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Everyone knows women love shopping - especially at this time of year. But according to a new survey women spend eight months of their lifetime bargain-hunting. The study surveyed 4,000 women and found the average woman will wander around stores for at least 20 minutes each shopping trip. And with most women making a trip to the shops eight times a month, that means two hours and 40 minutes is whiled away looking for that perfect item of clothing. The nationwide study of women aged 18 to 45 quizzed them on their shopping habits and spends.
Four in ten admitted they liked the thrill of bagging a bargain whilst 29% felt guilty spending money on themselves. Almost half (45 per cent) said they try to avoid ever paying full price for something, and 50 per cent said they never buy anything on at least two of their eight shopping sprees a month.Two thirds of women later regret buying something when they return home of which 60 per cent realise their new purchase does not actually fit properly, 40 per cent convince themselves they don’t like it and one in six find it cheaper elsewhere. A quarter of women also said they make up excuses to justify the amount they have spent at the shops.
"Women have a good eye for a deal, enjoying the thrill of getting something at a discounted price. Yet despite making savings, they still feel guilty and use excuses to try to justify their purchase to their husband or boyfriend." We're seeing a response to the weather-related delivery problems for online shopping, with an increase in free deliveries or free upgrades to next day delivery.
有专家分析:“女人爱购物是天性使然,她们特别喜欢减价的东西,但是她们并不是“十恶不赦”。呵呵,她们买了东西后还是能感到愧疚感,会向丈夫或者男朋友撒撒娇什么的。”今年英国遭遇百年一遇的寒冬,因为怕冷人们都懒得外出购物。另一种程度上又促进了“网购”的生意,聪明的商家了解到 “爱占小便宜”女性的购物心理后,大打“免费快递”旗号,希望能吸引到一批又一批的疯狂消费者
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