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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(32)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-31 17:32     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(32)a

Test ThirtyTwo
refuse, reject, decline, deny, repel
常常作“否认,否定”讲,其后可接名词、代词、动名词或that从句。另外,deny也可作“拒绝给予”讲,这时多接双宾语,即用在deny sb. sth.结构中,并且可以与refuse互换,不过语气要比refuse更坚决。
It is the stupid who refuse to be taught by mistake.只有蠢人才拒绝从错误中吸取教训。
The patient’s body rejected the heart transplant.病人的身体对心脏移植有排斥反应。
She declined to have lunch with us, saying that she wasn’t feeling well.她说身体不适而婉言谢绝与我们共进午餐。
He doesn’t dare to deny the charges, does he?他不敢否认这些指控。
Fire repels wild animals.火使野兽不敢靠近。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-31 17:34     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(32)b


1. He kept asking questions, but not a word ____.

A. could we understandB. we could understand

C. we understand couldD. understand could we

2. Milk is sold ____ bottle nearly everywhere in China.

A. by theB. with aC. in aD. in the

3. I ____ to go to London today, but when the fortune teller warned me not to travel, I postponed the trip.

A. had intended B. was intending

C. would intendD. was intended

4. He has no alternative but ____ and ask his brother for assistance.

A. to goB. goC. goingD. will go

5. Even when stranded in an isolated village by snow, ____.

A. it seemed my journey was still exciting

B. my journey still seemed exciting

C. I still thought my journey exciting

D. my journey was still thought to be exciting

6. “Let’s go, Tom. It’s time we ____”“All right, Mary. I’ll finish itin a few seconds.”A. play baseballB. played baseball

C. will play baseballD. are playing baseball

7. After a while, he left Newton’s to start ____ his own as an illustrator.

A. forB. withC. asD. on

8. No sooner ____ than the parrot flew out and settled in the same tree as the cat.

A. had Mary opened the cage

B. Mary opened the cagethat

C. did Mary open the cage

D. Mary opened the cage when

9. ____, you would have seen my nephew, a very outs tanding and promising boy.

A.Had you arrived earlierB. I you arrived earlier

C. Did you arrive earlierD. Unless you had arrived earlier

10. ____ told by the doctor to stop smoking, Mr. Smith carried neither matches nor cigarettes.

A. Had beenB. Have been C. Having been D. Has been

11. When you take medicine, be careful not to ____ that amount printed on the bottle.

A. exceedB. substituteC. exertD. surpass

12. The football match was televised ____ from the worker’s stadium.

A. aliveB. alikeC. livelyD. live

13. Use your library to learn which animals ____ the desert.

A. liveB. occupyC. inhabitD. settle

14. The important statement was soon ____ all over the world by radio.

A. broughtB. carriedC. takenD. transformed

15. Our nextdoor neighbors have ____us to have the same kind of carpeting as they have.

A. persuadedB. insistedC. convincedD. suggested

16. Although it was ____ jewellery, it looked real enough.

A. untrueB. imitationC. inventedD. false

17. The plate glass must be capable of ____ very high temperature.

A. sustainingB. retainingC. obtainingD. maintaining

18. The upset woman gave an ____ of the killer’s second attack.

A. illustrationB. accountC. analysisD. explanation

19. Dr. Jones checked the patient’s ____ carefully before making his treatment.

A. symbolsB. symptomsC. signsD. conditions

20. In order to buy the house she had to obtain a ____ from the bank.

A. depositB. capitalC. debtD. loan

21. The company is looking for a new ____ for another branch office.

A. positionB. postC. pointD. site

22. The old family ____ in China has undergone some change since liberation.

A. patternB. shapeC. formD. institution

23. “I have to go to see my doctor this afternoon.”

“Would you like me to ____ with you?”

A. sendB. escortC. accompanyD. campaign

24. Knowing that more teachers will come to visit her class ____ her on.

A. spurredB. promotedC. thrilledD. excited

25. The Olympic Games winners received a gold medal as a(n) ____.

A. rewardB. praiseC. awardD. gift
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-31 17:35     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(32)c


1. A)【句意】他不断地问问题,可我们一个字也听不懂。

【难点】not, never, hardly, by no means 等否定词位于句首时可引导倒装。

2. A)【句意】在中国差不多所有地方,牛奶都按瓶出售。

【难点】sell by the bottle , pay by the hour, die by the hundred 等短语属习惯性搭配。

3. A)【句意】我原打算今天去伦敦,可是算命先生警告我不要外出,我就推迟了这次旅程。

【难点】表示“本打算,本希望”这一概念时,一般用had intended 或had hoped,后面接动词不定式。

4. A)【句意】他别无选择,只好请他弟弟帮忙。

【难点】have no alternative(choice) but to do 是个习惯搭配,意为“别无选择,只好…”。

5. C)【句意】即使被大雪困在一个孤村里,我还是认为我的旅程很刺激。

【难点】when 引导的状语从句省略了 I was 。主句和分句的主语要做到语法一致,所以选C)。

6 B)【句意】“我们走吧,汤姆,到了该打垒球的时候了。”“好的,玛丽,我马上就完。”

【难点】It’s time +从句,这一结构,要求从句中使用一般过去时的虚拟语气。

7. D)【句意】过了一段时间,他离开牛顿家,独自一人去作插图画家。

【难点】on one’s own 是习惯搭配,意为“独自一人”。

8. A)【句意】玛丽一打开鸟笼,鹦鹉就飞了出来,并落在猫所在的那棵树上。

【难点】no sooner 引导倒装,主句应使用过去完成时,后接than。

9. A)【句意】你要是早到点,就看见我外甥了——一个杰出的、前途无量的小伙子。

【难点】Had you arrived earlier 是if you had arrived earlier的倒装形式,是与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句。

10. C)【句意】医生告诉他别再吸烟后,史密斯先生既不带火柴也不带香烟。


11. A)【句意】吃药的时候,小心不要超过药瓶上规定的药量。

【难点】exceed意为“超过(限度),超越”;substitute意为“代替,代用”;exert意为“发挥,运用”,后接on; surpass 意为“优于,胜过,超过”。

12. D)【句意】足球赛从工人体育场作现场电视直播。

【难点】live是形容词,意为“(广播,电视)实况的”;alive 意为“活的,有活力的”,作表语;alike意为“相似的,相同的”,亦只作表语;lively 意为“活泼的,活跃的”。

13. C)【句意】到图书馆去查哪些动物居住于沙漠。

【难点】inhabit 意为“居住于”,是及物动词;live是“居住”,是一个不及物动词;occupy 意为“占领,占据”;settle 意为“定居,安顿”,是不及物动词。

14. B)【句意】这个重要宣言很快传遍了全世界。

【难点】carry 意为“携带,传达,广播”;bring 意为“带来,拿来”;take 意为“拿走”;transform 意为“改变(外观等)”。

15. A)【句意】我的隔壁邻居劝我们铺他们家那样的地毯。

【难点】persuade 意为“劝说,劝服”,常用于persuade sb to do 结构中;insist意为“主张,坚持”,常于on连用,后接动名词;convince 意为“使信服”;suggest 意为“提议,建议”。

16. B)【句意】虽然这是人造宝石,但看上去足够逼真。

【难点】imitation jewellery 意为“人造宝石”,其它词与jewellery 搭配不恰当。untrue意为“非真实的”;invented 意为“发明的”;false 意为“假的”。

17. A)【句意】厚玻璃板一定能承受很高的温度。

【难点】sustain 意为“支撑,支持,承受”;retain 意为“保存,保持”;obtain意为“获得,达到”;maintain 意为“维修,保养”。

18. B)【句意】受惊的妇女描述了杀手的第二次进攻。

【难点】account意为“描写,描述”;illustration意为“插图,说明”;analysis 意为“分析”; explanation意为“解释”。

19. B)【句意】琼斯大夫检查了病人的症状后才作治疗。

【难点】symptom 意为“症候,征状”;symbol 意为“象征,符号”;sign意为“记号,标志,迹象”;condition 意为“状态,条件”。

20. D)【句意】为了买房子,她不得不从银行贷款。

【难点】loan 意为“贷款”;deposit 意为“存款,押金”;capital 意为“资本,资金”;debt 意为“债务”。

21. D)【句意】公司正为另一家分公司找新地点。

【难点】site 意为“地点,用地”;position 意为“位置,地位”;post 意为“职位,工作岗位”;point 意为“尖端,点,度”。

22. A)【句意】中国旧的家庭模式从解放以来已经历一些变化。

【难点】pattern 意为“样式,模式”;shape意为“状态,形态”;form 意为“形式,格式”;institution 意为“习俗,制度”。

23. C)【句意】“我今天下午得去看医生。”“你想叫我陪你去吗?”

【难点】accompany 意为“伴随,同行”;send意为“送,派”;escort 意为“护卫,护送”;campaign 意为“从事竞选活动”。

24. A)【句意】知道有更多的老师要来听她的课,她很受鼓舞。

【难点】spur 意为“鼓舞,刺激”,常与on 连用,promote 意为“促进,促销;晋级”;thrill意为“使人心情激动,使人热血沸腾”;excite意为“兴奋,刺激”。后三个词都不与on连用。

25. C)【句意】奥运会冠军得主都获得金牌作为奖赏。

【难点】award意为“奖励,奖赏”; reward意为“报酬”;praise 意为“表扬,赞扬”;gift 意为“礼物,赠品”。
作者: 天涯风尘女    时间: 2008-10-14 20:41

作者: tangna198284    时间: 2008-10-29 11:03

有个问题想问一下  好像非英语专业的不能考专业 四级 和八级吧
作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2008-10-29 11:08


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