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标题: 月亮在白羊座-Aries [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-13 11:27     标题: 月亮在白羊座-Aries


  People with the moon in Aries in their birth charts have a deep, unquenchable yearning for leadership. They long for all of the material signs of power. The satisfaction of the spirit does not satisfy them, and they want to enjoy the authority and often the luxury that goes with power.

  Sometimes this position makes all this possible, for the moon in Aries gives originality of thought, brilliant, flashing this kind of a mind can frequently turn these ideas into money or into channels that lead to the position that they are so earnestly seeking.

  The moon in Aries gives the native an irritable disposition. These people are brisk and snappy, with sudden outbursts. Words flare up in them like flames, and when angry they find themselves able to express themselves with even more gusto than when completely at ease.

  People with the moon in Aries are seldom calm for any length of time. Everything that interests them excites them. They build up mental pictures of social giant that they intend to slay, and even when their impulses lead them into more everyday channels of thought and action, they dream of “more worlds to conquer.”

  Since the main result of the moon in this sign is to make physical conditions out of thoughts, the native has, to begin with, a very hard task. Sometimes the objective is so difficult to attain that it borders upon physical danger, and many people with the moon in Aries have been known to create conditions that ended in their own death. These people seem to have no ability to weigh or measure the proportion of their plans. Whatever the ideas they conceive and wish to fulfill, they are constructed materially without regard to consequences. Their mental energy sweeps everything before them to a conclusion, and at no time during the process are they able or willing to halt the tide.

  It must not be supposed that this is an inferior position. The reactions from this Luna rule and the type of mind that it controls are lofty in quality and capable of great accomplishment.
The moon has great power over the love nature, and often has a principal hand in shaping the mental responses to romantic love and the physical urge.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-13 11:27     标题: 月亮落在金牛上-Taurus

As lunar Earth sign personalities, those with moon in Taurus require tangible proof of affection from those with whom they form relationships. Their strong physical appetites push them to gratify their desires whenever they have the opportunity, but never in an outwardly reckless manner that threatens their basic security. Material comforts and the advantages of wealth are important to them, and they can become overly concerned with social status. Though they enjoy having the stability of a solid home and family life, they are not necessarily homebodies. In fact, they tend to spend a lot of time and attention on social or economic pursuits instead of routine household or family chores.

Taurus moon personalities do not want to be rushed or forced into commitments. However, once they do make an emotional commitment to a project, idea, or relationship, they doggedly pursue and hang on to it. It's hard for them to accept when things go wrong, and it may take an even longer time for them to make the necessary adjustments to rectify the situation. Their calm and quiet temperament has a stabilizing influence on others, but it can also give them an aura of self-containment that makes them appear proud or unapproachable. Others who break promises or fail to keep their word to them must be prepared to endure the consequences. Moon in Taurus personalities have long memories. They may forgive but they rarely forget. Some of them remember personal insults and disappointments for years, wasting precious time bearing grudges that should have been long forgotten.


作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-13 11:28     标题: 月亮落在双子上-Gemini

As lunar Air sign personalities, those with moon in Gemini can sometimes take their intellectual approach too far. Constant analyzing, rationalization, and acting as though they had already experienced something instead of just thinking or talking about it, can prevent them from ever doing it. They are talkative, mentally alert, and curious about everything. Always looking for some kind of intellectual stimulation, they get bored by repetitive tasks and the same environment day after day. Attracted by intrigue and idle gossip, they pay too much attention to what everyone else is doing. Restless and impatient, they do not always take time to get all the facts before repeating things. As eager to share information as they are to receive it, many of them are talented teachers, writers, and communicators of one sort or another.

Gemini moon personalities are emotionally adaptable. A dual-natured flexibility allows them to say or do one thing with apparent ease, even though what they really think and feel may be quite different. They instinctively understand what others want to hear and what to do to please them, but they don't always know how to make themselves happy. Though quite willing to discuss others, they can be secretive about themselves. Their outer personality may be bright and optimistic but they can harbor inner feelings of loneliness. Moon in Gemini personalities love secrets and solving puzzles. They have highly sensitive nervous systems and, in order to maintain proper physical and mental health, they need to be given varied tasks and opportunities for frequent change of scene or alterations in their daily routine.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-13 11:29     标题: 月亮落在巨蟹上-Cancer

As lunar Water sign personalities, those with moon in Cancer may have a certain awkwardness in their bearing and approach. Creative and sensitive, they are apt to have artistic talent or at least great appreciation for the arts. They are vulnerable to the influence of those with whom they spend the most time, making it hard to distinguish whether they are expressing their own opinions or merely reflecting those of someone else. They can be extremely passive when it comes to extricating themselves from unhappy emotional situations. They may even cling to such situations after they have managed to find happiness elsewhere. They hate to throw anything away. Lack of motivation can make them lazy, disorganized and sloppy.

Cancerian moon personalities are dedicated to getting their own way and accomplishing personal goals. They can be quite shy when initially confronted with unfamiliar situations and when meeting total strangers. Once they feel comfortable, they become more outgoing and even aggressive. Their nurturing nature makes them hospitable, compassionate, and philanthropic. Strong identification with the concept of family makes them treat everyone as part of the family. They often use this kind of approach as a successful ploy in getting others to cooperate. As babies they tend to be finicky eaters or develop food allergies. As adults they have an unfortunate tendency to use food as an emotional pacifier.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-13 11:29     标题: 月亮落在狮子上-Leo

As lunar Fire sign personalities, those with moon in Leo are magnanimous and passionate in the expression of their feelings. Unfortunately, Leo's tendency for exaggeration can lead to being what others may consider insincere. The excitement of a particular moment may cause them to sincerely and passionately say or do things that, unfortunately, may later be forgotten. Pride is their emotional downfall. They cannot separate emotions from ego. It is ego that prompts them to consciously or subconsciously dominate emotional relationships. Others can elicit their cooperation or obtain their positive response by applying subtle flattery, but absolutely nothing will be gained by backing them up against the wall and wounding their pride.

Leo moon personalities can be extremely stubborn. They have purpose, determination, and tenacity when it comes to getting what they want. Strongly idealistic, they are capable of great personal sacrifice for causes in which they passionately believe. Even when presented with irrefutable evidence that their idealism or loyalty has been misguided, they may find it difficult to move on. They are very assertive when it comes to protecting not only their own freedom but also the rights and freedom of others. They have a jealous nature, though they are not particularly possessive. When a romance ends, they are more apt to suffer from a wounded ego than a broken heart. They are likely to have artistic talent, or at least great interest in art, architecture, and design.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-13 11:30     标题: 月亮落在处女座

People with the moon in Virgo have a very exacting critical influence to deal with in the life. Everything, whether conditions of flesh or spirit, goes under the microscope of this lunation. Its people are timorous and analytical of everything without distinction of importance, and fussy with the big and little things of life. They ask for perfection in everything, and put as much time and attention into a trifling task as might go into some colossal enterprise. 月亮落座处女座上会是处女座人非常挑剔. 对于生活中无论大事或鸡毛蒜皮的小事都较事多,并且要求完美

  They are never really pleased with anything, and no matter how fortunate a venture turns out to be, had it been completed in some other way, these people would have been better satisfied.
Life is always difficult with these natives and if it is not really so, they make this a fact by constant criticism and continual disruption of the physical environment. The home is never well kept or orderly enough for them, the cooking because they cannot unpack it brand-new and spotless from a hermetically sealed tin can every morning. They are cranks on every subject under the sun. Health is a “bogey” with them and under no other lunation is the Zodiac are there influences that incline people to such extremes in taking care of the health for so little reason. 他们永远不会对事物感到满意

  From under this load of constant irritation the Virgo man or the woman emerges, a quiet reserved being, thoughtful, intellectual in a cool, precise, unimaginative way, and very capable in the practical pursuits chosen by them as life work.

  Usually they are trustworthy and honorable in a small way, and always uphold the visible standards. They are not people of vast dimensions along and lines, but the quality of the mind is, in the higher type particularly, very high. By that is meant that they are capable of succeeding in mathematical work (accountancy), scientific research, medical practice and teaching in the higher branches of learning. This does not include philosophy, but it does take in history, law, and languages, or any other study the limits of which can be defined in material terms.

  This lunation does not invest the life with any of the fanciful imagery so much a part of the moon in other signs. Soberly colored by the domination of the sign Virgo, the moon makes her subject a very plain individual, full of trifling faults and many small virtues.处女座的人无论男女都属于比较安静的一类人, 爱思考, 冷静, 无想象力, 通常善于数学工作(会计), 科学研究, 药物学或教导较高的科技技能, 象历史, 法律, 语言学等.


作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-13 11:30     标题: 月亮落在天枰座

The moon in this position of the birth figure gives many indications of talent, and a fine intellectual capacity. The emotional nature is fluid, rich in the range and variety of emotional response. Several different temperaments are indicated, according to the other planetary conditions, but all of them are possible of great development.

  The judicial capacity is highly developed, but there is no ability to carry out the plans so ably formulated. These people can think very clearly, with calm open minds that never lose sight of the objective, but they are not equipped to order an active, progressive existence, particularly in the modern business world.

  The artistic talents of this group are in the field of designing, architecture, interior decorating, the fashion field and the theatre, mainly scenic and costume design, classical dancing, dramatics and theatrical direction.

  Those born with this figure in the birth chart sometimes lean toward the mental degrees, and then the lifework is in the direction of law, university instruction, governmental diplomacy, higher mathematics, or if in commerce, the luxury trades.

  The moon in this position is lavish in gifts, but the fundamental strength of which dependable characters are made is lacking, the natives of this position are more often than not morally weak. There is little backbone in this group, and they can never say no to themselves. In a way it is just as hard for them to say yes. It is seemingly impossible for them to make decisions, as both sides of a question always appear to have so much merit.

  There fore it can be seen that the moon in this position gives the artistic temperament, creative ability, a high type of mental understanding, but no executive ability, and little strength of character. The person is undependable and somewhat treacherous. Emotionally they are apt to be a puzzle. They look refined, chaste in habits and exceedingly selective. Actually they are voluptuous, deceptive in habits, with a voracious physical appetite.
  For women this position allows more latitude. If they are engaged in the arts, the temperament is considered a rightful part of their make-up, and their success or failure is based upon the amount of application and stamina used to aid them in their work. They are not domestic in the accepted sense of the word, but they naturally adore love and marriage. Usually these women are so pretty and have so much charm that marriage is a foregone conclusion. However, the instability and weaknesses of the figure sometimes order a fatalistic ending to even this ambition.

  For men the moon in Libra has many temperamental drawbacks to success. It makes them too changeable, too soft and too indeterminate. They are not sufficiently masculine or ruthless to insure success, and even when their lifework is suitable, and they are succeeding financially, their romantic experiences are often immoral and sometimes perverted. As with all lunations, there are plenty of natives leading well-ordered, normal lives, but the percentage of irregularity is found with the moon in Libra.


作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-13 11:30     标题: 月亮落在天蝎座

People born with the moon in Scorpio have great strength of character, but they are handicapped by the tremendous weaknesses of the birth figure.

  This position bring exaggerated sexual inclinations. These impulses spring from the very roots of the being and are so vicious and so strong that the native is their victim from the earliest youth throughout the life. The tendency here is a constant seeking after a new sensation, an unquenchable urge toward more indulgence and greater variety of experience. This inclination is accompanied by other indulgences, too much drinking and the ceaseless drive of emotional debauch.
  With such a configuration it is easy to understand that all through the life dangers of one kind or another would threaten the health and the career. Oddly enough, these people have strength and dependability. They are often talented and pursue their work in the life with the same intensity that they bring to their vices. For this figure makes people of no small talents, and the proportions of everything that they do reaches out into the realms of the spirit.

  Part of this lunation is a deep seeking after the occult. The physical dimensions of this world are insufficient answers to all of the questions that the moon posited in Scorpio asks of life. These natives, when approaching middle age, delve into the secret places of the soul for the answer to the riddle of life. During the youth the eternal curiosity is there, but the chase for sexual experience and the lust for life push occult experimentation into the background. When the sexual fires have been somewhat slaked, other passions come into their own.

  The excesses of this position are fully comprehended and the degrading quality well understood by the native, who is driven beyond himself by his desires, which are too strong for him to do other than satisfy. Long periods of self-abnegation and penance follow these debauches, for the subject is fully aware of just how low he has fallen.

  The reproduction of the species is naturally part of the Scorpio rule, and since the make-up of people in this astrological scheme is a determined survival, this sexual curiosity is a part of their very soul.

  For the men with this lunation is the birth scheme, there is usually a solution. If some degree of self-control is forced upon the native, of only for appearances before the outside world, his business or professional career can continue with a degree of dignity and success. A good deal of determination goes with this position, and therefore despite the unpleasant characteristics already mentioned, the native has resourcefulness and a sense of responsibility not so much to any individual or any group, but to himself. He is always determined to survive, and he owes it to himself to come out on top.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 10:46     标题: 月亮落在射手座

The moon in Sagittarius is the most intellectual luna position in the Zodiac. People with this birth figure will find themselves seeking knowledge wherever it is to be gleaned in the life. If they are the type that has found formal education beyond their financial reach, the natural impulse will be to study people and situations, and the instinctive reactions to the major problems of living will be superior to the average person’s analysis of the same situations.
  People born under a Sagittarian moon will be avid for the experiences of life, and spare themselves nothing when it comes to life’s complications. They seek intrigue, and the more difficult and daring the outline of their lives, they better they like it.

  These are very strong characters, with force, will power and the ability to execute their plans, no matter how daring. Luna Sagittarians have the greatest confidence in their own may conceive could be impractical or impossible. Frequently it is just that, for the daring of their conceptions doer not always take into consideration that most of life’s work is done along simple routine lines. However, what would be outrageous in people of other types is often quite successful when engineered by the Sagittarian type of thought. They are natural-born adventurers and gamblers, and even when of the highest type their philosophy is of the most remote and advanced school.

  They are irked by anything small, and the proportions of their interests are all large, whether in business or that other field of speculative thought that is so much a part of their existence.
They are very infectious people, and their schemes sound perfectly wonderful. They have an interesting fluent flow of speech, and no other group, with the possible exception of the luna Gemini, talks any more or any better.

  They talk so well that others are always the listeners, the learners and the buyers. They have a fine dramatic delivery, and even the simplest statements acquire importance when they deliver them. The one trouble here is that this ready speech can become gross exaggeration and very dangerous gossip.  

  Luan Sagittarians are not always so benevolent, but they are very humorous, and when they ridicule anyone, it is always to entertain a crowd at the victim’s expense.

  This birth figure produces wonderful actors. They are graceful and delightful to watch. They fill every gesture with meaning and effect. Their speech and rendition of lines is alive with charm. No other type play a part to better advantage.

  Sagittarius as a sign has always been regarded as the sportsman’s sign. Luna Sagittarians are not so much inclined to violent hazardous outdoor sport. They are great walkers, and they do go in for outdoor life, but the stress and the mind.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 10:46     标题: 月亮落在射手座

The moon in Sagittarius is the most intellectual luna position in the Zodiac. People with this birth figure will find themselves seeking knowledge wherever it is to be gleaned in the life. If they are the type that has found formal education beyond their financial reach, the natural impulse will be to study people and situations, and the instinctive reactions to the major problems of living will be superior to the average person’s analysis of the same situations.
  People born under a Sagittarian moon will be avid for the experiences of life, and spare themselves nothing when it comes to life’s complications. They seek intrigue, and the more difficult and daring the outline of their lives, they better they like it.

  These are very strong characters, with force, will power and the ability to execute their plans, no matter how daring. Luna Sagittarians have the greatest confidence in their own may conceive could be impractical or impossible. Frequently it is just that, for the daring of their conceptions doer not always take into consideration that most of life’s work is done along simple routine lines. However, what would be outrageous in people of other types is often quite successful when engineered by the Sagittarian type of thought. They are natural-born adventurers and gamblers, and even when of the highest type their philosophy is of the most remote and advanced school.

  They are irked by anything small, and the proportions of their interests are all large, whether in business or that other field of speculative thought that is so much a part of their existence.
They are very infectious people, and their schemes sound perfectly wonderful. They have an interesting fluent flow of speech, and no other group, with the possible exception of the luna Gemini, talks any more or any better.

  They talk so well that others are always the listeners, the learners and the buyers. They have a fine dramatic delivery, and even the simplest statements acquire importance when they deliver them. The one trouble here is that this ready speech can become gross exaggeration and very dangerous gossip.  

  Luan Sagittarians are not always so benevolent, but they are very humorous, and when they ridicule anyone, it is always to entertain a crowd at the victim’s expense.

  This birth figure produces wonderful actors. They are graceful and delightful to watch. They fill every gesture with meaning and effect. Their speech and rendition of lines is alive with charm. No other type play a part to better advantage.

  Sagittarius as a sign has always been regarded as the sportsman’s sign. Luna Sagittarians are not so much inclined to violent hazardous outdoor sport. They are great walkers, and they do go in for outdoor life, but the stress and the mind.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 10:47     标题: 月亮落在摩羯座

The sign of Capricorn is not a sympathetic abode for the delicate, variable, sensitive, imaginative nature of the moon. But, moving in her chartered course in and out of the signs, she comes to rest, as she comes to rest, as she must in Capricorn.

  Capricorn is cold, solitary, remote, repressed and obsessed. The people with this figure in the birth chart usually have a guiding thought, a mental mission, or an obsession, that often takes them their entire life to accomplish, whether for good of evil. If the other planets in the birth figure happen to be strongly favored by benign aspects, this “complex” may turn out to be a beneficial influence. But, even if this were not the case, the mental make-up of the Capricorn lunation would force some manifestation of the native’s determined obsession. 冷淡, 孤立, 抑制的人

  The entire temperament bestowed by this luna vibration is grim, repellent and solitary. The native has intelligence, force, strength, both of mind and body, but the qualities that go to make up a social human being, happily adjusted to the life, are completely absent. The native is selfish and covetous, a prey to the inward passions that we have all been taught to ease from our consciousness. They criticize others without mercy, but envy them the very qualities that they revile. With this aspect the luna vibrations for evil are much stronger than the solar forces of the same quality.

  People having this type of lunation are very strong-minded, so that it is never weakness that fosters their evil spirit, but lively malefic, self-seeking ambitions, backed by a keen brain always on the lookout for victory at someone else’s expense. 有野心, 爱胜利, 强烈追求自己想要的

  It is the strength of this position that makes it so dangerous. Of a weak man chooses to do wrong, he may be caught in the act, or his plans may fail for lack of power. Any number of things may happen to the project before it is fulfilled, but when a strong, clever person decides to do evil, his plot has the benefit of robust construction. Down through history many of the world’s famous tyrants as well as reformers had this lunation of the moon posited in Capricorn. There is in the make-up of all these people, however much they may have differed in purpose, a similar point of view and quality of thought. This is somewhat fanatical, and always so introspective that the subject is bound up in his own conception of right. Those of the group not concerned with a moral value, but concentrating on personal gain, will be just as blind to the errors involved by this point of view. It is not unusual for this type of complete personal concentration to evolve a genius.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 10:49     标题: 月亮落在水瓶座

The position of the moon in this sign is one of the best of the twelve. It is described in this superlative way for the following reasons:

  The moon, naturally variable in influence, has considerable stability in this sign. The lack of heart and frigidity apparent in several of the other luna figures is quite absent in the lunation from Aquarius. The force dispensed from this urge is warm, humane and stimulating.

  People with this lunation in the natal chart are apt to be very intelligent, evenly-balanced people with a happy, optimistic quality of thought. They are full of ideas, and lave more ability to put their thoughts into active practice than people of any of the other intellectual positions of this sort (with the possible exception of the moon in Sagittarius). 聪慧, 平衡, 乐观的想法.

  These people are tolerant, perceptive, humane in their impulses toward mankind, and always willing to give more than they get. They have no petty selfishness and no small jealousies. They give themselves whole-heartedly to any service that they undertake, and they are usually not only capable but inventive. A plan of action or scheme of endeavor under the management of this type of person frequently benefits from their practical improvements. The high types of this group make wonderfully rounded persons. They have, in addition to the more universal virtues already mentioned, pleasant, kindly dispositions in private or domestic life. The less exalted type of luna Aquarian is good-natured and easy-going, but lacks the ability and strength of purpose found in the noble type.

  The negative variety of luna Aquarian is sometimes very eccentric, and encourages great unconventionality in the domestic life. For the rest, the existence is purposeless, and all of the noble accomplishment so current in the life of Aquarians is dissipated in idle activities with “arty” groups. 有时候有些古怪, 造成生活中的不便.

  Aquarians in the highest meaning of the term are public characters. Professional men, scholars, teachers, ministers, and specialists in any department serving humanity. They are tolerant, diplomatic, helpful to others in their own field, and ideal workers at whatever holds their intellectual interests. Sometimes this position produces a genius, but such a condition requires rather more personal “wire-pulling” than the moon in Aquarius signifies. By this is meant that the native will give of himself to his cause so unstintingly that of self-aggrandizement is to be gained, it must come as a result of outside recognition rather than as the outcome of any stimulation brought on by the native.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-7-14 10:50     标题: 月亮落在双鱼座

This figure in the birth chart creates a great many problems in the life for its natives.
The position is highly occult, and fills the spirit with vain, indefinable longings. The spirit reaches out toward realms unknown, and the whole intelligence is withdrawn from the physical of this world, or even the higher planes of the intellect. The person scarcely knows what he or she really seeks. Nothing is this life measures up to their dreams, and possessions have no value. They are weary of the struggle for existence, and any aspiration, no matter how impossible of attainment gives them the chance to stretch the wings of the spirit. 较多自负, 没定义的神秘想法

  On the other hand, life in this world has its own insistence, and the will to live struggles with the luna Piscean’s desire for death.

  The average person with this configuration in the natal scheme does not experience anything so definite in the way of a call from the beyond. Rather, natives become bored with the regular routine of life, and seek sensational outlets for their depressed nerves, and enervated spirit. For the character that is not strong, this is dangerous. Eager, simple minds have too often through uncontrolled morbid curiosity sought solace and stimulation for the spirit, and ended up a slave to the drug habit, or to the spiritualistic mediums.

  Even for the average daily routine, this planetary influence is not helpful. The natives are uncertain in all the gestures of life. Indecision is the keynote of the character. They are diffident, negative and vacillating, and stubbornly work against any practical judgments they are forced to make by the natural duties of life. Everything must, in order to please them, have a touch of the ideal. They are usually disappointed with the outcome of anything they tackle, for the end could never measure up to their ideals. It never occurs to them that part of their disappointment is founded on their inability to accomplish any task simply or correctly. This type of person choose the hard way to do everything, and gets little systematic practice in any field of work. They do not apply themselves consistently, even though they are patient and docile in disposition. 容易选择最难的路去做事情, 且无系统性的做事情.

  Naturally this temperament unrestricted runs natives into a great deal of unhappiness. They become melancholy, brooding and oversensitive, and while they sit viewing life as they would like it to be, the procession marches on without them.

  Natives in this group are very talented. They are artistic, and love and understand beauty. They are creative, responsive and intuitive, and have a soulful poetic type of ability when expressing themselves in the artistic fields. They can succeed as writers, musicians, poets, artists and designers. They fit in very well in the theatrical business, in fact in all branches of the arts, provided they can stimulate enough energy and fixity of purpose to succeed. 能胜任写作, 音乐, 诗歌,设计等工作

  The personal lives of people born with this figure in the birth chart are apt to have a large proportion of self-sacrifice, loneliness and renunciation in the life’s experience. Pisces is the sign of tears, sorrow and isolation. This fact, coupled with the natives’ natural desire for “sainthood” or martyrdom often works toward a demonstration of just this condition in the life. Sometimes these people turn to work in the prisons, and use their highly-developed intuitive faculties for the purpose of criminal investigation. Sometimes they use their deep human sympathies for criminal and prison reform.


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