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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(19)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-29 17:23     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(19)a

Test Nineteen
如果句中主语的中心名词是suggestion, proposal, order, request, recommendation等,那么后面的表语从句一般要使用虚拟语气,其谓语形式为:(should)+动词原形。
His motion is that we should hold another session to discuss the problem.
My proposal was that we cancel the examination and assign the students to write term papers instead.
beam, shine, glitter, flash, glow
如:Look, there’s a beam of light coming through the thick fog.瞧,浓雾里射出了一道光线。
Give your shoes a good shine.把你的鞋擦亮点儿。
We were attracted by the glitter of the Christmas tree decorations.我们被圣诞树上闪闪发光的装饰物所吸引。
His first novel was a flash in the pan.他的第一部小说只是昙花一现。
The glow from the embers warmed us.火红的余烬使我们感到暖洋洋的。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-29 17:24     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(19)b


1. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ____to its burning temperature.

A. be heatedB. is heated

C. would be heatedD. to heated

2.____ will Mr. Forbes be able to regain control of the company.

A. With hard workB. Only if he works hardly

C. In spite of his hard workD. Only with hard work

3. ____ is no reason for discharging her.

A. Because she was a few minutes late

B. Owing to a few minutes being late

C. The fact that she was a few minutes late

D. Being a few minutes late

4.____ what may, we’re not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands.

A. ComeB.CameC. ComingD. Having come

5. Every means ____ tried out but never with success, as far as my knowledge goes.

A. isB. areC.has beenD. have been

6. He concluded his speech with a remark that failure ____the mother of success.

A. isB. wereC.wasD.must be

7. The design liaison meeting ____ ten days by the time it ends.

A. must have lastedB. will have lasted 

C. would lastD. has lasted

8. ____ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.

A. Had they arrivedB. Would they arrive

C. Were they arrivingD. Were they to arrive

9. As ____ clear from his manners, he is a teacher.

A. beingB. isC. to beD. been

10. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ____ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.

A. are to challengeB. may be challenged

C. have been challengedD. are challenging

11. It is necessary that the students ____ more excercises to do.

A. haveB.must haveC. will haveD. can have

12. The present situation forced us to ____ this policy.

A. adaptB. admitC. adoptD. adjust

13. We can ____ the two islands with a bridge.

A. uniteB. connectC. relateD. combine

14. Due to the bad weather the plane was ____ for two hours.

A. delayedB. canceledC.postponedD. dismissed

15. The ____ populated area was a breeding place forinfectious diseases.

A. denselyB. sparcelyC. improperlyD. poisonous

16. Perhaps the customer has ____ his monthly statement and not paid the bill.

A. omittedB. bewilderedC. overlookedD. escaped

17. He was almost asleep, ____ with all this hard work.

A. worn downB. worn out

C. worn offD. worn away

18. It happened in front of a fruit and vegetable ____in my neighborhood.

A. stationB. standC. jointD. lift

19. The first step in the study of any language is observing and ____ precisely what happens when native speakers speak it.

A. setting off B. setting about

C. setting upD. setting down

20. As the pressure____, the liquid rock is forced up through channels in the resistant rock to the earth’s surface.

A. intensifiesB. magnifies

C. heightensD.deviates

21. Poll is an example of a severely disabled person who has become______at many survival skills.

A. efficientB. proficientC. persistentD. transient

22. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear,damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into ____ ones.

A. tragicB. turbulentC. vulnerableD. vicious

23. I believe that remark ____ from what you said yesterday.

A. resultedB. aroseC. cameD. originated

24. Her ____ was held at the local church.

A. funeralB. festivalC. farewellD. finish

25. Tom ____ of his wife how she had met her friend.

A. askedB. questioned 

C. inquiredD. interrogated
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-29 17:24     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(19)c



【难点】A)项requirement 这个词和idea, suggestion等一样,要求从句里的谓语动词用(should)+动词原形。




【难点】A),B)均不能充当句子主语,C)The fact 后跟that引出的同位语从句,D)Being 是动名词。但D)中的名词being没有行为主体,未说明谁迟到,所以排除。


【难点】come what may 是一个固定的用法,其中come总是用原形动词,在这一用法中,主谓必须倒装,此句相当于whatever may happen (不管发生什么情况)。

5. C)【句意】就我所知,每种方法都试过了,但都没有成功。


6. A)【句意】他用“失败乃成功之母”这句话结束了他的发言。


7. B)【句意】本期设计联络会将持续十天才会结束。

【难点】by the time意指no later than the moment that something happens,常与过去完成时和将来完成时连用。

8. D)【句意】如果他们能在我们后天离开之前赶到的话,我们就举行一次盛大的宴会。

【难点】表示将来不可能发生的事实,常用虚拟语气,主句的谓语为should+动词原形(适用于第一人称主语)或would,could,might+动词原形(适用于其余人称主语);而条件句的谓语应该用should+动词原形,were to+动词原形或直接用动词的过去时(如be 改用were)。

9. B)【句意】从他的举止便可以明显地看出,他是一名教师。


10. C)【句意】尽管牛顿非常伟大,然而他的许多观点当前正受到怀疑,并且当今的许多科学家正在努力对这些观点进行修正。


11. A)【句意】学生们有必要做更多的练习。

【难点】虚拟语气可以用于主语从句中,常用的句型为:It +is(was)+形容词that…,主语从句中的谓语用(should)+v.的表达形式。

12. C)【句意】目前的形势强迫我们采纳这项政策。


13. B)【句意】我们可以用桥将两座岛屿联接起来。


14. A)【句意】由于天气恶劣,飞机晚点两个小时。


15. A)【句意】人口稠密的地区是传染病滋生的地方。


16. C)【句意】也许这位顾客忽略了他的月度报表,而没付单。


17. B)【句意】他干了这么多重活儿,累得精疲力竭,差不多睡着了。

【难点】wear out意为“使疲乏;使厌倦;使耗尽”;wear down意为“使消瘦,使厌烦”;wear off意为“渐渐减少;消逝”;wear away意为“消磨,打发,虚度;(时光等)流逝”。

18. B)【句意】这件事发生在我们居民区一个水果蔬菜摊前。


19. D)【句意】任何语言学习的第一步都是观察和精确记录本族人说话时所使用的语言。

【难点】set down意为“写下,记录,记下”;set off意为“出发,动身”;set about意为“开始忙碌,着手工作”;set up意为“开办,建立,设立”。

20. A)【句意】随着压力的增强,岩浆通过坚岩里的一些渠道被挤压到地球表面。


21. B)【句意】波尔是个重残者掌握多种生存技能的典范。


22. B)【句意】谣言到处传播,传播恐惧,破坏名誉,把安定的局势搅得动荡不安。


23. D)【句意】我相信那句话起源于你昨天说的话。


24. A)【句意】她的葬礼在当地教堂举行。


25. C)【句意】汤姆问妻子是怎样接待朋友的。


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