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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » 【每日英语谚语】


[ 2575 主题 / 9623 回复 ]

版块介绍: Brevity is wit, and proverb is full of wit,try to master the proverb,enjoy your life.

版主: dragon520

TingRoom论坛 每日英语区 学分奖励规则:

① 每日英语包括【每日音乐欣赏】【每日英语听写】【每日英语口语】【每日英语美文】【每日英语翻译】【每日英语谚语】【每日英语笑话】【每日英语故事】【每日英语评论】九个板块。版主每天对应各板块更新一则主题,任何会员可参与答题。

② 每个版块的当日学习帖回帖第一名(即沙发奖),可得到15个学分的奖励。其回帖内容必须是有意义的回复。

③ 其余参与回帖的会员,各版主会根据回复质量给予5-10个学分不等的奖励。

④ 违规内容或纯表情,纯数字,恶意灌水等行为会根据情况扣掉2-5个学分。
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  [9-1]谚语 The end justifies the means kobe 2016-9-2 1/848 kobe 2016-9-2 17:43
  [9-2]谚语 The eye is bigger than the belly kobe 2016-9-2 1/1109 kobe 2016-9-2 17:44
  [9-8]谚语 A little pot is soon hot kobe 2016-9-8 1/1223 kobe 2016-9-8 23:44
  [9-9]谚语 A man becomes learned by asking questions. kobe 2016-9-8 1/1318 kobe 2016-9-8 23:45
  [9-9]East or west, home is best. kobe 2016-9-9 1/1514 kobe 2016-9-9 08:22
  [9-12]谚语 Fear is often greater than the danger. kobe 2016-9-12 1/901 kobe 2016-9-12 06:49
  [9-13]谚语Curiosity killed the cat. kobe 2016-9-13 1/1206 kobe 2016-9-13 08:27
  [9-14]谚语 Be swift to hear, slow to speak. kobe 2016-9-14 1/883 kobe 2016-9-14 07:21
  [9-15]谚语 A wise head makes a close mouth kobe 2016-9-17 1/1173 kobe 2016-9-17 18:25
  [9-16]谚语 Strike the iron while it is hot. kobe 2016-9-17 1/908 kobe 2016-9-17 18:27
  [9-17]谚语 Teach others by your example. kobe 2016-9-17 1/1129 kobe 2016-9-17 18:28
  [9-18]谚语 The danger past and God forgotten. kobe 2016-9-17 1/1046 kobe 2016-9-17 18:29
  [9-19]谚语 Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. kobe 2016-9-19 1/1140 kobe 2016-9-19 23:47
  [9-20]谚语 He dances well to whom fortune pipes kobe 2016-9-19 1/1146 kobe 2016-9-19 23:48
  [9-21]谚语 He is a wise man who speaks little. kobe 2016-9-21 1/1118 kobe 2016-9-21 08:23
  [9-26]谚语 A ragged coat may cover an honest man. kobe 2016-9-26 1/1118 kobe 2016-9-26 08:07
  [9-27]谚语 Beauty lies in the love's eyes kobe 2016-9-27 1/923 kobe 2016-9-27 07:46
  谚语 Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. kobe 2016-10-5 1/2156 kobe 2016-10-5 11:28
  英语谚语 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. kobe 2016-10-5 1/1135 kobe 2016-10-5 11:30
  英语谚语 A discontented man knows not where to sit easy. kobe 2016-10-5 1/1379 kobe 2016-10-5 11:32
  10-9 谚语 :A clear conscience is a soft pillow. kobe 2016-10-9 1/853 kobe 2016-10-9 07:56
  10.12 谚语 Cry with one eye and laugh with the other. kobe 2016-10-12 1/1049 kobe 2016-10-12 09:54
  英语谚语:All things are difficult before they are easy. kobe 2016-10-14 1/1408 kobe 2016-10-14 08:09
  英语谚语 A hedge between keeps friendship green kobe 2016-10-17 1/1355 kobe 2016-10-17 08:09
  谚语 Happy is he who owes nothing. kobe 2016-10-20 1/1225 kobe 2016-10-20 10:31
  谚语 He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first. kobe 2016-10-20 1/940 kobe 2016-10-20 10:32
  谚语 Adversity is a good discipline. kobe 2016-10-24 1/2076 kobe 2016-10-24 08:15
  英语谚语 Every shoe fits not every foot. kobe 2016-10-24 1/1441 kobe 2016-10-24 08:16
  谚语 Comfort is better than pride kobe 2016-10-25 1/1247 kobe 2016-10-25 08:13
  谚语 A friend is never known till a man has need kobe 2016-11-1 1/1469 kobe 2016-11-1 15:08
  谚语 Handsome is he who does handsomely. kobe 2016-11-3 1/1102 kobe 2016-11-3 08:34
  英语名言 A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is... kobe 2016-11-3 1/1369 kobe 2016-11-3 08:36
  谚语 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. kobe 2016-11-7 1/1284 kobe 2016-11-7 00:56
  谚语 The world is but a little place, after all. kobe 2016-11-14 1/1518 kobe 2016-11-14 00:45
  谚语 Time lost cannot be won again. kobe 2016-11-14 1/1590 kobe 2016-11-14 00:47