From Washington, this is VOA news. I'm Dave DeForest reporting. The pope celebrates mass in Cuba: Speaking to tens of thousands in Havana's Revolutionary Square, Pope Francis warned Cubans on the dangers of ideology. Francis will travel to the cities of Holguin and Santiago during his visit with plans to hold Mass and meet with catholic clergy in both cities before departing for the United States._________________________ 以下来自VOA新闻华盛顿,我是Dave DeForest. 教皇在古巴主持弥撒:教皇方济各在哈瓦那革命广场向成千上万教众布道,警告古巴人民小心意识形态的危险.方济各此次计划出访奥尔金省和圣地亚哥省,在当地举行弥撒,并与两省天主教教士会面,之后他将离开古巴前往美国._________________________