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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  Summit of South American-Arab Nations 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1081 李武军 2011-7-2 18:26
  Senators Aim to Avoid Delays Over Bush's Court Nominees 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1563 李武军 2011-7-2 18:26
  What Happened to Life of Promise for NY Bomb Suspect? 李武军 2011-7-3 0/1786 李武军 2011-7-3 07:29
  Oil Spill Spreads Fears Along US Gulf Coast 李武军 2011-7-3 0/1519 李武军 2011-7-3 07:29
  After French and Dutch Reject E.U. Constitution, What Now? 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1210 李武军 2011-7-2 18:25
  Palestinian, Indonesian and Afghan Leaders Visit President Bush 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1230 李武军 2011-7-2 18:25
  VOA慢速英语2011.07.06 Rebecca949 2011-7-6 0/1327 Rebecca949 2011-7-6 16:10
  Wealthy Nations Consider Canceling Debt of Poor Ones 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1263 李武军 2011-7-2 18:24
  Trial by Jury and What It Meant in the Michael Jackson Case 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1376 李武军 2011-7-2 18:24
  Six Months After the Tsunami: A Progress Report 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1397 李武军 2011-7-2 18:24
  President Bush Speaks to the American People About Iraq 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1419 李武军 2011-7-2 18:23
  Reporter Jailed for Not Telling Who Identified C.I.A. Officer 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1194 李武军 2011-7-2 18:23
  Egyptian Man Questioned About London Bombings 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1277 李武军 2011-7-2 18:22
  Senate Prepares to Consider Supreme Court Nomination 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1444 李武军 2011-7-2 18:22
  Major Labor Unions Leave the A.F.L.-C.I.O. 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1690 李武军 2011-7-2 18:21
  Two New Leaders Take Office in the Middle East 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1277 李武军 2011-7-2 18:21
  Cheating Investigated in UN Oil-for-Food Program in Iraq 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1272 李武军 2011-7-2 18:46
  Election Roundup 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1177 李武军 2011-7-2 18:46
  Poor Nations Get G8 Promise of 20 Billion Toward Food Security 李武军 2011-7-4 0/939 李武军 2011-7-4 08:56
  Top Stories of 2004 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1355 李武军 2011-7-2 17:45
  Missing Explosives in Iraq 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1309 李武军 2011-7-2 18:45
  Bush Proposes Temporary Worker Program 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1440 李武军 2011-7-2 17:44
  Bush Describes Second-Term Goals 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1342 李武军 2011-7-2 18:45
  Summit of the Americas 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1290 李武军 2011-7-2 17:44
  Yasser Arafat Buried 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1271 李武军 2011-7-2 18:44
  State of the Union 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1533 李武军 2011-7-2 17:43
  Condoleezza Rice Nominated as Secretary of State 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1289 李武军 2011-7-2 18:44
  Chief Weapons Inspector Report on Iraq Weapons 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1356 李武军 2011-7-2 17:43
  Ukraine's Presidential Election 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1001 李武军 2011-7-2 18:44
  Pakistani Nuclear Scientist Pardoned 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1229 李武军 2011-7-2 17:43
  United Nations Reform Plan 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1359 李武军 2011-7-2 18:43
  Public Urged to Ignore Afghan Candidates' Claims of Victory 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1278 李武军 2011-7-4 08:59
  Iran Looks Back at Revolution and Ahead to Elections 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1347 李武军 2011-7-2 17:42
  Update on the Democratic Republic of the Congo 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1178 李武军 2011-7-2 18:43
  Haiti's Political Crisis 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1291 李武军 2011-7-2 17:42