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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(27)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:23     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(27)a

Test TwentySeven
recall, remember, remind, recollect
意为“想起”,强调有意识地去“回忆,回想”,常与can, could等词连用,强调一次性回忆。
表示“使…想起”,指人受到一定媒介的启发或提醒而慢慢地唤起对往事的记忆,常用在remind sb. of sth.的结构中。
I can’t recall having met him before.我记不起以前曾见到过他。
I suddenly remembered I had left the book in the library.我突然想起我把书忘在图书馆了。
Your telling me that story reminds me of another.你给我讲的故事使我想起了另一个故事。
She thought back and tried to recollect the exact wording of the letter.她回忆着,试图回想起那封信的准确字眼。
shift, move, remove, transfer
It’s no use trying to shift the blame to anybody else.想把过错推到别人身上是没用的。
Please help me move the desk to the corner.请帮我把桌子搬到墙角。
The obstacle has been removed; the two countries continued their dialogue.障碍已经排除,两国又继续对话。
The head office of the company has been transferred to New York.该公司总部已迁至纽约。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:24     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(27)b


1. It wasn’t sucha good dinner ____ she had promised us.

A. thatB. whichC. asD.what

2. ____ can we yield to the pressure.

A. By and largeB. By means of 

C. By no meansD. In return

3. By the time we reach an agreement, the approvals ____.

A. will be gotB. have been got

C. shall have been got D. are got

4. The World Trade Center, the top ____ is 410 meters high, is the tallest building in the world.

A. of whichB. whichC. of whoseD. that

5. Doctor Godwin says that ____ what forceful arguments against smoking there are, many people persist in smoking.

A. thoughB. howeverC. no matterD. but

6. ____ many times, this radio receiver is found very sensitive.

A. Being testedB. Having been tested

C. Having testedD. Testing

7. If traffic problems are not solved soon, driving in cities ____ impossible.

A. becomesB. will have become

C. will become D. become

8. On this busy road drivers ought to be especially careful, ____?

A. ought itB. oughtn’t they

C. oughtn’t it D. don’t they

9. Only when the war was over in 1945 ____ to his hometown.

A. did he returnB. he did return 

C. he returnedD. had he returned

10. ____ his eyes when she told him that it was time for them to leave.

A. Hardly had he openedB. Scarcely did he open

C. No sooner did he openD. He had no sooner opened

11. She has____ as a singer; she’s worth training.

A. abilitiesB. capabilities

C. talentsD. capacities

12. The atomic clock is ____ to within 3 seconds in a century.

A. exactB. clearC. accurateD. explicit

13. That consciousness is being transformed into ____.

A. actionB. actC. deedD. activity

14. To stress the importance of a rich vocabulary, the teacher used a(n) ____.“Writing with a severely limited vocabulary”, she said, “is like trying to paint a circus with only a few colors.”

A. exampleB. comparisonC. contrastD. analogy

15. When my father listens to classical music on the radio, he often swings his arms as if he’s ____ the orchestra.

A. leadingB. controlling

C. conductingD. practising

16. The disappearance of that money from my wallet is quite ____. I’m sure the wallet was in my pocket all day.

A. dramaticB. doubtfulC. mysteriousD. dangerous

17. A completely new situation is likely to ____ whe

n the school leaving age is raised to 16.

A. riseB. raiseC. ariseD. arouse

18. The campers ____ their tent in a sheltered valley.

A. establishedB. placedC. fixedD. built

19. An almost ____ line of traffic was moving at a snail’s pace through the center city.

A. continuousB. constantC. longD. continual

20. On entering another country, a tourist will have to ____ the customs.

A. pass throughB. pass byC.pass overD. pass away

21. Experiments enable young scientists to judge what must be accepted and what must be viewed with ____.

A. beliefB. curiosityC. suspicionD. doubt

22. The city has decided to ____ overhead wires.

A. do off B. do with

C. do away withD. do away

23. George ____ tears when he heard the sad news.

A. broke throughB. broke up 

C. broke intoD. broke out

24. As the airliner began to take off, Jane , together withher boyfriend ____, took a last look at their parents who had come to see them off.

A. on boardB. at mostC. on scheduleD. at random

25. She’s ____ as a very promising young singer.

A. looked onB. looked forC. looked overD. looked up
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:24     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(27)c


1. C)【句意】这顿饭并不像她所许诺的那么好。


2. C)【句意】我们无论如何也不能屈服于压力。

【难点】By and large意为“一般来讲,大体上”。By means of意为“借助于,通过”。By no means意为“决不,无论如何都不”。In return意为“反过来,作为回报”。

3. C)【句意】到我们达成协议的时候,所有的批准都会到手。

【难点】“by the time+从句”这一结构常常和现在完成时或过去完成时的主句连用。

4. A)【句意】高410米的世界贸易中心是世界上最高的建筑。


5. C)【句意】歌德温医生说,尽管存在那么有力的反对吸烟的论据,但许多人还是坚持吸烟。

【难点】英语中的让步状语从句常由下列连词引导:though/although,even though/even if,no matter+who/how等等。

6. B)【句意】经过多次测试以后,发现这台无线电接收机的灵敏度很高。

【难点】完成时的现在分词形式在本句中用作时间状语,表明测试的时间在发现灵敏度很高之前,being tested不能够表达这一含义,而having tested和testing动作的主体和逻辑主语为人,造成时间状语的逻辑主语和主句的主语不一致,故只能选B)。

7. C) 【句意】如果不尽快解决交通问题,将来就不可能在城市内驾车行驶。

【难点】如果条件句的谓语动词为一般现在时,则主句的谓语动词应采用一般将来时。8. B)【句意】在这条车水马龙的路上,汽车驾驶员应该格外小心,对不对?


9. A)【句意】直到1945年战争结束后他才回到家乡。


10. A)【句意】他一睁开眼睛,她就告诉他他们该动身了。

【难点】hardly...when为一固定搭配,意为“一…就”,具有同样意义的搭配还有scarcely...when, no sooner...than等。

11. B)【句意】她有当歌手的潜力,值得培养。


12. C)【句意】原子钟在一百年内可精确至三秒以内。

【难点】accurate 意为“准确的,精确的”,指由于细心而精确地使某事符合事实和真理;exact意为“精确的;恰好的;严密的”,指不多不少,确切地与事实或标准相符;clear意为“清晰的;清楚的;明白的”;explicit 意为“详述的;明确的”。

13. A)【句意】那种觉悟正被转化成行动。

【难点】action 意为“行为,行动”,不作具体强调;act 意为“所做的事,行为”,指比较具体的行为;deed 意为“行为,功绩”,强调与语言相对应;activity 意为“活动”,指具体化的行动。

14. D)【句意】为强调庞大词汇量的重要性,这个老师用了个类比。“用有限的词汇去写作就像用仅有的几个颜色去油漆一个马戏场”。

【难点】analogy意为“类推,类比”;example 意为“例子,实例,例证”;comparison 意为“比较,对照”,指比较两者的相同点;contrast 意为“对比,对照”,指比较两者的不同点。

15. C)【句意】每当我父亲从收音机里收听古典音乐时,他就会摆动双臂,好像在指挥乐队。

【难点】conduct 意为“指挥(乐队)”;lead 意为“领导;走在…的前面”;control 意为“控制”;practise意为“练习,实习”。

16. C)【句意】我钱包里的钱神秘失踪,我相信钱包整天都在我的衣袋里。

【难点】mysterious 意为“神秘的”;dramatic 意为“戏剧性的”;doubtful 意为“可怀疑的”;dangerous 意为“危险的”。

17. C)【句意】当离校年龄提高到16岁时,一个全新的形势就可能出现。

【难点】arise 意为“出现,产生”;rise意为“上升”;raise 意为“举起,提出;饲养”;arouse 意为“引起,唤起,激起”。前两个词是不及物动词,后两个词为及物动词。

18. C)【句意】营员们将他们的帐蓬固定在一个避风的山谷里。

【难点】fix 意为“使固定;使牢固,安装”;establish 意为“建立;设立;确立”;place意为“放置”;build 意为“建造;营造”。

19. A)【句意】几乎连绵不断的一串车辆在以蜗牛般缓慢的速度穿过市中心。

【难点】continuous 意为“连续不断的,接连的”;constant 意为“不断的;连续发生的”,强调事物的永恒性;long 意为“长久的,长时间的”;continual 意为“从不间断的”。

20. A)【句意】进入另一个国家的时候,游客必须通过海关。

【难点】pass through 意为“通过,穿过”;pass by 意为“从…旁边走过”;pass over 意为“(故意)不注意,忽略”;pass away 意为“停止,消逝;去逝”。

21. D)【句意】实验使得年轻的科学家能够判断什么必须接受,什么必须用怀疑的眼光去看。

【难点】doubt意为“疑惑”,with doubt 意为“带着疑惑的眼光”;belief意为“相信,信任”;curiosity 意为“好奇心,求知欲”;suspicion意为“怀疑”,但和doubt不同。doubt是由于信息不足而不相信,或不能判别是非真伪,拿不准;suspicion 是感到可能存在某事,猜疑有某种情况,多指疑心别人有不好的事。

22. C)【句意】该城市已决定除掉头顶上架的电线。

【难点】do away with 意为“废除;去掉”;do with 意为“处理,利用”,与what连用;do off和do away 不存在。

23. C)【句意】乔治听到这个悲伤的消息失声痛哭。

【难点】break into 意为“突然发生…”;break through 意为“冲破,突围;突破”;break up 意为“打碎”;break out 意为“爆发”。

24. A)【句意】航班起飞时,简和她的男朋友坐在飞机上,最后看一眼来为他们送行的他们的父母。

【难点】on board 意为“在船上,在飞机上”;at most意为“至多,不超过”;on schedule意为“按时间表,准时”;at random 意为“胡乱地;任意地,随便地”。

25. A)【句意】她被看作是一位很有发展前途的歌唱家。

【难点】look on 意为“看作;看待”;look for 意为“寻找,寻求”;look over 意为“察看,参观”;look up 意为“查检”。

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