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[ 2385 主题 / 8429 回复 ]

版块介绍: The purpose of learning a foreigh language is to express yourself freely, so try to bear all the expressions here in your mind, you will find the amazing improvement of your oral English some day.            

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  12月12日英语口语:I think you've been misled tingroom 2009-12-12 1/1757 簿子酒 2009-12-12 22:55
  12月12日习语练习:beat sb to the draw   x-ace 2009-12-12 1/1773 簿子酒 2009-12-12 22:53
  12月10日口语练习:Thank you for everything. 曾轶可 2009-12-10 1/1647 簿子酒 2009-12-10 22:36
  12月10日口语练习:妙语连珠90句超级英语(六) 密战 2009-12-10 0/1894 密战 2009-12-10 10:58
  12月10日口语练习:妙语连珠90句超级英语(五) 密战 2009-12-10 0/1626 密战 2009-12-10 10:57
  12月10日口语练习:妙语连珠90句超级英语(四) 密战 2009-12-10 0/1672 密战 2009-12-10 10:57
  12月10日口语练习:妙语连珠90句超级英语(三) 密战 2009-12-10 0/1897 密战 2009-12-10 10:55
  12月10日口语推荐:离婚怎么说? 我是蚁族 2009-12-10 0/1676 我是蚁族 2009-12-10 10:42
  12月09日口语陪练:有很多护肤的方式,用英语怎么表达? peopoo 2009-12-9 1/1629 簿子酒 2009-12-9 22:55
  12月09日习语推荐:be for the birds hellokitty 2009-12-9 0/1689 hellokitty 2009-12-9 13:17
  12月09日口语练习:I killed two hours watching TV hellokitty 2009-12-9 0/1790 hellokitty 2009-12-9 13:06
  12月8日习语练习:全速地;大规模地 华山亮剑 2009-12-8 2/1495 retun 2009-12-9 08:45
  12月8日口语练习:You have to duck down here 华山亮剑 2009-12-8 2/2072 retun 2009-12-9 08:43
  12月7日口语练习:Please go to the end of the line 密战 2009-12-7 2/1926 簿子酒 2009-12-8 23:04
  12月7日口语练习:as soft as down  柔软如绒毛 密战 2009-12-7 1/1816 chinin 2009-12-8 09:33
每日口语-------久仰! xln1120 2009-11-7 16/3095 beiju 2009-12-8 08:50
  12月7日口语练习:Aren't you ashamed of yourself 密战 2009-12-7 2/2094 hollo 2009-12-8 08:46
  麦兜经典中英文对白 chinin 2009-12-5 0/1715 chinin 2009-12-5 15:15
  口语常用语推荐:a stone's throw 一箭之遥 x-ace 2009-12-5 1/1935 簿子酒 2009-12-5 10:36
  12月5日英语口语推荐:Let me give you a piece of advice x-ace 2009-12-5 1/2140 簿子酒 2009-12-5 10:35
  英语口语经典句子:Would you like to play golf with me 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 2/2328 簿子酒 2009-12-4 22:10
  英语口语经典句子:I'd like to request a song 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 2/2324 簿子酒 2009-12-4 21:21
  我来分享口语练习之一:Tom really turns me on hellokitty 2009-12-3 2/2013 簿子酒 2009-12-4 21:19
  英语经典口语:That person is in my way 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 2/1965 peopoo 2009-12-4 16:16
  英语经典口语:Can I talk to you for a minute? 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 2/2173 peopoo 2009-12-4 16:13
  英语经典口语:I wish it had never happened. 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 2/2129 peopoo 2009-12-4 16:11
  英语经典口语:When is it convenient for you? 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 2/3029 peopoo 2009-12-4 16:10
  12月4日经典口语分享:The sun really did a number on my face x-ace 2009-12-4 2/2011 华山亮剑 2009-12-4 15:40
  英语口语经典句子:Do you have any tickets for the concert 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 1/1802 簿子酒 2009-12-3 17:12
  英语口语经典句子:What kind of snacks should we have 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 0/1646 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 13:25
  英语口语练习:Watch out! Don't play with that thing hellokitty 2009-12-3 0/1656 hellokitty 2009-12-3 13:22
  常见英语口语练习:Let me give you a piece of advice. hellokitty 2009-12-3 0/2126 hellokitty 2009-12-3 13:20
  常用英语口语分享:Why are you doing that hellokitty 2009-12-3 0/1477 hellokitty 2009-12-3 13:19
  当前非常流行的100句话,看看你知道多少? x-ace 2009-12-3 0/1789 x-ace 2009-12-3 08:36
  12月2日英语口语练习:别告诉我你改主意了 x-ace 2009-12-2 1/1886 簿子酒 2009-12-2 12:26