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标题: 白羊座父母 [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 11:33     标题: 白羊座父母

The Aries Parent

  The Aries parent (March 21 to April 19) of either sex is kind and generous to children, but not always sympathetic or understanding. This is particularly true of the Aries father, who, while he is proud of his children, is apt to be impatient and irritable, and unwilling to see their problems through their eyes.

  The Aries mother is a somewhat different personality. She too is intensely proud of her children, and apt to be somewhat unconventional and advanced in her methods of rearing them. She may urge them to use their own judgment a good deal more than is permitted to most children, and of course it depends upon the astrological group of her child whether this is a good thing or not. Since the inherited pattern does enter into the matter, the chances are that the child will have considerable of the mother’s initiative. In any case it is always well to encourage a child to develop judgment and taste. On the whole, barring impatience, the Aries parents, particularly the Aries mother, are fairly efficient and a good example of independence and courage to the growing child.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 11:33     标题: 金牛座父母

The Taurus Parent

  The Taurus parent (April 20 to Many 20) of either sex is often considered one of the ideal types of parent. They have endless patience, a natural love for children and the home life, which so often revolves around the youngsters in the family. This routine is not boring to the Taurean, as it is to so many of the other Zodiacal types. Taureans almost always choose country life, or at least suburban life, which is very protective instinct, and while they are seldom brilliant intellectual people themselves, their kindness of heart and common sense as well as strongly intuitive qualities go a long way toward giving a child the kind of guidance most needed.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 11:34     标题: 双子座父母

The Gemini Parent

  The Gemini person (May 21 to June 21) of either sex does not make an ideal parent. There is too much mind, and not enough heart in the make-up to be effective with children. These people have a youthful outlook themselves, and a fresh and lively point of view. This may help them to understand their children children. A good memory will serve as well. The Gemini person must cultivate patience and affection, and try to create a restful atmosphere in the home rather than a stimulating or exciting one. The Gemini person’s whole reaction to life lacks warmth and affection, but this is particularly important in the relationship with children. There are many problems that pure reason alone will not solve, and one of them is the guidance of children. It is a fine thing for children to have intellectual parents, if the parents give children a chance to absorb some of this mental activity and begin to put it to use early in the life.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 11:34     标题: 巨蟹座父母

The Cancer Parent

  The Cancer person (June 22 to July 22) has been described as the personification of motherhood. It is true that these people love children, and make the greatest amount of fuss over them. But they are not always wise in rearing them. The Cancer father is exacting, fussy and critical; and supervises his children until they become nervous and self-conscious. The Cancer mother dotes on them until they become naughty, and then she rebukes them too sternly. She herself is full of tempers, and has very little control over her own emotions; consequently her discipline is too severe. She is to sort of parent who is both too easy and too hard. The child never knows what is going to happen, and soon learns that there is very little justice in his or her young life. These parents give plenty of love, but their attitude is not sufficiently reasonable for the guidance of children, and though they are very devoted parents the atmosphere is too hysterical for complete success.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 11:34     标题: 狮子座父母

The Leo Parent

  The Leo person (July 23 to August 23) of both sexes makes, on general principles, a rather good parent. The Leo mother is particularly successful. She is a little too dictatorial and dominant, but her love is so sincere that her children soon realize its strength. She is very ambitious, and manages to procure for them every possible advantage. Perhaps the greatest fault of parents of both sexes in the Leo sign is the desire to rule absolutely over the home as if it were a kingdom. Either the ruler demands too much attention, or smothers the children with attention, making them too dependent on the advantages that they receive in the home. There is on doubt about the generosity and quality of the Leo love for their children, for it ranks first of all in the emotional responses to children from the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 10:33     标题: 处女座父母

The Virgo Parent

  The Virgo person (August 24 to September 23) makes an excellent parent; that is, so far as the visual and material factors in the life are concerned. The Virgo mother notices everything. She is meticulous about her children’s appearance, and instills into them very early in life a sense of method and order. She watches their manners, morals and advancement in school with the greatest care, and no social position matters to her as much as her children’s progress. She trains them to be a help to themselves. The Virgo father has much the same attitude as the Virgo mother, and the most serious fault of both sexes as parents is too much supervision and nagging.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 10:33     标题: 天秤座父母

The Libra Parent

  The Libra parent (September 24 to October 23) is one of the best parents of the Zodiac. Whether it be the mother or father who is a Libra person, they seem to have an instinctive understanding of children. They radiate a gentle comradeship that guides and instructs without too restraining a hand. The Libra parent seems to have the gift for making a child enjoy instruction. They show their love and devotion for their youngsters by a really intelligent direction of development, which is neither tyrannical nor too indulgent. In parents the Libra qualities of judgment and balance are used to the greatest advantage.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 10:33     标题: 天蝎座父母

The Scorpio Parent

  The Scorpio parent (October 24 to November 22) is, alas! One of the most prolific types, and the poorest-equipped to bring up children. They (both sexes) are impatient, ambitious, tyrannical and sever. Their devotion to their children is boundless, but their behavior lacks common sense and control. They are often harsh, and their methods of discipline too severe. Despite the fact that Scorpio people are very wise and have an intuitive knowledge of life, they are too much the slave of their passions to put into practice the restrained common sense so necessary to the guidance of children. The Scorpio parents must learn to harness their passions and serve their children, giving them the benefit of their own natural gifts. Otherwise the offspring of such a home environment will grow up too weak-kneed and cowed to fight the ordinary battles of life, to say nothing of their inward and secret resentment against the parents.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 10:34     标题: 射手座父母

The Sagittarian Parent

        Sagittarians have a flourishing inner child - and thus they love playing with their kids. However, they can also be overly idealistic, expecting standards of behavior or scholarship that verge on the impossible. Often they expect kids with no athletic inclination to go out for sports anyway, which can be tortuous. Parents: Let your kids follow their hearts - within reason. Children: Do your best - but don't obsess.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 10:34     标题: 魔羯座父母

The Capricorn Parent

  The Capricorn mother (December 22 to January 19) is a far better parent than the Capricorn father. This type of mother is rather like the Virgo mother in her detailed super-Guide for Parents vision of her children and her persistent efforts to raise the standard of the child's schoo1 work and general behavior. Like the Virgo mother,she sometimes errs on the side of commission rather than omission. She is exceedingly ambitious,and may in her zeal for Progress push her children be-yond their capabilities.The Capricorn father is far too exacting and severe. He resembles the Scorpio parent in that no has no patience with the weaknesses of childhood,and judges children by adult standards. He is harsh and unsympathetic, and thinks only in terms of discipline. Relaxation and pleasure have litt1e place in his own program,and he sees no need to supply his children with enjoyment,which he thinks of as self-indulgence.This type of parent dominated by the planet Saturn as he is,can expect 1ittle but fear from his children.Unless he tempers his severity,he will lose out in the most satisfactory emotional returns obtainable by everyone who is a parent;that is,he may forfeit the love of his Children.
  摩羯母象处女母一样, 着重细节, 注重孩子的学校作业和总体表现, 由于太野心, 经常让孩子做过于自己能力的事情, 急于求成; 摩羯父太严厉, 容易对孩子的弱点没耐心, 常以大人的标准去评价孩子, 只是用纪律约束孩子, 而不是给他们放松和快乐.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 10:35     标题: 水瓶座父母

The Aquarian Parent

The Aquarian parent (January 20 to February l8) of both sexes makes the ideal Parent. Aquarius is the human Sign, and the qualities dominant in the sign-character are ideal for the development of children.These people can guide and encourage  children, spurring  them  on  to excel, without boastfulness. The Aquarian can instill in his or her children respect for the Parents' judgment. Children of Aquarian parents will ask advice  fearlessly, knowing that they Will never be unduly censured for possible mistakes. The Aquarian method of rearing children is kind guidance and reason-able correction. These parents make every effort to engage the child's real interest in studies and advancement, not merely stimulate his or her completive spirit. Children of this type of parents are treated with great affection, but never mangled, devoured, or deluged With sentimentality. The Aquarian always tries to create mental appreciation, believing that this will endue long after the emotional effusions are spent.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 10:37     标题: 水瓶座父母

The Aquarian Parent

The Aquarian parent (January 20 to February l8) of both sexes makes the ideal Parent. Aquarius is the human Sign, and the qualities dominant in the sign-character are ideal for the development of children.These people can guide and encourage  children, spurring  them  on  to excel, without boastfulness. The Aquarian can instill in his or her children respect for the Parents' judgment. Children of Aquarian parents will ask advice  fearlessly, knowing that they Will never be unduly censured for possible mistakes. The Aquarian method of rearing children is kind guidance and reason-able correction. These parents make every effort to engage the child's real interest in studies and advancement, not merely stimulate his or her completive spirit. Children of this type of parents are treated with great affection, but never mangled, devoured, or deluged With sentimentality. The Aquarian always tries to create mental appreciation, believing that this will endue long after the emotional effusions are spent.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-21 10:38     标题: 双鱼座父母

The Piscean Parent

  The Sign of Pisces is a very fertile sign (February 19 to Match 20).These people (both sexes) make loving and de-voted patents,but they are apt to be too indulgent for the good of their children.The highly developed Piscean lives such a remote spiritual,exoteric that the practical but deli-cater problem of child tainting eludes him. For the most part,this is too hard a job for Pisceans to work at seriously and consistently.These people,because of their deep love for their children,bereave that is sufficient its spatial significance for guidance.While the value of unseen forces is an interesting debatable  point,the growing childfree surrounding the Parents need direction of a more tangible sort. The Pisces parents enjoy the companionship of the children, and ate one with them in many ways,but the hard work of supervision is something that they try to avoid simply by letting the child have his or her own way.Parents of this group might try to discipline teraservers to the point where the less agreeable duties of child development are as faith-fully undertaken by them as they,in their imagination,be-levee.The Pisces person is seldom aware of shortcomings,and usually judges results by the perfection of the spiritual visions.

  为自己孩子的优点而陶醉, 喜欢让孩子自由发展, 不能注意孩子的缺点, 通常以出现在眼前的完美性评价一件事的结果

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