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[ 2575 主题 / 9623 回复 ]

版块介绍: Brevity is wit, and proverb is full of wit,try to master the proverb,enjoy your life.

版主: dragon520

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  3月10日谚语:Touch pitch, and you will be defiled. jiang0720 2011-3-10 3/1721 507013899 2011-4-23 21:26
  3月23英语谚语:He who hesitates is lost. 帖子被加分 Lelyn 2011-3-22 4/1379 byzhangyang 2011-4-23 21:29
  3月22日英语谚语:A gloved cat catches no mice. 图片附件 1 级热门 精华 1 MarcoHoo 2011-3-21 11/4783 byzhangyang 2011-4-23 21:56
  3月9日谚语:Never try to prove what nobody doubts 1 级热门 帖子被加分 youxiaxiaolala 2011-3-9 8/2612 byzhangyang 2011-4-23 23:16
  3月19日英语谚语:A true friend is known in the day of adversity. 图片附件 ALyirenpaofu 2011-3-18 5/1566 byzhangyang 2011-4-23 23:26
  3月15日英语谚语:Adversity leads to prosperity. 图片附件 2 级热门 精华 1 MarcoHoo 2011-3-14 14/2869 byzhangyang 2011-4-23 23:31
  3月21英语谚语:One is known by company he keeps. 帖子被加分 Lelyn 2011-3-21 4/1510 byzhangyang 2011-4-23 23:40
  3月16日谚语:Every man has his hobbyhorse. 帖子被加分 jiang0720 2011-3-16 8/1834 byzhangyang 2011-4-23 23:42
  3月16日英语谚语:The pot calls the kettle black. 图片附件 1 级热门 帖子被加分 ALyirenpaofu 2011-3-16 8/1843 byzhangyang 2011-4-23 23:48
  3月16日谚语:A fox may grow gray, but never good. 帖子被加分 jiang0720 2011-3-16 7/1609 byzhangyang 2011-4-23 23:57
  3月4日谚语:You never know what you can till you try. 1 级热门 帖子被加分 jiang0720 2011-3-4 9/2130 laura6688 2011-4-24 18:29
  3月13日英语谚语:Never put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 图片附件 1 级热门 精华 1 MarcoHoo 2011-3-12 13/3395 byzhangyang 2011-4-25 09:53
  3月4日谚语:One man's fault is other man's lesson 帖子被加分 youxiaxiaolala 2011-3-6 3/1617 byzhangyang 2011-4-25 12:19
  3月9日英语谚语:There is no road to learning. 图片附件 2 级热门 精华 1  ...2 MarcoHoo 2011-3-9 21/5240 byzhangyang 2011-4-25 12:25
  3月11日英语谚语:Still water run deep. 附件 1 级热门 精华 1 MarcoHoo 2011-3-11 12/3235 laura6688 2011-4-26 08:25
  3月14日英语谚语:A word spoken is past recalling. 图片附件 2 级热门 精华 1 帖子被加分 MarcoHoo 2011-3-13 16/3791 laura6688 2011-4-26 08:27
  3月5日英语谚语:Fortune favors those who use their judgement. 图片附件 ALyirenpaofu 2011-3-5 3/1227 byzhangyang 2011-4-26 11:50
  3月8日英语谚语:The fragrance 图片附件 1 级热门 精华 1 MarcoHoo 2011-3-8 15/3497 byzhangyang 2011-4-26 11:58
  4月26日英语谚语:Do as you would be done by. dragon520 2011-4-26 9/1948 wufengyuji 2011-4-26 21:32
  4月24日英语谚语:Many hands make light work. dragon520 2011-4-24 9/1807 wufengyuji 2011-4-26 21:35
  3月15日谚语:Better late than never. 1 级热门 jiang0720 2011-3-15 11/2110 dragon520 2011-4-26 23:09
  2月28日谚语: It is no use crying over spilt milk. 帖子被加分 jiang0720 2011-2-28 4/1532 byzhangyang 2011-4-27 12:37
  2月24日谚语 A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. 1 级热门 帖子被加分 jiang0720 2011-2-24 8/1783 byzhangyang 2011-4-27 12:39
  3月4日谚语:Turn over a new leaf 1 级热门 帖子被加分 youxiaxiaolala 2011-3-4 9/1962 snowliuwei 2011-4-27 12:44
  2月25日谚语:Like tree, like fruit. 1 级热门 帖子被加分 jiang0720 2011-2-25 11/1961 kuangye678 2011-4-27 18:45
  4月25日英语谚语:Content is better than riches. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-4-25 10/1819 kuangye678 2011-4-27 18:46
  3月17日谚语:He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight. 图片附件 帖子被加分 ALyirenpaofu 2011-3-16 6/1632 laura6688 2011-4-30 08:09
  3月6日 Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot 1 级热门 帖子被加分 kobe 2011-3-6 7/1799 kuangye678 2011-4-30 19:40
  3月16日谚语:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 1 级热门 jiang0720 2011-3-16 7/1616 何玲梅 2011-4-30 22:55
  5月1日英语谚语:Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. dragon520 2011-5-1 9/3395 bonnieju 2011-5-4 11:21
  4月29日英语谚语:A light heart lives long. dragon520 2011-4-29 9/2080 bonnieju 2011-5-4 11:27
  4月28日英语谚语:A little body often harbors a great soul. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-4-28 12/2132 bonnieju 2011-5-4 11:29
  5月3日英语谚语:Like and like make good friends. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-5-3 14/2516 sallybanana 2011-5-11 09:40
  3月18日英语谚语:The good seaman is known in bad weather. 附件 2 级热门 帖子被加分 ALyirenpaofu 2011-3-17 10/1883 laura6688 2011-5-12 16:40
  3月4日英语谚语:Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. 图片附件 2 级热门 精华 1 MarcoHoo 2011-3-4 14/4451 sallybanana 2011-5-13 09:38