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标题: MeeGo设备副总:MeeGo还没Go,我已经决定要先Go了 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2010-10-7 10:17     标题: MeeGo设备副总:MeeGo还没Go,我已经决定要先Go了

Nokia最近人事异动不断,现任总裁亲口证实,负责MeeGo设备的副总Ari Jaaksi上周决定离职了,虽然Nokia的发言人表示,MeeGo的产品终端仍将如期在2010年底正式推出,不过Nokia高层近期的大换血,在前执行长Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo与行动解决方案总裁Anssi Vanjoki,到这位产品副总相继离去,到底是Nokia可以借此翻身的开始,或是连开国元老们都已经看不下去Nokia长期的萎靡不振?

当然Nokia也聘请了前Palm的Peter Skillman担当MeeGo用户体验部门领导人头衔的大任,不过Jaaksi选在MeeGo终端将要正式上市的前夕离开,其中的原因值得玩味,一些分析师认为应该是与两人之间对用户界面的理念不同有关,但两人不说,谁也不知。不过另一项令人担心的(如果你还够在乎Nokia的话。),Mobile-Review的Eldar Murtazin在测试过首款MeeGo手机N9后,他认为N9在硬件方面已经近乎完美,但是软件方面似乎不够成熟。

看在Nokia想要借新一代的操作系统重返北美市场,同个时间点需要面对一样破釜沈舟、整合Xbox Live的WP7,加上已经卡位成功的iPhone、Android以及独步商务市场的RIM,MeeGo可能有一场硬仗要打了!

作者: kobe    时间: 2010-10-7 10:18

The VP in charge of Nokia's MeeGo Devices has resigned. Ari Jaaksi confirmed to Finland's Talous Sanomat that he resigned last week. According to a Nokia spokesman his departure does not affect MeeGo's rollout schedule which had called for a first device to be delivered before the end of 2010. We've confirmed this with Nokia as well, who tells us that an "update on MeeGo" (note the wiggle room in that phrase) will be announced before the end of the year.

In case you're keeping track, Jaaksi's departure follows the high-profile exits of Nokia's former CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo (replaced by Stephen Elop) and the head of Nokia Mobile Solutions, Anssi Vanjoki. Notably, Nokia's MeeGo team picked up Palm's Peter Skillman as the head of MeeGo User Experience and Services during the same period.

It's also worth noting that just yesterday Mobile-Review's Eldar Murtazin said that Nokia's N9 hardware is "near perfect" but the MeeGo software build is "not so good at the moment." Given all this, we can't see how Nokia could possibly ship its first MeeGo handset -- a device Nokia hopes to position against the iPhone 4 and best Android handsets in the US -- in 2010, do you?

[Thanks, JJ Ehto]

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