____________________________________The special force of thousands of soldiers and police were operated with helicopters, armored cars and assault vans. The minister of defense said they would target about 100 gang leaders who’d left the cities because of government raids. El Salvador has one of the highest murder rates in the world. ______________________________________这支武装精良的部队由数千名特种队员和警察组成,配备有直升机、装甲车和突击车等装备.萨尔瓦多防长表示,他们的目标是100多名黑帮头目,这些人在政府的追缴下从城市逃到了农村.萨尔瓦多是世界上谋杀事件最频繁的国家之一.
The government of El Salvador says it's deploying a new heavily-armed unit to fight the country's notorious gangs which is starting operating in rural areas.