An "emergency bra" has been created by a Ukrainian scientist Elena Bodnar that can be turned into a facemask to protect against lethal chemical attacks or biological hazards.
日前乌克兰科学家艾莲娜-鲍德纳发明了一款“紧急内衣”,该内衣可在紧急情况下变成面具,以阻挡有毒生化气体的侵袭。 [attach]5471[/attach]
资料图:女性两用内衣 紧急情况可当防毒面具
The garment can be separated into two and converted into two face masks - one for the wearer, and for a needy by-stander - or onlooker.
据了解,该款内衣可以被拆成两部分,一部分给内衣主人使用,另一部分则可用来帮助有需要的旁观者。 [attach]5472[/attach]
资料图:女性两用内衣 紧急情况可当防毒面具
According to the inventor, it doesn't matter what your cup size is either as the masks are fully-adjustable to give the same level of protection.
艾莲娜说,任何罩杯都有此功能,因为面具可以调节大小,以提供同样有效的保护。 [attach]5473[/attach]