's all for you. I've got some more candidates to interview. Thank you for coming.

A: Thank you very much, Mr. White. I'll look forward to hearing from you. Good-bye.

B: Good-bye, Miss Li.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:34     标题: 毕业生求职(11)One

A: Good morning, sir.

B: Good morning. Take a seat, please. My name is Harry White.

A: Thank you, Mr. White.

B: Please make yourself comfortable. First, tell me your number and name.

A: My number is 5 and my name is Li Liwei.

B: Where do you come from?

A: I come from Foshan, Guangdong Province.

B: How old are you?

A: I'm twenty-two years old.

B: Now tell me about your educational background.

A: OK. I am a senior student at Guangdong College of Commerce. My major is commerce, with emphasis on Marketing.

B: How are your grades?

A: I have got an average of 90 points.

B: Have you got an excellent record in English?

A: Yes, I obtained nearly full marks in English.

B: That's only for your written work, I'm afraid. What about your oral English? You know, some staff members in this company are Americans as ours is an American capital company.So conversational English is very important in our company.

A: I think I can manage English conversations with American staff members. At college I often practise oral English with my classmates or cassettes.

B: That's very good. Can you tell me something about your student life?

A: Certainly. I've been the class commissary in change of life affairs ever since I was in the first year. Every academic year I am chosen as a "Triple A" student, namely, a student who works hard, studies well and keeps fit.

B: Do you have any part-time work experience in sales promotion?
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-17 17:35     标题: 毕业生求职(10)Two

A: I think working in this company would provide me with a good opportunity to use my knowledge.

B: What do you know about this company?

A: This company is one of the biggest trading companies in the world. There are a lot of branches in all parts of the world with the head office in the U.S.A. Guangzhou Office was established four years ago. It deals in buseness machines.

B: Do you know what PNTR stands for?

A: Of course. It stands for Permanent Normal Trade Relation. If one nation enjoys this kind of treatment, it is accessible to tariff preference for imported goods from another nation.

B: By the way, would you describle yourself as extroverted or more introverted?

A: I think I am quite outgoing. I like cooperation with others, and getting the job done by working together.

B: Good. I think you'd like to know about the remuneration. The starting salary for trading clerks in this company is RMB 3,500 per month, and raise are given after six months according to your ability. We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus, three-week paid vacation a year, and health insurance. Are these satisfactory?

A: Yes, these are quite satisfactory.

B: Do you have any questions about the job?

A: I was told that some of your Chinese employees are sent to the United States to attend the training program provided by the head office. I'd like to know how you choose employees to attend the program.

B: Almost all Chinese employees are eligible to attend the training course, but as the number of trainees at one time is limited, we select them on their merits. Are you really interested?

A: Sure. I'll do my utmost if I am employed by this company.

B: It has been pleasant talking with you, Mr. Zhang. We'll notify you of our final decision within on week.

A: Thank you, Mr. Hudson, for your interview with me. I hope to see you again.

B: Good-bye.
作者: Beier618    时间: 2007-9-26 17:07

that''s something.
作者: engineer007    时间: 2008-5-7 21:21

作者: xiyulingr    时间: 2008-7-3 13:24

good, tks
作者: haisenor    时间: 2008-12-25 13:31

bump up

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