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标题: 10月23日英语故事:The Monkey King and the Water Demon [打印本页]

作者: 星期一    时间: 2010-10-22 23:34     标题: 10月23日英语故事:The Monkey King and the Water Demon

read the story carefully and then translate the phrases which are marked in red or write down what you get from the story to gain the score. 试着翻译红色的部分或者发表自己的看法.

The Monkey King and the Water Demon

  Once upon a time, far away in a deep forest, therewas a nation of 80,000 monkeys. They had a king who was unusually large, as big as a fawn. He was not only big in body, he was also 'large in mind'. After all, he was the godhisatta ' the Enlightenment Being.

  One day, he advised his monkey nation by saying,"My subjects, there are poisonous fruits in this deep forest, and ponds possessed by demons. So if you see any unusual fruit or unknown pond, do not eat or drink until you ask me first." Paying close attention to their wise king, all the monkeys agreed to follow his advice.
  某天,他经过深思熟虑之后对他的臣民们说:"我的子民们,在这个森林的深处长着一些有毒的果子,并且那里的水塘也被魔鬼控制住了。所以如果你们看到任何以前从未见过的果子或未知的水塘,在问过我之前不要吃这些果子或是饮用这些塘水。" 所有的猴子都很认真的听他们睿智的国王的讲话并且承诺听从他的忠告。

  Later on, they came to an unknown pond. Even though they were all tired out and thirsty from searching for food, no one would drink without first asking the monkey king. So they sat in the trees and on the ground around the pond.

  When he arrived, the monkey king asked them, "Did anyone drink the water?" They replied, "No, your majesty, we followed your instructions." He said, "Well done."
    当国王到达的时候,他问他的臣民们:"你们喝了池塘里的水了吗?" 猴子们回答: “没有阿,我伟大的王,我们完全遵照您的教导。" 国王说: “ 很好"

  Then he walked along the bank, around the pond.He examined the footprints of the animals that had gone into the water, and saw that none came out again! So here alized this pond must be possessed by a water demon. He said to the 80,000 monkeys, "This pond is possessed bya water demon. Do not anybody go into it."

After a little while, the water demon saw that none of the monkeys went into the water to drink. So he rose out of the middle of the pond, taking the shape of a frightening monster. He had a big blue belly, a white face with bulging green eyes, and red claws and feet. He said,"Why are you just sitting around? Come into the pond and drink at once!"

The monkey king said to the horrible monster, "Are you the water demon who owns this pond?" "Yes, I am,"said he. "Do you eat whoever goes into the water?" askedthe king. "Yes, I do," he answered, "including even birds.I eat them all. And when you are forced by your thirst to come into the pond and drink, I will enjoy eating you, the biggest monkey, most of all!" He grinned, and saliva dripped down his hairy chin.
  猴子国王问这个可怕的妖怪:"你就是统治这个池塘的水妖?"妖怪回答:"是的,我就是阿。""无论是谁,只要走进了池塘,你就会吃掉他吗?" 国王又问。 “ 是的,"妖怪回答,"甚止包括那些小鸟们,我都把他们吃光了。当你因为口渴而不得不过来喝水的时候,我也会吃掉你的,你这个最大的猴子,我要吃光你们全部!"他张口大笑,口水顺着他多毛的下巴往下流。

  But the monkey king with the well trained mind remained calm. He said, "I will not let you eat me or a single one of my followers. And yet, we will drink all the water we want!" The water demon grunted, "Impossible! How will you do that?" The monkey king replied, "Each one of the 80,000 of us will drink using bamboo shoots as straws. And you will not be able to touch us!"
    但是国王受过良好训练的大脑依然保持着冷静。他说:"我不会让你吃掉我或是我的任何一个臣民。可是,我们依然能喝到所有我们需要的水!" 水怪轻蔑的哼道,"不可能!你怎么可能喝到水?"猴子国王回答:"我们8万只猴子的每一个都将象用麦杆喝水一样用竹子从池塘中吸水。你永远也别想碰到我们!"

  Of course, anyone who has seen bamboo knows there is a difficulty. Bamboo grows in sections, one after another, with a knot between each one. Any one sectionis too small, so the demon could grab the monkey, pull him under and gobble him up. But the knots make it impossible to sip through more than one section.


The monkey king was very special, and that is why so many followed him. In the past, he had practiced goodness and trained his mind with such effort and attention, that he had developed very fine qualities of mind. This is why he was said to be 'large in mind', not because he simply had a 'big brain'.
    猴子国王毕竟是与众不同的,这也是他为甚么会有这么多追随者的原因。在过去,通过神的教导和他自己努力的,用心的训练,他拥有了一颗非常聪明的脑袋.这就是他为甚么被称为头脑发达的原因。这可不是因为他真的是有一个简单的“ 大"脑。

The Enlightenment Being was able to keep these fine qualities in his mind, and produce a very unlikely event --a miracle. First, he took a young bamboo shoot, blew through it to make the knots disappear, and used it to sip water from the pond. Then, amazing as it may sound, he waved his hand and all the bamboo growing around that one pond lost their knots. They became a new kind of bamboo.

Then, all his 80,000 followers picked bamboo shoots and easily drank their fill from the pond. The water demon could not believe his green eyes. Grumbling to himself, he slid back under the surface, leaving only gurgling bubbles behind.

The moral is: "Test the water before jumping in."
作者: w517565244    时间: 2010-10-23 16:34

作者: 扬雪娃娃    时间: 2010-10-23 17:54

作者: davy10    时间: 2010-10-24 04:34

作者: Jasove2000    时间: 2010-10-24 11:15

Test the water before jumping in
作者: clays    时间: 2010-10-24 11:37

作者: kinglongyy    时间: 2010-10-25 09:11

Of course, anyone who has seen bamboo knows there is a difficulty. Bamboo grows in sections, one after another, with a knot between each one.
作者: namebaobao    时间: 2010-10-25 10:04

作者: 陶鸿    时间: 2010-10-25 13:23

回复 1# 星期一

作者: 水寒    时间: 2010-10-26 11:18

作者: float    时间: 2010-10-26 14:51

作者: vicen777    时间: 2012-6-18 11:20


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