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当前位置:英语听力论坛 » 【每日英语谚语】


[ 2575 主题 / 9623 回复 ]

版块介绍: Brevity is wit, and proverb is full of wit,try to master the proverb,enjoy your life.

版主: dragon520

TingRoom论坛 每日英语区 学分奖励规则:

① 每日英语包括【每日音乐欣赏】【每日英语听写】【每日英语口语】【每日英语美文】【每日英语翻译】【每日英语谚语】【每日英语笑话】【每日英语故事】【每日英语评论】九个板块。版主每天对应各板块更新一则主题,任何会员可参与答题。

② 每个版块的当日学习帖回帖第一名(即沙发奖),可得到15个学分的奖励。其回帖内容必须是有意义的回复。

③ 其余参与回帖的会员,各版主会根据回复质量给予5-10个学分不等的奖励。

④ 违规内容或纯表情,纯数字,恶意灌水等行为会根据情况扣掉2-5个学分。
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  [7-13]谚语 A faithful friend is hard to find. kobe 2016-7-13 1/1292 kobe 2016-7-13 08:08
  [7-18]谚语 All things are difficult before they are easy. kobe 2016-7-19 1/1250 kobe 2016-7-19 07:45
  [7-19]谚语 A good medicine tastes bitter. kobe 2016-7-20 1/1150 kobe 2016-7-20 07:35
  [7-21]谚语 Harmony brings wealth kobe 2016-7-21 1/1243 kobe 2016-7-21 08:33
  [7-22]谚语 Better ask twice than lose you way once. kobe 2016-7-22 1/995 kobe 2016-7-22 08:43
  [7-25]谚语 One man‘s fault is other man‘s lesson kobe 2016-7-25 1/1019 kobe 2016-7-25 08:20
  [7-27]谚语 A full cup must be carried steadily. kobe 2016-7-27 1/1387 kobe 2016-7-27 08:29
  [7-28]谚语By the hands of many a great work made light kobe 2016-7-28 1/944 kobe 2016-7-28 07:52
  [8-1]谚语 Success belongs to the persevering kobe 2016-8-1 1/1101 kobe 2016-8-1 13:18
  [7-29]谚语 Good health is over wealth kobe 2016-8-1 1/1757 kobe 2016-8-1 13:21
  [8-02]谚语 Knowledge starts with practice kobe 2016-8-2 1/1358 kobe 2016-8-2 07:37
  [08-04]谚语 He is happy that thinks himself so kobe 2016-8-4 1/1667 kobe 2016-8-4 07:48
  [8-7]谚语 Adversity makes a man wise, not rich kobe 2016-8-7 1/1246 kobe 2016-8-7 09:54
  [8-8]谚语 Blood is thicker than water kobe 2016-8-7 1/797 kobe 2016-8-7 09:56
  [8-9]谚语 Cannot see the wood for the trees kobe 2016-8-7 1/812 kobe 2016-8-7 10:00
  [8-10]谚语 Care and diligence bring luck kobe 2016-8-7 1/820 kobe 2016-8-7 10:04
  [8-11]谚语 A hedge between keeps friendship green. kobe 2016-8-11 1/1106 kobe 2016-8-11 18:12
  [8-12]谚语 A stitch in time saves nine. kobe 2016-8-14 1/1133 kobe 2016-8-14 22:45
  [8-13]谚语 Take things as they come. kobe 2016-8-14 1/1082 kobe 2016-8-14 22:46
  [8-14]谚语 The cat shuts its eyes when stealing. kobe 2016-8-14 1/939 kobe 2016-8-14 22:47
  [8-15]谚语 The danger past and God forgotten. kobe 2016-8-14 1/893 kobe 2016-8-14 22:48
  [8-16]谚语 If you don''t aim high you will never hit high. kobe 2016-8-16 1/1319 kobe 2016-8-16 08:24
  [8-17]谚语 Know something like the palm of one''s hand kobe 2016-8-18 1/1039 kobe 2016-8-18 08:20
  [8-18]谚语 Greedy folks have long arms kobe 2016-8-21 1/1209 kobe 2016-8-21 20:42
  [8-19]谚语 Handsome is he who does handsomely kobe 2016-8-21 1/869 kobe 2016-8-21 20:43
  [8-20]谚语 Heaven never helps the man who will not act. kobe 2016-8-21 1/1063 kobe 2016-8-21 20:45
  [8-21]谚语 He who does not advance loses ground. kobe 2016-8-21 1/1357 kobe 2016-8-21 20:47
  [8-22]谚语 Honesty is the best policy. kobe 2016-8-21 1/1163 kobe 2016-8-21 20:48
  [8-23]谚语 Strike the iron while it is hot. kobe 2016-8-23 1/922 kobe 2016-8-23 23:54
  [8-24]谚语 The best hearts are always the bravest. kobe 2016-8-23 1/1345 kobe 2016-8-23 23:59
  [8-25]谚语 A full cup must be carried steadily. kobe 2016-8-25 1/1060 kobe 2016-8-25 08:07
  [8-26]谚语 The fox preys farthest from home kobe 2016-8-29 1/1561 kobe 2016-8-29 07:43
  [8-29]谚语 The more noble, the more humble. kobe 2016-8-29 1/982 kobe 2016-8-29 07:44
  [8-30]谚语 A fair death honours the whole life. kobe 2016-8-31 1/1261 kobe 2016-8-31 19:47
  [8-31]谚语 Courtesy costs nothing. kobe 2016-8-31 1/1436 kobe 2016-8-31 23:27