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标题: 白羊座本月运程 [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 11:30     标题: 白羊座本月运程

This month you could feel a certain push-pull energy running through your days. Starting the 1st, you're feeling both a real urge to connect with others and a desire to turn your attention inward. Rather than approaching this as a problem, look at it as an opportunity to play with new ways of getting to know yourself and others. Maybe you have some insights into your own personality when you really engage with a close friend? Maybe you have an insight into a close friend's behavior when you really look hard at yourself? By the 2nd and 3rd, you're feeling really fantastic -- like you're just at the beginning of something big. The 7th, if you need to sell an apartment to a high-rolling speculator, you'll do it. With aplomb. The 13th, 14th and 15th, if somebody (or several somebodies) has a problem, you don't lay an egg. Nope, you cluck-cluck-cluck over them until they feel better about the whole thing. It could be back to that push-pull sensation the 19th, when you just want to push, push, push and pull, pull, pull to get the job done. What do your coworkers want? By the 24th, you've reached a turning point. Do you push? Or do you pull? You'll have your answer the 29th and 30th, when you're feeling really fabulous.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 11:30     标题: 金牛座本月运程

The 1st, you could be voted 'most valuable best team player super person in the whole darned office'. And if you aren't, gosh, you should be. Yep, you're a heck of a productive employee, and the people around you really appreciate the way you keep the ball rolling. The 5th, you get a real boost. Is it a phone call from a soon-to-be special somebody? Or do you just plain wake up feeling good? Could be both, you know. The 7th, if you've been trying to break the habit you have of getting really, really annoyed when one of your coworkers wanders into your cubicle and places their half-eaten donut on your desk and then leaves to take a phone call so that you have to pick up that nastily salivated upon pink-glazed confection and walk it over to their cubicle before it goes stale, then heck, you'll have a great opportunity to test your resolution to be more patient (when they do it again). The 12th, get creative and you'll come up with something beautiful. By the 17th, don't forget to floss (and double-check your facts and figures in the company report). The 21st, give yourself a break -- you've earned it! By the 25th, you'll be ready to spend the evening out. Is it a charity ball? Or a big family bash? Enjoy it either way. The 30th, bring it on -- whatever it is -- you're ready!
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 11:30     标题: 双子座本月运程

What's up with you on the 1st? Are you taking to a Change (with a capital 'C') like a duck takes to water? Or are you barely managing to keep treading? The answer could depend more on your attitude toward Change than on the change itself. So whether it's a new job, a new partner, a new haircut or something else entirely, try to keep your attitude positive and your head above water and you'll see that change isn't just inevitable -- it's also good. The 4th and 5th, a little self-reflection (or a lot of it) drives this point home. By the 7th, you could find that you see that big, beginning-of-the-month Change in a wholly (or mostly wholly) positive light. Great! The 12th, go ahead and roar. Or speak loudly and clearly, or send out a succinctly worded email. You've got something to say, and by golly, it's going to be heard (or read). The 16th and 17th, wherever you're headed, you're more than halfway there, so buck up and keep going. By the 21st and 22nd, it's time for a little rest. How healthy have your eating habits been, lately? The 26th, you'd do best to guard your strength (and keep eating well!). The 30th, get to the point quickly.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 11:31     标题: 巨蟹座本月运程

The 1st, you and all your friends and several of your family members and maybe a brand new acquaintance or two are planning something big. Is it a party? A get-together? A dinner? A bruncheon? A gallery opening? A family-style hotcakes restaurant? Whatever it is, it takes lots of reflection, lots of contemplation, and lots of work. Oh, right -- and lots of love too. You're going to make a pretty great go of it, though, this month, you can bet on it. The 5th, turn to your circle of intimates if you're feeling low -- they'll be more than happy to replenish your emotional reserve. By the 11th and 12th, 'low' is the last thing you feel. There's work to be done, and by golly gee, you're doing it! The 14th, it's your turn to refuel a depleted friend's 'love' tank, and on the 19th, your work endeavors take on a momentum all their own. The 22nd, start wrapping up a work project and the 23rd and 24th, start relaxing -- you've earned it! The 28th, spend some time reviewing all you've accomplished, and the 30th, how's that family-style House of Hotcakes coming along, anyway?
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 11:31     标题: 狮子座本月运程

The 1st, you begin your month with some serious self-expression. Maybe you're singing in the rain. Maybe you're dancing in the streets. Maybe you're self-publishing. Whatever it is you're up to, the world is going to be a richer place when you're done with it. Oh, and don't be surprised if you wind up the month with a whole host of accolades, okay? The 5th, something somewhere somehow shifts. What? Where? How? Only you know. The 11th and 12th, get ready to celebrate. If you don't have an occasion, don't worry: There's nothing wrong with simply celebrating your special, shiny, super self! The 16th and 17th, things suddenly get simpler and you've got all eyes on you -- what a combination! The 21st and 22nd, you turn your attention to a few of the deeper, more mysterious sides of life. 'What does it all mean?' you might ask. 'How do I fit in?' you might wonder. Only you know how you'll begin to answer these questions, though. The 27th and 28th, you're back in serious self-expression mode. How on Earth are you planning on wrapping up this spectacular month?
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 11:32     标题: 处女座本月运程

The 1st, you could be contemplating the deep blue of the sea. Or the wide-open sky. Or the green trees or the brown trees or the leafless trees or the hothouse flowers. Or all the insects and the birds and all the little creepy crawly things that are our companions here on earth. You're always earth- and environment-oriented, but this month you're even more tuned in to the world around you than usual. The 5th, why not take time to take stock of how you have (and haven't) been channeling your love for Mother Earth. Could you be more effective if you joined an environmental group of some kind? The 9th, you see a problem for what it is (No recycling program in the neighborhood? That's why nobody recycles!). The 12th, you need to do something about said problem you identified. The 17th, you take your solution public, and the 20th, you spend the day implementing something very important (Securing the support of local business, maybe? That should get your recycling project going!). The 24th, take control, and the 29th, spend the day doing what you like best -- communing with nature!

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