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标题: Spanish Pleasure in a Pan 西班牙海鲜饭 [打印本页]

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-8-28 16:22     标题: Spanish Pleasure in a Pan 西班牙海鲜饭

  It’s a sunny afternoon in the Mediterranean city of Valencia, Spain. Friendly Spaniards smile and wave as you stroll1 by. Suddenly, a rich, delicious smell fills your nostrils. Up ahead, an excited group of locals is standing around a large, round pan of food that’s cooking over a fire. “Paella”-- the word rolls off your tongue as your mouth starts to water.
  Valencia’s paella is famous, but most Spanish provinces2 have their own versions3 of this traditional dish. Paella’s ingredients4 include rice, olive oil, roasted rabbit, chicken, shrimp, red and green peppers, onions, and plenty of garlic. But the key ingredient is saffron, an exotic, fragrant spice that gives paella its rich flavor and orange-yellow color.
  The word “paella” comes from patella, which is Latin for “pan.” A paella pan is round, shallow, and flat, and has two large handles. It’s usually made of iron. To prepare an authentic5 paella, a good paella pan and a hot wood fire are essential.6
  一个晴朗的午后,你正漫步于西班牙地中海沿岸的瓦伦西亚市,友善的西班牙人脸上挂着微笑,朝着你挥挥手。突然间,一股浓郁的香味扑鼻而来。就在正前方,一群当地人兴奋地围绕着以大圆锅盛装的食物,它正在柴火上烹煮着。你的口水直流,不假思索便从嘴里蹦出“西班牙海鲜饭”这几个字。 瓦伦西亚的海鲜饭远近驰名,但这道传统佳馐在西班牙各省多有各自的做法。海鲜饭的材料包括米、橄榄油、烤兔肉、鸡肉、虾子、红椒、青椒、洋葱以及大量的蒜头,但最关键的材料则为番红花。番红花是一种外来的香料,使得海鲜饭散发浓郁的香味并呈现橙黄的色泽。 Paella这个字源于拉丁文的patella(即“锅子”)。海鲜饭锅是圆而浅的平底锅,两边装有大把手,通常是铁制的。要作出道地的海鲜饭,一把好的锅子以及燃烧旺盛的柴火是不可或缺的。

1. stroll v. to walk in a relaxed way 漫步 I enjoy strolling through the park and admiring the flowers. 我喜欢在公园里散步赏花。
2. province n. official areas that a country is divided into 省 British Columbia is a large province in western Canada. 英属哥伦比亚省是加拿大西部面积广大的省份。
3. version n. a type of sth. 版本 In this new version of the song, the music is played much faster. 在这首歌的新版本里,音乐速度快得多。
4. ingredient n. sth. included in a recipe or dish 材料:要素 Tomatoes and cheese are the main ingredients of pizza. 番茄和起司是披萨的主要材料。
5. authentic adj. genuine 道地的 During my visit to Tainan, I enjoyed authentic Taiwanese snacks at a night market. 我到台南旅行时,在夜市里品尝了不少道地的台湾小吃。
6. essential adj. necessary 不可或缺的
Your passport is essential for international travel. 出国旅行,护照是不可或缺的。
对话:be made of 由……制成 A: What is the pot made of? B: It’s mostly metal, but there’s a little wooden handle, too. A: 这个锅子是什么做的? B: 大部分是金属,但是有一个小巧的木制把手。
作者: DZ    时间: 2007-8-28 16:23

  Paella has been popular in Spain for hundreds of years, and every year the paellas get bigger. In 2001, a 21-meter-wide paella was prepared in Madrid. 6,000 kilograms of rice, 12,000 kilograms of meat, and 1,100 liters of olive oil were used to make it. It fed 110,000 people!
  In Spain, especially along the east coast, outdoor paella parties are often held on festival days. During Valencia’s Fallas celebration, for example, locals feast on1 paella before burning hundreds of huge wooden figures in the streets. But if you miss Fallas, don’t worry. You can make paella at home.
  After acquiring2 a paella pan, heat it over a gas or wood fire. Then, fry the meat and chopped vegetables in olive oil. Next, add boiling chicken broth and the saffron. Twenty minutes later, add the rice and cook until all the water is absorbed.3 After that, decorate the paella with lemon wedges. Finally, to enjoy paella as the Spanish do, grab4 a spoon and eat straight from the pan!
  数百年来,海鲜饭在西班牙一直广受欢迎;年复一年,海鲜饭的尺寸也愈作愈大。2001年,马德里出现了直径21米宽的海鲜饭,总共使用了6,000公斤的米、12,000公斤的肉以及1,100公升的橄榄油,足足够11万人吃的份量。 在西班牙,尤其是东部沿海地区,经常在节庆时举办户外海鲜饭派对。举例来说,每到了瓦伦西亚的火节庆典时,当地人会大啖海鲜饭,然后在街上焚烧许多大型木制人像。如果你错过了火节,没关系,在家里也可以作海鲜饭。 拿到海鲜饭锅后,先放到煤气或柴火上加热,然后用橄榄油拌炒肉及切好的蔬菜,接着加入滚烫的鸡汤与番红花,二十分钟后再加入生米,一直煮到水分全被吸干为止。完成后,再用柠檬切块做装饰。最后,如果想学西班人享用海鲜饭,就拿把汤匙,直接从锅里舀起来吃吧!

1. feast on v. phr. to enjoy a specific food 大快朵颐 We feasted on roast turkey and baked ham until we couldn’t eat anymore. 我们对着烤火鸡肉和烤火腿大快朵颐,直到吃不下为止。
2. acquire v. to get sth. 取得 I acquired a new suit for the job interview. 为了工作面试,我弄到一套新的西装。
3. absorb n. to take in a gas, liquid, or other substance 吸收 The mop absorbed all the water that was on the floor. 抹布将地上的水都吸干了。
4. grab v. to take hold of sb./sth. 抓 The police officer grabbed my arm and told me not to move. 警察抓住我的手臂,叫我不要乱动。
对话:decorate sth. with sth. 用……装饰…… A: Are you making any preparations for the holidays? B: Yes. I plan to decorate the whole house with flowers. A: 你有没有为节日做准备? B: 有啊,我打算用花来布置整个屋子。
作者: chm8624    时间: 2007-10-7 16:42

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