想说就说(四)—23:section 5: communication problems on the phone
Hello, can I speak to Mark Wyatt, please?
I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very clearly, could you say that again, please?
Does Mark Wyatt work there?
Mark Wyatt? I’m sorry, the line is terrible, could you spell that for me, please?
W-Y-A-T-T, Mark Wyatt.
W-Y-A-T-T, got it. I haven’t heard the name, could you hold the line when I check?
No problem.
I can’t hear you very clearly.
I can hardly hear you.
I can barely hear you.
Could you say that again, please?
Could you repeat that, please?
Could you speak up a little, please?
I’m sorry, the line is terrible.
Sorry, this connection is terrible.
Sorry, this is a really bad line.
Sorry, I can’t hear you clearly.
Could you spell that for me, please?
Would you mind spelling that for me?
Could I double check out this, right?
Could I just check out this correct?
I can’t hear you clearly.
I can hardly hear you.
Say that again, please?
Could you speak up a little, please?
Does Mark Wyatt work there?
This line is terrible.
The line is dead.
Could you spell that for me, please?
Have I got, right?
Got it?