例句-1:We like our boss Mr. Lee a lot better than the old one. The best thing about him is that he gives everybody a fair shake - he gives us all a chance to compete for promotion and he treats every man and woman on the staff with respect.
例句-2:After we talked, she finally agreed that she ran the red light and her insurance company says it will pay for repairing my car. That was fair enough. You know, she impresses me as a very nice girl, and I'm meeting her for lunch Friday.
Fair game就是由于正当理由而成为追踪,袭击或耻笑的对象。假如说某一个城市的市长被发现和一件贪污受贿的丑闻有牵连,当地的人可能就会告诉你: The mayor became fair game for the media after he was found to be involved in a bribery scandal, 这是说:在市长被发现和贪污丑闻有牵连后,他就成了媒体集中报道的对象。
例句-3:My uncle ran for state governor so he was fair game for the press. The reporters dug back into his past and printed things about him that happened way back in childhood. But they found nothing that looked too bad and he did get elected.