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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(13)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-29 17:09     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(13)a

Test Thirteen
当句首状语为否定词或带否定意义的词语时,一般引起局部倒装。这些词语常见的有:never, not for one minute, no longer, on no account, no more, nowhere else, at no time, hardly, scarcely, rarely, not for nothing等。例如:
Never have I found him in such a good mood.
Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing.
以关联连词not only(but also)和so(...that)开头的句子,通常引起局部倒装。例如:
So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.
gaze, glare, gape, peer, stare
We gazed at the rough sea lost in thought.我们凝视波涛汹涌的大海,陷入沉思。
People glared at the man who had assassinated their premier.人们愤怒地瞪着刺杀了他们总理的凶手。
Tourists gaped at the animal keeper feeding meat to the lions.游客们目不转晴地看着饲养员给狮子喂肉。
The detective peered into the room through his binoculars.侦探用望远镜向屋内窥视。
The girl stared at the beggar instead of giving him some money.小女孩冷冷地盯着乞丐,没给他钱。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-29 17:10     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(13)b


1. Any steam engine gives us an example of ____ into work.

A.heats having turnedB. heats turning 

C. heats having been turnedD. heat being turned

2. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of______ reality.

A. what it is conceived B. that is conceived

C. that is being conceivedD. what is conceived to be

3. Not until a monkey is several years old ____ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother. does beginB. when it begins 

C. does it beginD. before it begins

4. Television will be used to enable customers to shop from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering via the TV screen, payment____ by direct debit of their credit cards.

A. making itB. is made

C. being madeD. will be made

5. A woman has to be ____ a man to go half as far.

A. twice as good as B. as twice good as

C. twice good asD. twice so good as 

6. Hardly had we got on the bus ____ it began to rain.

A. whenB. sinceC. butD. before

7. I’m sorry I can’t go with you, but I wish you ____.

A. a good timeB. have a good time

C. to have a good timeD. will have a good time

8. Many a time ____ them not to do so.

A. we have warnedB. do we have warned

C. have we warned D. warned we have

9. They have produced ____.

A. 10 more pianos this month than last month

B. 10 pianos more this monththan last month

C. 10 pianos this month as many as last month

D. 10 as many pianos this month as last month

10. He was hungry and ordered two ____ of fish.

A. sharesB. partsC. portionsD. sections

11. The best students are ____ special scholarships.

A. awardedB. rewardedC. forwardedD. honored

12. She stood up and ____ in strong language.

A. opposedB. reckonedC. objectedD. shouted

13. After becoming paralysed, Jane had to get used to the loss of____.She hated having to depend on others for things she once did for herself.

A. authorityB. autonomy

C. attractionD. dependence

14. Having poor handwriting is not much of a ____ in an age of typewriters and computers.

A. differenceB. possibility

C. convention D. liability

15. The ____ grades are generally considered to be kindergarten through third grade.

A. primitiveB. primaryC. promisingD. proceeding

16. The meal was excellent; the pears were particularly____.

A. flavoredB. deliciousC. tastefulD. gracious

17. His parents give him many expensive toys as some form of ____for his lameness and inability to play active games.

A. remedyB. compensation

C. treatmentD. comfort

18. To what extent will future scientific discoveries make possible the ____ of the human life span.

A. increase B. expansion

C. growth D. prolongation

19. She was at the ____ of her career when she was badly injured in the car accident.

A. bloomB. peakC. excessD. extreme

20. Should the ____ of patriotism be controlled by reason

?A. sentimentB. affectionC. emotionD. passion

21.____ going through to New York yesterday to attend his son’s wedding, Dr. Knapp flew to Chicago for a flower show.

A. On the contraryB. In spite of

C. Instead ofD. Because of

22.____ to the question of refreshments, I should think orange juice and potato chips will be sufficient.

A.DueB. AsC. PriorD. According

23. To most of the undergraduate students, the doctoral degree is a distant ____.

A. themeB. prospectC. thresholdD. token

24. The party’s reduced vote was ____ of lack of support for its policies.

A. authoritativeB. acute

C. adverseD. indicative

25. Plato’s teaching had a profound ____ on Aristotle.

A. sentimentB. affectC. effectD.sanction
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-29 17:11     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(13)c


1. D)【句意】蒸汽机是将热转化为能的一个例子。

【难点】heat是不可数名词,是being turned的逻辑主语。

2. D)【句意】从本质上说,理论是对虚构现实的一种抽象的并具有象征性的展示。


3. C)【句意】猴子要到几岁的时候才能表现出脱离母亲而独立的迹象。


4. C)【句意】人们将使用电视在家里舒舒服服地购物,可以通过屏幕进行订货,所需支付的款项可直接从信用卡扣除。


5. A)【句意】一个女人如果想走男人的一半距离的话,那么她的体力必须是男人的二倍。

【难点】表示“有…几倍好”用“几倍+as+adj +as”结构。

6. A)【句意】我们刚上车,就下起雨来了。


7. A)【句意】对不起,我不能跟你去,但是我希望你玩得愉快。


8. C)【句意】我们多次警告他们不要这样做。

【难点】“Many a time”引导倒装。

9. A)【句意】他们这个月生产的钢琴比上个月多十台。


10. C)【句意】他饿极了,点了两份鱼。


11. A)【句意】最好的学生被颁发特殊奖学金。


12. C)【句意】她站起身,用激烈的言辞表示反对。


13. B)【句意】瘫痪后,珍妮不得不去习惯失去自由行动能力的状态,她讨厌依赖他人做她以前自己能做的事情。


14. D)【句意】字写得不好在打字机和电脑时代算不上不利条件。


15. B)【句意】一般认为初级年级是从幼儿园到三年级。


16. B)【句意】这顿饭真好吃,尤其是梨,很香。


17. B)【句意】由于跛足,他不能玩运动量大的游戏,他的父母给了他很多昂贵的玩具作为某种形式的补偿。


18. D)【句意】未来的科学发现将在多大程度上延长人的寿命呢?


19. B)【句意】正当事业处于顶峰的时候,她出了车祸,受了重伤。

【难点】peak意为“顶点,顶峰”,常用于词组at the peak of 中;bloom 意为“开花期;繁花盛开”,常用于词组 in the bloom of …;excess意为“超越,越过”;extreme意为“极度(状态)”。

20. A)【句意】爱国主义情操应该受理智控制吗?


21. C)【句意】耐普博士昨天没去纽约参加儿子的婚礼而是飞到芝加哥去看花展。

【难点】instead of 意为“代替,而不是”;on the contrary 意为“正相反”;in spite of 意为“不顾,尽管”;because of 意为“由于,因为”。四个词组中,只有instead of 后面可接动名词doing的形式。

22. C) 【句意】我想,在吃点心前桔汁和土豆片就足以吃饱了。

【难点】prior to 意为“在…以前,先于”;due to 意为“由于,因为”;as to 意为“至于,关于”; according to 意为“根据,按照”。

23. B)【句意】对多数本科生来说,博士学位是一个遥远的前景。

【难点】prospect意为“(经济、地位等)前景,前程;景象”;theme 意为“主题,题目”;threshold意为“门槛;开端”;token意为“标志,象征,记号”。

24. D)【句意】该党得票下降暗示该党的政策缺少支持。


25. C)【句意】柏拉图的教学对亚里士多得有深远的影响。

【难点】effect意为“作用,影响”,have an effect on …意为“对…有影响。”sentiment意为“感情,意见”;affect意为“影响,假装”,是动词;sanction意为“赞许,支持;鼓励”。

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