Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Feel what it is to be you
Have the courage to feel. Feeling connects you with who you
Experience your own authentic feelings. There's nothing to
be gained by hiding from your feelings or borrowing the
feelings of others.
Your feelings will ask much of you. In return, they give you
access to immense power that can be directed toward positive
and meaningful purpose.
If you run from your true feelings, you will just end up
making them stronger. And they will eventually catch up to
you anyway.
Acknowledge your feelings, dive into them and explore their
rich abundance. Certainly you will find some pain there, and
yet if you are honest you will also find much joy.
Your capacity to feel opens the door to a whole universe of
magnificent possibilities. In each moment, feel what it is
to be you, and you'll work your way toward the best you can