______________________________________________________________Witnesses say General Adolphe Nshimirimana died when his vehicle was attacked in the capital Bujumbura. Burundi has seen months of unrest over Mr.Nkurunziza's seeking and winning a third term in office and the European Union has called the killing a dangerous escalation. It is widely thought General Nshinirimana retained a powerful security role after his removal of Head of Burundi's Intelligence Network. ____________________________________________________________事情发生在首都布琼布拉,目击者称阿道夫?尼什米尼马纳上将因车辆遇袭死亡。恩库伦齐扎竞选总统并获得三连任以来,布隆迪局势数月内一度动荡,欧盟表示枪杀将令局势更加恶化。外界普遍认为虽然恩库伦齐扎从布隆迪情报网退位,却仍手握实权。