Ghanaian farmers who do not send their cocoa beans to Ivory Coast are urging the government to stop competing farmers from doing so. James is one of those farmers pressuring the government to stop the smuggling. "Ghana is our country. We use the cocoa to pay our men, to build our hospitals and all kinds of roads. If we don't stop them, our country is going to go down," said James. 没有将可可豆卖到科特迪瓦的加纳农民催促政府禁止农民的走私行为. James是劝说政府禁止走私的农民之一. James 说:"加纳是我们的祖国,我们将可可豆用之于民,修建医院和各种道路.如果我们不阻止他们,我们的国家将荡然无存." __________________________