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  Gaza Flotilla Determined to Sail Despite Setbacks 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1195 李武军 2011-7-9 18:30
  Gaza Flotilla Determined to Sail Despite Setbacks 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1337 李武军 2011-7-9 18:30
  Fast-Growing Internet Communities Share Human Milk 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1547 李武军 2011-7-9 18:29
  Young Navajos Leave Reservation for Jobs 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1402 李武军 2011-7-9 18:29
  Oregon Advertising Studio Tracks Fukushima Radiation 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1680 李武军 2011-7-9 18:29
  Giant Robots Do Battle in Action-Packed 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1530 李武军 2011-7-9 18:28
  Yellowstone River Spill Raises Pipeline Safety Concerns 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1124 李武军 2011-7-9 18:28
  Koreans Ecstatic Pyeongchang Will Host 2018 Winter Olympics 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1015 李武军 2011-7-9 18:27
  Study: Early CT Scans Increase Lung Cancer Survival Rates 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1361 李武军 2011-7-9 18:26
  Doctors Achieve Milestone Using Artificial Heart With No Beat 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1580 李武军 2011-7-9 18:26
  Blue Note Jazz Club Turns 30 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1215 李武军 2011-7-9 18:25
  South Sudan Puts on Dress Rehearsal for Independence 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1162 李武军 2011-7-9 18:25
  Half a Million Syrians Protest in Hama 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1078 李武军 2011-7-9 18:24
  White House: June Jobs Numbers 'Disappointing' 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1027 李武军 2011-7-9 18:22
  Some Fatty Foods Trigger Natural High 李武军 2011-7-9 0/1428 李武军 2011-7-9 18:21
  Tens of Thousands Jam Cairo's Main Square Demanding Reforms 李武军 2011-7-9 0/811 李武军 2011-7-9 18:21
  VOA慢速英语2011.07.08 Rebecca949 2011-7-8 0/1058 Rebecca949 2011-7-8 08:58
  Growing Drug Violence Shakes Mexico, Threatens to Spill Into US 李武军 2011-7-4 1/1402 ddkkyyg 2011-7-7 15:06
  Obama Presses Case for Health Care Reform 李武军 2011-7-4 2/1270 李武军 2011-7-7 15:02
  VOA慢速英语2011.07.07 Rebecca949 2011-7-7 0/1211 Rebecca949 2011-7-7 09:42
  VOA慢速英语2011.07.06 Rebecca949 2011-7-6 0/1328 Rebecca949 2011-7-6 16:10
  A Second Term for Karzai; US Jobless Rate at 10.2 李武军 2011-7-4 1/1499 李武军 2011-7-6 13:58
  VOA慢速英语2011.07.05 Rebecca949 2011-7-5 0/1447 Rebecca949 2011-7-5 11:34
  VOA慢速英语2011.07.04(1) 评价指数 1 Rebecca949 2011-7-4 1/1898 fangnan 2011-7-4 13:18
  Obama, Faced With Two Wars, Wins Peace Prize 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1181 李武军 2011-7-4 09:03
  Crime Labs in US Come Under a Microscope 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1116 李武军 2011-7-4 09:02
  Sotomayor Likely to Gain Seat on US High Court 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1284 李武军 2011-7-4 09:02
  Health Reform Fight Heats Up in Washington 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1260 李武军 2011-7-4 09:01
  Faster Swimming Sinks High-Tech Speed Suits 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1100 李武军 2011-7-4 09:01
  Waiting for Next Move With North Korea 李武军 2011-7-4 0/946 李武军 2011-7-4 09:00
  Eunice Kennedy Shriver: Tireless Activist for the Mentally Disabled 李武军 2011-7-4 0/944 李武军 2011-7-4 09:00
  Public Urged to Ignore Afghan Candidates' Claims of Victory 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1282 李武军 2011-7-4 08:59
  Japan's Next Leader, Promising Change, Gets Ready to Take Office 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1402 李武军 2011-7-4 08:57
  G20 Leaders Talk About Economy -- and Iran 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1438 李武军 2011-7-4 08:57
  Obama Replaces Bush's Missile Defense Plan 李武军 2011-7-4 0/1321 李武军 2011-7-4 08:56