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标题: psychological test [打印本页]

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-9-14 15:26     标题: psychological test

  PART Ⅰ第一部分:
  Answer the following statements 回答下列问题:

  1.You try to avoid confrontations.
  2.You appear calm even when nervous.
  3.You tend to have trouble asking for what you need.
  4.You often compliment people, even when you don't mean it.
  5.You're very sensitive and assume others feel the same way you do.

  PART Ⅱ 第二部分
  How do you cope with these situations?你如何应付以下情形?

  6.When no one gets up to help you clean up after your mom's potluck1 dinner, you:
  a.Finish the job alone.
  b.Ask guests to pitch in2.
  7.The man in front of you at the movies is a loudmouth. You:
  a.Move or stay put3 and try to tune him out4.
  b.Ask him to be quiet.
  8.You order a burger medium-rare,but the waitress brings you one that's well-done. You:
  a.Accept it. It'll be okay with lots of ketchup5.
  b.Send it back.
  9.When you overhear an unkind comment about your outfit, you:
  a.Stew over it.
  b.Make a crack so the critic knows you heard.
  10.You're in a rush when a woman with just a few items asks if she can cut in front of you in line at the market. You:
  a.Wave her ahead.
  b.Say," No, I'm in a rush too."
  11.Your mate always tells the same corny8 jokes. When he asks, " Have you heard this one?" you answer:
  a." I'm not sure. Tell me."
  b.With the punch line9.

  NOTES 注释:
  1.potluck n.家常便饭
  2.pitch in 协力,动手干
  3.stay put [口]留在原地,固定不动
  4.tune out [俚 ]不注意,不理睬,不过问
  5.ketchup n.调味番茄酱
  6.stew over 不安,担忧
  7.crack[kr k]n.[俚 ]俏皮话,巧妙的回答
  8.corny adj.[口]陈旧的,老一套的
  9.punch line 妙句,关键语
  10.shortchange vt.骗取 … 份内的东西



[ 本帖最后由 DZ 于 2007-9-27 09:43 AM 编辑 ]
作者: chm8624    时间: 2007-9-27 09:00

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作者: DZ    时间: 2007-9-27 09:47

3.You tend to have trouble asking for what you need.
9,sorry,I revise it

[ 本帖最后由 DZ 于 2007-9-27 05:09 PM 编辑 ]
作者: chm8624    时间: 2007-9-27 13:52

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作者: DZ    时间: 2007-9-27 17:16

Stew over it:为此闷闷不乐,(stew over 不安,担忧)

Make a crack:说俏皮话

Let's remember it
作者: chm8624    时间: 2007-9-27 21:26     标题: 回复 #5 DZ 的帖子

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作者: chm8624    时间: 2007-9-27 21:33

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作者: DZ    时间: 2007-9-28 11:07     标题: 回复 #6 chm8624 的帖子

maybe you can tell us the meaning:"You’re one in a million." thank you in advance
作者: 瓶中精灵    时间: 2008-3-12 23:48     标题: answer

where is the answer, I need the answer, thanks
作者: avenus    时间: 2008-3-28 22:29

作者: gordon_83    时间: 2008-9-9 23:13     标题: 想了解

作者: yukihiro    时间: 2008-11-18 22:43

share it.....
作者: wjksunxiao    时间: 2009-4-22 01:39     标题: 求答案

作者: xln1120    时间: 2009-4-22 15:44


  Mostly A's VERY POLITE
  You were brought up in a home where you were taught to be nice to people and mind your manners -- and you've learned your lesson exceedingly well! People you know or have just met often remark on your genteel ways. In this day and age, when "please" and "thank you" run the risk of becoming extinct, your graciousness sets a wonderful example. Just don't sacrifice your feelings by always putting others' feelings first.

  Although you care about your friends and relatives, you don't let people take advantage of you. When you feel you're being shortchanged10 you speak your mind. You maintain a healthy balance between caring for yourself and others, and you set limits so that you never feel overwhelmed. Friends know they can count on you to be open with them and they rely on your honesty.
作者: 阿意    时间: 2009-5-27 19:01     标题: I like psychological test

result! I want the result!
作者: 鱼尾巴    时间: 2009-6-2 22:59


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