MICHAEL TWERY: "They found that men can experience up to a three-fold increased risk of stroke, and that risk seemed to be well correlated with the severity of sleep apnea."
MICHAEL TWERY:“研究人员发现,这些睡眠窒息症患者中风的风险提高了三倍。而且这种风险似乎与睡眠窒息症的严重程度紧密相联。”
(1)________________________________The next step will involve sleep apnea patients who have already had a stroke or heart attack. Researchers will study whether patients can reduce the risk of a second one with a machine called a CPAP. CPAP is continuous positive airway pressure. It provides a continuous flow of air into the throat and lungs while the person sleeps.
Sleep apnea seems to be more common in men than in women, and it becomes more common as people get older. (2)________________________. People who have it are often overweight or have it in their family, but it can affect anyone. In children, for example, enlarged tonsils in the throat can interfere with breathing as they sleep.