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[ 1994 主题 / 5847 回复 ]

版块介绍: Reading daily jokes you could not only learn English but also could understand the foreigner's humor.What are you waiting for ?Come on to relax yourself now!

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  2011-01-05 每日笑话:Business? 帖子被加分 early-bird 2011-1-5 2/1586 kobe 2011-1-8 23:55
  2011-01-08 每日笑话:Easy or Not 方便与否 yy2235 2011-1-8 2/1556 robert1986 2011-1-11 14:21
  Your horse called (你的马打电话来了) xln1120 2009-4-1 2/2436 chenxiao 2011-1-11 18:00
  Five Hundred Times( 五百遍) xln1120 2009-4-2 2/2442 chenxiao 2011-1-11 18:05
  Hunting Skills(打猎的技巧) 4月5日 yoyo530521 2009-4-5 2/2781 chenxiao 2011-1-11 18:07
That day, passing wenchong456 2013-7-22 2/1342 kobe 2013-7-22 23:12
  Life after death xln1120 2009-5-9 2/2288 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:04
  Problem with gas xln1120 2009-5-23 2/2011 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:05
  I Am Not Wrong xln1120 2009-5-2 2/2392 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:12
A smart housewife x-ace 2009-10-31 2/1834 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:29
  1月7日笑话分享:女儿创造的财富 beiju 2010-1-7 2/2407 chenxiao 2011-1-11 23:55
  Sharing the Apples 帖子被加分 yy2235 2011-1-17 2/2203 yo1 2011-1-19 12:49
  元月20日笑话:Talking on the Telephone yy2235 2011-1-20 2/1420 yy2235 2011-1-20 10:22
  if you drink alcohol, you will not have worms. AllenHL 2012-6-26 2/1657 leyla 2012-6-26 17:27
Mother's intuition 单词达人 2012-6-28 2/1534 单词达人 2012-6-29 16:14
  2012年7月5日笑话:God isn't deaf. AllenHL 2012-7-5 2/1750 leyla 2012-7-9 19:56
英语笑话12月1日-Kangaroos and the cage(袋鼠和笼子) 觉醒ing 2011-11-29 2/1773 觉醒ing 2011-12-7 16:26
  健忘的老太 leenyao 2011-3-30 2/1702 leenyao 2011-3-30 18:20
  蚂蚁和大象 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2011-3-25 2/2282 zhuzi_xa 2011-4-3 17:57
  好客 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2011-3-25 2/1515 曾宝玉 2011-4-12 21:13
  雨伞 The Umbrella zhoujiazui741 2011-4-16 2/1485 dragon520 2011-4-18 17:41
  知道"Family"这个单词的含义吗? maggieqiu 2011-4-21 2/1416 dragon520 2011-4-21 16:38
  3月25日笑话:Imitation jiang0720 2011-3-25 2/1442 tingroom 2011-4-23 16:55
  New vet(新手兽医) yy2235 2011-5-8 2/1509 陈秀玲 2011-5-9 18:57
  Press bell kuangye678 2011-5-12 2/1488 kuangye678 2011-5-13 14:47
  失眠症 Insomnia 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2011-5-12 2/2181 dragon520 2011-5-14 22:42
  难圆婚姻梦The Dilemma of the Ideal Partner 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2011-5-12 2/2594 陈秀玲 2011-5-15 22:44
  Not Necessary To Answer kuangye678 2011-5-16 2/1322 陈秀玲 2011-5-16 21:06
  牛X学生气跑老师 zhoujiazui741 2011-5-20 2/1695 陈秀玲 2011-5-20 23:49
  幽默的主管与下属 xln1120 2009-4-24 2/2403 zhizhi120 2012-8-6 20:14
  我就知道 I knew that! 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2011-5-25 2/1537 xiaomeixin 2011-5-26 15:38
  2012年8月31日笑话:I wasn't dead 我还没死 AllenHL 2012-9-10 2/1861 zhizhi120 2012-9-11 22:47
  元月25日笑话:Very stupid robbers yy2235 2011-1-25 2/1588 hohoxu_hao115 2011-12-20 14:05
  2012年8月29日笑话:An Ugly Woman 丑女 AllenHL 2012-9-10 2/1715 潮牛 2012-10-14 20:36
  The poor husband kuangye678 2011-5-29 2/1170 呆了 2011-5-31 16:39