___________________________.Clinton is in a New York hospital after doctors discovered the clot while performing a follow-up exam for a concussion she suffered earlier this month. A spokesman said the secretary is being treated with medicine to break up the clot.克林顿因本月早些时候的脑震荡在接受病情复查时被查出患有血凝块,之后住进了这家位于纽约的医院.一名发言人表示,国务卿正在接受药物治疗以消除凝块. Multiple bombings in Iraq have killed 10 people and wounded more than 40. The deadliest attack today happened in Mussayib, south of Baghdad, where bomb blasts killed seven people. There was a car bombing in Hillah, and other attacks targeted the northern city of Kirkuk. Officials say some of the bombings were aimed at the government officials, some at Shi'ites.伊拉克发生多起炸弹袭击,10人死亡,40余人受伤,其中巴格达南部的穆萨伊卜所受袭击最为严重,造成7人死亡.希拉地区遭汽车炸弹袭击,另外,北部城市吉尔库尔遭受多次袭击.官员表示,一些袭击的目标是政府官员,还有一些则是针对叶什派的.