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[ 2385 主题 / 8429 回复 ]

版块介绍: The purpose of learning a foreigh language is to express yourself freely, so try to bear all the expressions here in your mind, you will find the amazing improvement of your oral English some day.            

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  最cool美语 莎莎dawn 2011-8-6 2/1606 S.k.y-1n 2011-8-8 07:05
  美剧高频口语 评价指数 1 莎莎dawn 2011-8-1 4/2240 时尚岛01 2011-8-18 16:02
  每日英语名言:Well begun is half done sophy_5288 2011-7-30 2/1722 sophy_5288 2011-8-1 09:44
  每日英语名言.读书如择友,宜少且宜精。 sophy_5288 2011-7-29 3/2549 sunnyraintsk 2011-8-20 20:26
  每日英语名言:身体健壮就有希望,有了希望就有了一切。 sophy_5288 2011-7-27 5/2794 sunny萝卜 2011-7-29 16:23
  每日英语名言:Don't try to hard··· sophy_5288 2011-7-22 4/2950 sophy_5288 2011-7-26 09:05
  英语达人解密提高口语水平秘诀 kerryme 2011-7-20 1/1810 captinjack 2011-8-7 22:55
  a little conversation between mum and child 评价指数 1 1 级热门 帖子被加分 SugerDaisy 2011-7-15 12/3180 hoyongqi 2011-9-7 01:53
  Eating more roughage 健康出粮 Part 1 莎莎dawn 2011-7-12 1/1891 captinjack 2011-8-7 22:57
  每日英语名言:Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. 1 级热门 sophy_5288 2011-7-12 12/3162 sophy_5288 2011-7-25 10:54
  每日英语名言:伤害良心,将受到良心的严惩 sophy_5288 2011-7-8 2/1719 sophy_5288 2011-7-20 10:48
  每日英语名言:知识总是从爱好开始 sophy_5288 2011-7-7 8/3005 M_CARL 2011-8-17 19:31
  每日英语谚语:世界好似一把梯,有人上去有人下。 评价指数 1 sophy_5288 2011-7-6 5/2571 sophy_5288 2011-8-18 09:37
  每日英语谚语:Obedience is the first duty of a soldier sophy_5288 2011-7-5 3/2483 sophy_5288 2011-7-20 10:47
  每日英语谚语:The best fish swim near the bottom. 好鱼居深渊。 sophy_5288 2011-7-4 2/3145 sophy_5288 2011-7-5 11:32
  7月4日语提高:旅馆内会话(十四) 评价指数 1 莲世界 2011-7-4 5/2350 晴子741664 2011-7-20 21:45
  每日英语谚语:智者嘴在心里,愚者心在嘴里 评价指数 1 帖子被加分 sophy_5288 2011-7-2 4/3059 sophy_5288 2011-8-19 09:33
  每日英语谚语:Dying is as natural as living. 评价指数 1 sophy_5288 2011-7-1 0/2771 sophy_5288 2011-7-1 09:12
  每日英语谚语:A picture is a poem without words. sophy_5288 2011-6-30 0/1405 sophy_5288 2011-6-30 09:13
  每日英语谚语:Whatever you do, do with all your might。 评价指数 1 sophy_5288 2011-6-29 3/2839 35283408 2011-7-1 10:01
  每日英语名言:Without learning, without eyes. sophy_5288 2011-6-28 4/2761 sophy_5288 2011-9-26 10:05
  每日英语名言:Learning is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruit. sophy_5288 2011-6-27 0/2350 sophy_5288 2011-6-27 09:10
  Accessories--迷情配饰 Part 1 莎莎dawn 2011-6-25 5/1517 lghmhw 2011-6-27 22:54
  每日英语名言:While there is life there is hope sophy_5288 2011-6-25 4/2500 sophy_5288 2011-6-28 08:52
  每日英语名言:What's lost is lost.失者不可复得。 评价指数 1 1 级热门 sophy_5288 2011-6-24 7/3178 sophy_5288 2011-8-19 09:34
  每日英语名言:Between friends all is common. sophy_5288 2011-6-23 8/3062 sophy_5288 2011-7-1 09:18
  每日英语谚语:It is by acts and not by ideas that people live. sophy_5288 2011-6-22 4/2997 sophy_5288 2011-6-23 09:04
  5月网络热词中英对照 kuangye678 2011-6-21 2/1675 Erikadyn 2011-6-22 23:01
  每日英语谚语:From small beginning come great things. 2 级热门 sophy_5288 2011-6-21 8/3985 YPJ 2012-5-29 09:43
  Famous Brands---钟爱打牌 part 2 1 级热门 莎莎dawn 2011-6-20 10/3154 103101 2011-6-23 13:10
  每日英语谚语:A man without money is no man at all sophy_5288 2011-6-20 5/3514 35283408 2011-7-1 10:00
  英语谚语: The day is short but the work is much. sophy_5288 2011-6-18 4/2924 sophy_5288 2011-6-21 09:16
  英语名言:Children are the parents' riches sophy_5288 2011-6-17 2/2122 sophy_5288 2011-6-21 09:17
  英语名言:Two wrongs do not make a right. 1 级热门 sophy_5288 2011-6-16 7/3118 sophy_5288 2011-6-21 09:13
  每日英语名言:A man apt to promise is apt to forget 2 级热门 sophy_5288 2011-6-15 12/4462 YPJ 2012-5-30 22:29