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[ 1994 主题 / 5847 回复 ]

版块介绍: Reading daily jokes you could not only learn English but also could understand the foreigner's humor.What are you waiting for ?Come on to relax yourself now!

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
第一次,第二次,第三次 xln1120 2009-11-8 1/3686 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:17
I'm a bachelor 我是个单身汉 xln1120 2009-11-7 1/1805 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:19
  The New Baby 新宝宝 x-ace 2009-10-15 1/1875 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:23
  Very Pleased to Meet You 很兴奋熟悉你 Tuesday2 2009-9-12 1/2262 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:26
  the second question Thursday4 2009-9-21 1/2122 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:27
  每日英语笑话 x-ace 2009-9-28 1/1785 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:31
  [9-12]每日一笑 再喂他几枚五分镍币 kobe 2013-9-12 1/1286 kobe 2013-9-12 07:52
  Pig or Witch x-ace 2009-11-23 1/1645 簿子酒 2009-11-23 12:44
  4月3日英语笑话:god's number tomson 2010-4-3 1/1865 haojunchensuper 2010-4-3 18:29
  4月2日英语笑话:when to depart xifan 2010-4-2 1/1666 mike.wan 2010-4-5 09:22
  The King‘s Brother 帖子被加分 星期一 2010-4-23 1/2041 聂小杰23264 2010-5-13 11:40
  Mental deficiency (智力缺陷) 帖子被加分 星期一 2010-5-13 1/1736 Emily_l 2010-5-15 13:03
  Hiking Money ni456ya 2010-6-28 1/1616 星期一 2010-6-28 11:23
  Diplomatic way 帖子被加分 governor1 2010-7-6 1/1955 KingG0101 2010-7-8 18:02
  I hung him up to dry 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2010-12-8 1/2107 mangoling 2010-12-10 11:18
  瞌睡者 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2010-11-23 1/1711 yy2235 2010-12-15 15:23
  A drinker darling10 2011-1-3 1/1250 xiaomeixin 2011-1-3 13:06
  funny story early-bird 2011-1-2 1/1198 kinglongyy 2011-1-3 15:28
  I replace your pig early-bird 2011-1-2 1/1197 kinglongyy 2011-1-3 15:30
  Selling The Horse early-bird 2011-1-2 1/1167 kinglongyy 2011-1-3 15:33
  Choice early-bird 2011-1-6 1/1180 yy2235 2011-1-6 14:38
  2011-01-05 每日笑话:Why Does the Dog Watch Me Eat? 帖子被加分 early-bird 2011-1-5 1/1474 tingroom 2011-1-7 10:07
  Who Is Talking xln1120 2009-5-22 1/2308 chenxiao 2011-1-11 18:58
  男女有别 xln1120 2009-5-21 1/1855 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:00
  Three Jokes xln1120 2009-5-8 1/2083 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:03
  Some Progress xln1120 2009-5-5 1/2058 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:07
  校园幽默四则 xln1120 2009-4-25 1/1973 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:10
  High and Low Voice xln1120 2009-4-28 1/2186 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:13
  To Go to Heaven xln1120 2009-4-26 1/2261 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:17
  Please stop howling xln1120 2009-5-12 1/2229 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:18
  I Wasn't Asleep xln1120 2009-6-15 1/2000 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:24
  1月6日笑口常开:Advice for "Kid" lkjj 2010-1-6 1/1804 chenxiao 2011-1-12 00:02
  元月22日笑话:Much Worse yy2235 2011-1-22 1/1066 royim 2011-1-22 18:49
  翻译也疯狂! 好球好球 2011-1-31 1/1089 云舟一念 2011-2-8 09:38
英语笑话11月20日-Important thing for doctor 附件 觉醒ing 2011-11-20 1/1887 李武军 2011-11-21 08:48