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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(22)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:01     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(22)a

Test TwentyTwo
edge, border, rim, verge
verge常用于on the verge of 这一固定搭配中。如:
This is the north edge of the field.这是这块地的北边线。
The plane flew across the border.飞机飞越了边境。
He wears a pair of spectacles with gold rims.他戴一副金丝边眼镜。
She was on the verge of speaking out the secret.她差点儿把秘密说出来。
brief, concise, condensed, short
I left him a brief note.我给他留了一个便条。
Most of Bacon’s essays are concise.培根的多数小品文都很简洁。
This news story is condensed.这篇新闻报道被压缩了。
His answer was short and to the point.他的回答简明扼要。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:02     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(22)b


1. ____ a fine day, we decided to go for a picnic.

A. Having beenB. BeingC. WhatD. It being

2. He came to know that the knowledge from books can be useful only ______ it is linked with practice.

A. asB. whenC. whileD. for

3. ____, it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with laser.

A. Hard although a diamond is 

B. As a diamond is hard

C. Hard as a diamond is

D. How hard is a diamond

4. Silk, printing, paper, the compass and powder originated in China, and ____ introduction in the west had farreaching effects.

A. theseB. theirC. thoseD. its

5. The problem is believed ____ at the meeting two days ago.

A. to have discussed

B. to have been discussed

C. being discussed

D. having been discussed

6. Ultrasonic sounds produce pulsed signals ____ various defects in metal can be detected.

A. for whichB. of which 

C. as a result of whichD. by means of which

7. In computer programming, this model is ____ to any of the others we have ever had.

A. more superiorB. the more superior

C. the most superior D. superior

8. The introduction of the coal pulverizing system in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant vastly reduces the time it took ____.

A. to mill the coalB. milling the coal 

C. for milling the coalD. while milling the coal

9. Some members suggested ____ a party for the visitor, but the Chairman didn’t approve.

A. to arrangeB. arrange

C. arrangingD. to be arranging

10. If the maid comes today, please have her ____ my shirts.

A. washedB. washingC. to washD. wash

11. ____ racial problems have not been solved and full equality has not been attained yet, progress in these directions has been quite remarkable.

A. SinceB. AlthoughC. Now thatD. Before

12. ____ they are alarmed at the interference with the natural balance of the environment, and its possible consequences.

A. All in all B. After all

C. Above allD. In all

13. Rumor ____ it that the man has been nominated many times for the Nobel Prize.

A. hasB. spreadsC. carriesD. learns

14. Just because I’m ____ to him, my boss thinks he can order me around without giving me any respect.

A. redundantB. versatileC. trivial D. subordinate

15. In our society, a wedding invitation is also an ____invitation for a gift.

A.ingeniousB. intelligibleC. implicitD. inclusive

16. The strong scent of Kate’s perfume ____ the air in the small room.

A. radiatedB. permeatedC. extractedD. dispersed

17. An atom bomb would ____ a city.

A. destroyB. damageC. spoilD. wreck

18. The climate here is pleasant. It is ____ all the year round.

A. dampB. humidC. moistD. wet

19. The room is partly ____ with a few old chairs.

A. providedB. decoratedC. beautifiedD. furnished

20. If Karl were more ____ about her voice, she would never sing outside of the shower.

A. punctualB. practicalC. sensitiveD. objective

21. Renewing my driver’s licence today is ____. Otherwise, the licence will expire at midnight.

A. imaginativeB. feasibleC. imperativeD. empirical

22. For those with poor eyesight, large print ____ reading.

A. facilitatesB. rectifiesC. reinforcesD. magnifies

23. Nancy complained about the ____ airconditioner she bought from the department store.

A. inefficientB. deficientC. ineffectiveD. defective

24. ____ the large amount of time devoted to listening every day, most college students do not listen effectively.

A. HoweverB. IfC. DespiteD. Even

25. If we continue to argue over minor points, we won’t get ____near a solution.

A. anywhereB. somewhereC. elsewhereD. nowhere
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:03     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(22)c


1. D)【句意】天气很好,我们决定出去野炊。


2. B)【句意】他逐渐认识到,书本上的知识只有与实践相结合才能有用。

【难点】as 作连词时,一般意为“正当…时候”。 While作连词时,一般连接的两个动作同时或几乎同时发生。when意为“当…时候”,前加only是为强调,only when是一习惯组合。


【难点】由although引导的让步状语从句,可以换成由as引导的倒装句形式,句型一般为adj(adv 或n)+as +主语+谓语。其他三个选项不表达让步意义。

4. B)【句意】丝绸,印刷,纸张,指南针和火药源于中国,它们的引进给西方造成了深远的影响。


5. B)【句意】这一问题肯定在两天之前的会议上讨论过。

【难点】跟在believe,think, consider 等词后面作主语补足语的成分一般为动词不定式。

6. D)【句意】超声波能产生脉冲信号,通过这些信号就能检测出金属中的各种缺陷。

【难点】for which表示目的;of which 表示所属;as a result of which相当于表示由其引导的定语从句与其所修饰的主句构成因果关系;by means of 意为“通过(某种方式)”。

7. D)【句意】在计算机编程中,这种模块比我们所有的其他模块都好。

【难点】be supeiror to 意为“优越于,好于”。该短语本身就表示比较级,所以它表示“比…好”时不再需要加任何修饰。

8. A)【句意】大亚湾核电站引进的磨煤系统大大减少了过去粉碎煤所需的时间。

【难点】take some time to do sth表示“做某事花…时间”。

9. C)【句意】有些委员建议为来访者安排一次聚会,但主席对此予以否决。

【难点】suggest当“建议”讲时,其后的动词应该采用动名词形式,类似的动词还有: finish (完成),avoid(避免),mind(在意)等。

10. D)【句意】如果服务员今天来,请让她给我洗洗衬衫。

【难点】用have, make 或let表达“让某人做某事”时,要求后跟不带to的动词不定式短语作宾补。

11. B)【句意】虽然种族问题还没有得到彻底解决,完全的平等还没有得到实现,但这些方面所取得的进步是值得称道的。

【难点】although意为“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句;since 意为“因为;既然”;now that意为“现在已经…;既然已…”;before long意为“不久”,不是连词,不能带从句。

12. C)【句意】更重要的是,他们对人们干扰生态平衡的行为以及可能产生的后果表示震惊。

【难点】above all 意为“更重要的是,尤其”;all in all 意为“总而言之,总的说来”;after all 意为“毕竟,终究”; in all 意为“全部,总共,总计”。

13. A)【句意】传说那个人多次得到诺贝尔奖提名。

【难点】rumor has it that …是一个固定句式,意为“传言…,传说…”,其中it为无人称代词。其它三个词不能在本句中形成固定搭配。

14. D)【句意】只是因为我隶属老板,他就认为他可以对我招之即来,挥之即去,不尊重我的人格。


15. C)【句意】在我们的社会,婚礼请柬也是一种要求送礼的含蓄的表达方式。

【难点】implicit 意为“不言自明的;含蓄的”;ingenious意为“聪明的,有发明天才的”;intelligible意为“可理解的;明白易懂的”;inclusive意为“包括的,包含的”。

16. B)【句意】凯特香水的浓浓香气弥漫了小屋。

【难点】permeate意为“漫布,遍布,弥漫”;radiate意为“辐射,发散;传播”;extract意为“(费力)取出,拔出”;disperse 意为“使散布,散发,传播”。

17. A)【句意】一颗原子弹就会摧毁一座城市。

【难点】destroy 意为“破坏,摧毁”;damage意为“损害,损坏”,指局部性的破坏;spoil意为“弄糟,破坏;溺爱”;wreck意为“弄坏(身体),使(计划)受挫”。

18. C)【句意】这里的气候十分宜人,终年湿润。


19. D)【句意】这个房间里的家具包括几把旧扶手椅。

【难点】furnish意为“为(房间)配备家具;provide意为“提供;供给”;decorate意为“装饰,装潢”;beautify 意为“使美起来,美化”。

20. D)【句意】如果卡尔对她的嗓音的评价客观的话,那么她就不会刚洗完澡就唱了。


21. C)【句意】我的驾照必须今天就续办,否则,驾照会在半夜到期而无效。

【难点】imperative意为“紧急的,必要的”;imaginative 意为“富于想象力的”;feasible 意为“可能的,可行的”;empirical意为“单凭经验的,经验主义的”。

22. A)【句意】对那些视力较差的人,大写字体益于他们阅读。


23. D)【句意】南希抱怨自己从百货商店买来的那部有缺陷的空调器。




25. A)【句意】如果我们继续为小事纠缠不休的话,我们就不会找到任何解决问题的方法。

【难点】get somewhere 意为“有进展,有结果”,get nowhere意为“无进展,无结果”,亦即not get anywhere。以上是习语性搭配,所有其他选项不合适。

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