其实,就是了解句型,现在学英语大多都觉得难,大多主要都是不了解词性的变化,其实,只要记得句型,就变得简单了。例如:stop to do sth.(停下来做某事)I stop to talk. stop doing sth.(停止做某事)I stop talking.把语法点放进去,就变得容易多了,掌握句型很重要,当然也少不了平时的阅读以及对英语的热忱。虽然我不算高人,但希望能帮助你掌握它。
In fact, you can find the answer out in our website, which you expect . For an instance, you can try to learn some basic words and sentences. After that, you may see some English film and try to follow the actors. There are really many ways which can lead to the success.