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[ 2575 主题 / 9623 回复 ]

版块介绍: Brevity is wit, and proverb is full of wit,try to master the proverb,enjoy your life.

版主: dragon520

TingRoom论坛 每日英语区 学分奖励规则:

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  what mean? "All good things must come to an end." 1 级热门 帖子被加分 youxiaxiaolala 2010-11-16 12/4068 huxiuyue 2010-12-20 10:39
  2012年3月27日谚语:Discretion is the better part of valour. 评价指数 1 1 级热门 dragon520 2012-3-27 8/2332 AllenHL 2012-8-2 20:10
  4月16日英语谚语:Whatever things are true. 图片附件 评价指数 1 1 级热门 精华 1 MarcoHoo 2011-4-15 10/3129 byzhangyang 2011-4-22 14:50
  每日英语谚语:一日之计在于晨。 1 级热门 sophy_5288 2011-8-15 8/3673 sunnyraintsk 2011-9-20 15:19
  8.29 a saw 评价指数 1 1 级热门 帖子被加分 vanna 2010-8-29 7/1987 51persistence 2010-10-24 13:16
  每日英语谚语:Every heart has its own sorrow.各人有各人的苦恼。 图片附件 1 级热门 sophy_5288 2011-9-26 9/3216 sophy_5288 2012-4-27 13:36
  每日英语谚语:Genius is nothing but labor and diligence 1 级热门 sophy_5288 2012-3-24 13/4416 sophy_5288 2012-3-31 11:01
  每日英语谚语:Fields have eyes, and woods have ears 评价指数 1 1 级热门 sophy_5288 2012-4-19 9/2908 sophy_5288 2012-4-20 10:39
  6月3日英语谚语:Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-6-3 9/1888 dragon520 2011-6-9 22:48
  每日英语谚语:心贪手长。 1 级热门 sophy_5288 2011-8-3 11/2644 sophy_5288 2011-8-15 09:17
  8月25日谚语:One cannot put back the clock. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-8-25 7/1835 sunnyraintsk 2011-9-20 14:07
  10月21日英语谚语:Take one thing with another. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-10-21 5/1686 wanakde 2011-10-27 22:28
  11月3日谚语:The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep. 1 级热门 jacob.lu 2010-11-3 10/3036 海诗卉 2010-11-13 21:19
  1月29日谚语: A fox may grow gray, but never good. 1 级热门 帖子被加分 yy2235 2011-1-29 9/2152 xiongyipei123 2011-2-17 19:46
  3月9日英语谚语:One hour today is worth two tomorrow. 图片附件 1 级热门 ALyirenpaofu 2011-3-9 10/2327 吉祥猪 2011-3-10 19:40
  2012年8月12日谚语:Give a lark to catch a kite. 1 级热门 dragon520 2012-8-12 6/1833 dragon520 2012-8-14 22:29
  10月21日谚语:No living man all things can 1 级热门 星期一 2010-10-20 10/2391 davy10 2010-10-25 01:21
  5月22日英语谚语:step to the gallows 1 级热门 帖子被加分 snowmen 2010-5-22 10/3065 Romey 2010-11-14 10:31
  5月20日英语谚语:Don‘t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-5-20 10/2122 SugerDaisy 2011-6-21 01:31
  11月10日英语谚语:A friend is never known till a man has need. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-11-10 8/1792 Bree 2011-11-14 20:22
  8月15日谚语:Politeness costs nothing and gains everything. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-8-15 8/3143 sunnyraintsk 2011-9-20 14:48
  5月30日英语谚语:Take things as they come. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-5-30 9/2084 zora 2011-6-5 20:12
  2月4日谚语:The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel 1 级热门 帖子被加分 youxiaxiaolala 2011-2-3 4/2430 laura6688 2011-2-10 21:20
  3月3日英语谚语:Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 1 级热门 帖子被加分 ALyirenpaofu 2011-3-3 6/1712 leenyao 2011-3-6 11:31
  2012年2月15日谚语:Use a book as a bee does flowers. 1 级热门 dragon520 2012-2-15 6/1802 mapleleaf 2012-2-16 09:15
  2012年4月1日谚语:Read not books alone, but men. 1 级热门 dragon520 2012-4-2 7/1746 nickluna 2012-4-4 22:11
  5月24日英语谚语:Time and tide wait for no man. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-5-24 11/2219 衰女胞 2011-5-31 14:16
  7月10日英语谚语:If your ears glow, someone is talking of you. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-7-10 7/1891 sunnyraintsk 2011-9-20 10:22
  11月5日谚语:One man's meat is another man's poison. 1 级热门 youxiaxiaolala 2010-11-5 11/3070 lucylxx7921 2010-11-8 09:41
  11月5日英语谚语: Take the rough with the smooth. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-11-5 8/1584 jiujiu4 2011-11-14 18:42
  11月19日英语谚语:The mountain has brought forth a mouse. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-11-19 8/1970 laura6688 2011-11-21 17:28
  12月6日谚语:A good beginning is half done. 1 级热门 macp 2010-12-6 11/3049 lucyhm 2011-1-9 18:52
  2月26日英语谚语:No way is impossible to courage. 1 级热门 MarcoHoo 2011-2-26 6/1771 yy2235 2011-2-27 21:16
  元月20日谚语:Too many cooks spoil the broth. 1 级热门 帖子被加分 xiaomeixin 2011-1-20 5/1551 吉祥猪 2011-3-1 12:57
  6月6日英语谚语:It is better to fight for good than to fail at the ill. 1 级热门 dragon520 2011-6-6 6/1981 minmin1022 2011-6-10 20:17